以下是引用bbcat在2007-4-18 12:59:00的发言: please refer to the timeline of all the posts before saying anything that will slap on your own face. 1. Although I didn't have as much time as you to follow every posts about this issue and defend yourself, I did have a piciture of what happend. 2. In the posts those people opened including this one, you were constantly there and kept posing anoying words the same way as Dharma and drag this trivial discussion to extreme. What exactly do you want? Yes, she attacked and you attacked back. you don't agree with Dharma and don't like her attitude. Everyone got the message. Do you want this nonsense endless personal-attack posts to pollute this board? 3. Besides an active involver of discussion, a BANZHU should behave more rational and tries to calm down the out-of-control situation. You did the opposite. Look at your reply. Gosh. I got to say where is the difference between Dharma and you? Anybody who disagree with you deserves "slap on the face" as if you are the absolute RIGHT. I am writing this not for you but for the atmosphere of 心有千千结. My sincere advise to you, let it go.
以下是引用ecoc在2007-4-18 14:45:00的发言: 1. Although I didn't have as much time as you to follow every posts about this issue and defend yourself, I did have a piciture of what happend. 2. In the posts those people opened including this one, you were constantly there and kept posing anoying words the same way as Dharma and drag this trivial discussion to extreme. What exactly do you want? Yes, she attacked and you attacked back. you don't agree with Dharma and don't like her attitude. Everyone got the message. Do you want this nonsense endless personal-attack posts to pollute this board? 3. Besides an active involver of discussion, a BANZHU should behave more rational and tries to calm down the out-of-control situation. You did the opposite. Look at your reply. Gosh. I got to say where is the difference between Dharma and you? Anybody who disagree with you deserves "slap on the face" as if you are the absolute RIGHT. I am writing this not for you but for the atmosphere of 心有千千结. My sincere advise to you, let it go. the discussion has ended a few days, now it's you that want to incite it again. It's YOU that won't LET IT GO. I can't stop people saying anything about her, just like I won't stop you saying anything about me. Don't blame me for reply. You have your rights to express your opinion and I have mine. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-18 15:37:16编辑过]
wow, we've got a saint here. oh wait a second,,,,,aren't you behaving as if you are the absolute RIGHT too? what do you want exactly...the good atmosphere of 心有千千结? oh please, 心有千千结 has always been doing good on its own. There always have been people who "threat" to leave. But to tell the truth, they changed nothing. Actually, i would say the leaving of those people really made this board a better place. Sometimes heated discussion would inevitably involve some "background check". You get background check when you apply for visa, or run for US presidency. And if you hate background check, you don't apply for visa and don't run for US presidency. For the same reason, you take the risk of exposing your privacy by attending in a "heated" discussion. everyone has already let the thing go. and it was you who bumped this thread up. basically you are saying both sides were wrong, and only you are right...wow, on behalf of Dharma and bbcat and everyone who took sides, I thank you for saving our souls from hell...
以下是引用liumao在2007-4-18 15:23:00的发言: wow, we've got a saint here. oh wait a second,,,,,aren't you behaving as if you are the absolute RIGHT too? what do you want exactly...the good atmosphere of 心有千千结? oh please, 心有千千结 has always been doing good on its own. There always have been people who "threat" to leave. But to tell the truth, they changed nothing. Actually, i would say the leaving of those people really made this board a better place. Sometimes heated discussion would inevitably involve some "background check". You get background check when you apply for visa, or run for US presidency. And if you hate background check, you don't apply for visa and don't run for US presidency. For the same reason, you take the risk of exposing your privacy by attending in a "heated" discussion. everyone has already let the thing go. and it was you who bumped this thread up. basically you are saying both sides were wrong, and only you are right...wow, on behalf of Dharma and bbcat and everyone who took sides, I thank you for saving our souls from hell... 恐怖啊,以后说话要当心了
问个问题,如果这个老公没工作,没收入,他还需要付赡养费吗?这个老公行为也挺有意思的。前一个婚姻有小孩都一直long distance, 但可以为了这个婚姻就可以抛开一切。 那只能说这个mm魅力大。。。啊呀,我又妒嫉啦。。。
问个问题,如果这个老公没工作,没收入,他还需要付赡养费吗?这个老公行为也挺有意思的。前一个婚姻有小孩都一直long distance, 但可以为了这个婚姻就可以抛开一切。 呵呵,同感,我也觉得这个老公很有意思哦!为了现在的这个婚姻,不但可以为了搬到一起而辞职,也可以接受老婆介绍的完全改行的临时工作,一个50岁的男人耶! 挺神的。
呵呵,同感,我也觉得这个老公很有意思哦!为了现在的这个婚姻,不但可以为了搬到一起而辞职,也可以接受老婆介绍的完全改行的临时工作,一个50岁的男人耶! 挺神的。
惭愧惭愧! concord说的对,我错啦 mm你态度实在是太好了。
concord 魅力门槛设得低一点好不好?很想看呢
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-12 23:03:54编辑过]
btw, brenda mm的威望没设好 谢谢mm, 我改了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-13 1:38:01编辑过]
nod nod.
我一个大学同学曾经耳朵里进了蟑螂,后来只好去校医院让医生给取出来了。 我也有个大学同学耳朵里进去了蟑螂,我们不会使同学吧
我预感到小强同学在看了我上面的东西方要抓狂. 搞不好又换着马甲轮番上阵了. 对了, 别忘了女扮男装把那个BIG TIME的马甲穿上,在表演一番. 我这儿就等着看有人怎么开始撒泼了.
