
fletton00 发表于 2024-06-06 13:13
回复 1楼 公用majia2023 的帖子


问错了吗? 学校里可能会有这类家庭带孩子,孩子回家问你这件事不是很正常么? 你现在扯东扯西就是给不出答案啊
心跳的希望 发表于 2024-06-06 12:31

哈哈,用得着这么如临大敌吗?相信自己的娃吧! 这个版上的绝大多数人小时候都成天学“只有共产党才能救中国” “社会主义好” , 高呼“我是共产主义接班人”。那又怎么样呢?长大了不都跑美帝来了,为资本主义添砖加瓦? 你既然没那么容易被洗脑,那你也相信娃吧。
我看过我们学区的资料,重点就是要大家了解有这样的人和这样的家庭存在,不要歧视,等到高年级还有性教育课,讲什么是AIDS,说的都是科普,matter of facts, 记得一段是讲载毒量,用水池和水杯做比喻让小朋友理解,我感觉是很好的科普
commom sense的缺失,是现在很多问题的根源,common sense没有了,社会不乱才怪
花海无边 发表于 2024-06-06 12:17

别的不说,有common sense的地方,至少不可能有零元购

约拿 发表于 2024-06-06 12:29


扶苏 发表于 2024-06-06 12:53
孩子问我从哪里来,你会希望小学1年级,甚至幼儿园老师科普孩子性交,怀孕,胚胎,分娩吗?not age appropriate

幼儿园、小学一年级学这些完全没问题 有专门针对这个年纪的sex education 我觉得合适。
孩子问我从哪里来,你会希望小学1年级,甚至幼儿园老师科普孩子性交,怀孕,胚胎,分娩吗?not age appropriate
扶苏 发表于 2024-06-06 12:53

你脑子就剩下性了吗? 其他答案完全不会那是你一个人的问题
花海无边 发表于 2024-06-06 13:55

人家就是问你遇到低年级娃提问,你咋回答, 很明显你根本不知道该怎么回答,所以一直在回避答案
这个是我发在自己朋友圈的关于孩子性教育的内容,大家看一下。 7年级小孩的学校下礼拜要开始为期一周的性教育课程。学校专门发了邮件要求不希望孩子上这堂课的家长签字,并且邀请家长去学校观看学习内容和视频。加州青少年的性教育在网络上一直被妖魔化,在网上被传得不堪入目:介绍各种体位,鼓励同性行为,鼓励随便变性。全是“据说”,“好像“,“估计”,“我二舅妈小学同学的前男友他大爷家那条狗说”…我今天就亲自去看看到底讲了什么。前台老师给我准备了一个小房间,放好电脑,根据第一天第二天第三天这样把视频内容排列好。第一天讲青春期孩子有什么生理上和心理上的变化。特别讲了男孩的变化,比如wet dream之类的。第二天讲小baby是怎么来的,特别讲了女孩的变化,就是例假之类的。第三天讲校园暴力,人口贩卖,谨防和陌生人传色情短讯,发自己裸照什么的。第四天讲艾滋病和性病的传播和预防。没有说性交体位,没有提同性恋,没有变性的内容。就这样。
Mediterranean 发表于 2024-06-06 12:04

湄南河畔的小熊猫 发表于 2024-06-06 14:29
这个是我发在自己朋友圈的关于孩子性教育的内容,大家看一下。 7年级小孩的学校下礼拜要开始为期一周的性教育课程。学校专门发了邮件要求不希望孩子上这堂课的家长签字,并且邀请家长去学校观看学习内容和视频。加州青少年的性教育在网络上一直被妖魔化,在网上被传得不堪入目:介绍各种体位,鼓励同性行为,鼓励随便变性。全是“据说”,“好像“,“估计”,“我二舅妈小学同学的前男友他大爷家那条狗说”…我今天就亲自去看看到底讲了什么。前台老师给我准备了一个小房间,放好电脑,根据第一天第二天第三天这样把视频内容排列好。第一天讲青春期孩子有什么生理上和心理上的变化。特别讲了男孩的变化,比如wet dream之类的。第二天讲小baby是怎么来的,特别讲了女孩的变化,就是例假之类的。第三天讲校园暴力,人口贩卖,谨防和陌生人传色情短讯,发自己裸照什么的。第四天讲艾滋病和性病的传播和预防。没有说性交体位,没有提同性恋,没有变性的内容。就这样。