呵,你怎么一上来就是一副菩萨再世的口气呢. 连事情前后都没有搞清楚,就急急得下结论了. 不过,不用你担心,我的RP好得很,看看小强贴上来的LINK就知道了. 我也只能说与心灵丑陋嘴巴肮脏的小强为伍,也会遭报应的. [ 大妈的RP才不好呢。别人说话只是针对当事人,她总是攻击华人上的所有的姐妹
老大, 我很欣赏老毛的两句名言: 1. 人不犯我,我不犯人; 人若犯我, 我必犯人 2. 与天斗其乐无穷, 与人斗也是其乐无穷. 如果LZ没有又跑到心版来开这个贴重提旧话, 我也REST MY CASE. 希望她学一个教训, 不要以为在网上就可以肆无忌惮. 大妈的话只会让我想到她的字典里只有“顺我者昌,逆我者亡”这句话
俺是新世纪好少年。 最近哭死了,从中学开始大家就喊俺小三,十多年了,多可爱,亲切,好听的名字啊。现在居然成了。。。的代名词了
自己第三者,还很直言不讳地说就算那个又怎么样。 还有前几天闲话的那个指责孩子贴,自己爆那么料,还泼妇骂大街,说人是loser. 靠,什么世道这个。 倾诉吗? 找支持吗? 还是像一些犯人,让他们兴奋的是被别人抓不到,有意的show给别人看? 我有个朋友是搞社会心理分析的,我说要不你把华人上的心理归纳,整理下。她说那不能做为博士论文,因为没有解决办法。你说他们是什么心理呢? 听不得不同意见,就不要贴。你说你在这里贴恶心别人,有些不分香丑的人叫好吆喝,但是,总还是有人能够明理的吧? 顶小强,人最怕没有廉耻
今天又长见识了,说话这么mean的人,华人上还真少见。 lz可怜~~~~ 好坏不分哪
在筒子们的共同努力下,我们已经成功地把一个拍砖贴变成了一个水贴. 构建和谐社会 构建和谐社会 你。。。。。。。埃
还是那句话, 虫不犯我, 我不犯虫; 虫若犯我, 我必犯虫, 呵呵.
Haha, that's funny...
小小的那种蟑螂屋很好用的,居家常备,小强来一个死一双 没错,很有效的,又没有怪味又杀虫得力
原来小强是这个出处~~~~~~~~~~~一直以为叫小强是因为生命力最顽强 same-
这个版的斑主真是失职.一点点事情都可以骂成这样,一拨人窜上跳下开了一个贴子又一个帖子,大有不把Dhama搞臭赶出华人最好.版主在做什么?高兴着呢,再添些油吹吹风,还有两个版主呢?大概是碍于情面不好出手?以前是提倡大家多交流,现在好,人家交流的贴子被一个一个挖出来嘲笑.从年资到身材到长相, 就事论事不好吗?就算Dhama态度口气有问题, 那几个窜上跳下的ID们(又或者马甲们)的发言和行为实在也好不到哪儿去.
please refer to the timeline of all the posts before saying anything that will slap on your own face.
1. Although I didn't have as much time as you to follow every posts about this issue and defend yourself, I did have a piciture of what happend. 2. In the posts those people opened including this one, you were constantly there and kept posing anoying words the same way as Dharma and drag this trivial discussion to extreme. What exactly do you want? Yes, she attacked and you attacked back. you don't agree with Dharma and don't like her attitude. Everyone got the message. Do you want this nonsense endless personal-attack posts to pollute this board? 3. Besides an active involver of discussion, a BANZHU should behave more rational and tries to calm down the out-of-control situation. You did the opposite. Look at your reply. Gosh. I got to say where is the difference between Dharma and you? Anybody who disagree with you deserves "slap on the face" as if you are the absolute RIGHT. I am writing this not for you but for the atmosphere of 心有千千结. My sincere advise to you, let it go. the discussion has ended a few days, now it's you that want to incite it again. It's YOU that won't LET IT GO. I can't stop people saying anything about her, just like I won't stop you saying anything about me. Don't blame me for reply. You have your rights to express your opinion and I have mine.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-18 15:37:16编辑过]
wow, we've got a saint here. oh wait a second,,,,,aren't you behaving as if you are the absolute RIGHT too? what do you want exactly...the good atmosphere of 心有千千结? oh please, 心有千千结 has always been doing good on its own. There always have been people who "threat" to leave. But to tell the truth, they changed nothing. Actually, i would say the leaving of those people really made this board a better place. Sometimes heated discussion would inevitably involve some "background check". You get background check when you apply for visa, or run for US presidency. And if you hate background check, you don't apply for visa and don't run for US presidency. For the same reason, you take the risk of exposing your privacy by attending in a "heated" discussion. everyone has already let the thing go. and it was you who bumped this thread up. basically you are saying both sides were wrong, and only you are right...wow, on behalf of Dharma and bbcat and everyone who took sides, I thank you for saving our souls from hell... 恐怖啊,以后说话要当心了
哇,一早就有人通知我猫帮人不能惹. 我哪是圣人哪,我说错了还不行,