扶苏 发表于 2024-06-06 11:40
参与当地的学区投票。如果你这个区蓝的不行,要么搬家,要么忍受,要么换学校或者home school。

回复 109楼 湄南河畔的小熊猫 的帖子
因为那个是2018年时候,你们加州卫生部门起草的一份稿子,稿子是在教育内部人士阅读,“Since few people will read the nearly 1,000-page draft, which unfortunately is only available in English, I am sharing below some examples that parents and educators may be especially interested in. Because the California Department of Education is inviting public comment on the draft, I urge all California residents to review the framework and provide input. The draft includes controversial teaching about sexual relations, sexual orientation and gender. In Chapter Five, Line 925, it states, “Some students may be non-monogamous and the term ‘partner(s)’ may be used to be more inclusive.” According to one resource for LGBTQ terms and definitions, recommended by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network), the polyamorous sexual orientation is defined as “the practice of, desire to, or orientation toward having consensual non-monogamous relationships (i.e. relationships that may include multiple partners). This may include open relationships, polyfidelity (which involves more than two people being in romantic and/or sexual relationships which is not open to additional partners), amongst many other set-ups.” In Chapter 3, Line 1847, the draft recommends the book Who Are You? for pre-K–3rd graders as a “guide” to develop their gender identity. This book introduces young children to the idea that gender is a spectrum. This means genders are unlimited and ever-expanding, rather than confined to two biological genders. In the book, gender is described as, “boy, girl, both, neither, trans, genderqueer, non-binary, gender fluid, transgender, gender neutral, agender, neutrois, bigender, third gender, two spirit…” In Chapter 5, Line 643, the draft introduces sexual orientations as a spectrum as well. LGBTQ+ is defined as an ever-changing spectrum with expanding concepts to include “queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, allies and alternative identities (LGBTQQIAA).” Other sexual orientations introduced in Chapter 6, Line 938 include “pansexual and polysexual.”” 来自一位加州20年从事教育工作的老师,这个网上具体的资料,你可以查到。 因为这些变动是需要征得内部人士同意或者说非常多的人反对,现在加州卫生部还是用的2016年版本的,The California Healthy Young Act 2016 ,你今天能够大谈特谈,是后面多少人斗争的结果。但是你就加州教育部门直接指出“Clarification of the law is summarized below: The law prohibits active consent for any part of comprehensive sexual health education or HIV prevention education. Passive (not active) parent/guardian notification is required for comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education, either at the beginning of the school year or at least 14 days prior to instruction. Comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education are both mandated instruction and shall occur once in middle school and once in high school. The EC defines comprehensive sexual health education as “education regarding human development and sexuality, including education on pregnancy, contraception, and STIs” and HIV prevention education as “instruction on the nature of HIV and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), methods of transmission, strategies to reduce the risk of HIV infection, and social and public health issues related to HIV and AIDS.” Abstinence may not be discussed in isolation. The EC requires that instruction and materials include information that abstinence is the only certain way to prevent HIV, other STIs, and unintended pregnancy. However, it also states: “Instruction shall provide information about the value of delaying sexual activity while also providing medically accurate information on other methods of preventing HIV and other STIs and pregnancy.” “Abstinence-only” or “Sexual Risk Avoidance Education” sex education, which offers abstinence as the only option for preventing STIs and unintended pregnancy, is not permitted in California public schools or charter schools. Instruction shall affirmatively recognize that people have different sexual orientations and, when discussing or providing examples of relationships and couples, must be inclusive of same-sex relationships. It must also teach students about gender, gender expression, and gender identity and explore the harm of negative gender stereotypes. This means that schools must teach about all sexual orientations and what being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) means. All instruction and materials must support and align with the purposes of the California Healthy Youth Act and with each other. Instruction and materials may not be in conflict with or undermine each other or any purposes of the law. For example, schools may not use materials that, in promoting abstinence, focus exclusively on the failure rates or perceived disadvantages of condoms or contraception. ” 来源:Superintendent Letter Clarifying The CHYA (CA Dept of Education) Last Reviewed: Monday, August 14, 2023 最后一个段落, may not be in conflict with undermine each other or any purposes of the law,说明斗争很激烈。
bran 发表于 2024-06-06 11:19

miaommiaomm 发表于 2024-06-06 15:08

我们这里是7年级才讲的, 小学里就是啥是家庭,如何识别sex offender,尤其是如何识别inapproriate behavior 这些,还有碰到了怎么应对。
catgoose 发表于 2024-06-06 15:03
回复 109楼 湄南河畔的小熊猫 的帖子
因为那个是2018年时候,你们加州卫生部门起草的一份稿子,稿子是在教育内部人士阅读,“Since few people will read the nearly 1,000-page draft, which unfortunately is only available in English, I am sharing below some examples that parents and educators may be especially interested in. Because the California Department of Education is inviting public comment on the draft, I urge all California residents to review the framework and provide input. The draft includes controversial teaching about sexual relations, sexual orientation and gender. In Chapter Five, Line 925, it states, “Some students may be non-monogamous and the term ‘partner(s)’ may be used to be more inclusive.” According to one resource for LGBTQ terms and definitions, recommended by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network), the polyamorous sexual orientation is defined as “the practice of, desire to, or orientation toward having consensual non-monogamous relationships (i.e. relationships that may include multiple partners). This may include open relationships, polyfidelity (which involves more than two people being in romantic and/or sexual relationships which is not open to additional partners), amongst many other set-ups.” In Chapter 3, Line 1847, the draft recommends the book Who Are You? for pre-K–3rd graders as a “guide” to develop their gender identity. This book introduces young children to the idea that gender is a spectrum. This means genders are unlimited and ever-expanding, rather than confined to two biological genders. In the book, gender is described as, “boy, girl, both, neither, trans, genderqueer, non-binary, gender fluid, transgender, gender neutral, agender, neutrois, bigender, third gender, two spirit…” In Chapter 5, Line 643, the draft introduces sexual orientations as a spectrum as well. LGBTQ+ is defined as an ever-changing spectrum with expanding concepts to include “queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, allies and alternative identities (LGBTQQIAA).” Other sexual orientations introduced in Chapter 6, Line 938 include “pansexual and polysexual.”” 来自一位加州20年从事教育工作的老师,这个网上具体的资料,你可以查到。 因为这些变动是需要征得内部人士同意或者说非常多的人反对,现在加州卫生部还是用的2016年版本的,The California Healthy Young Act 2016 ,你今天能够大谈特谈,是后面多少人斗争的结果。但是你就加州教育部门直接指出“Clarification of the law is summarized below: The law prohibits active consent for any part of comprehensive sexual health education or HIV prevention education. Passive (not active) parent/guardian notification is required for comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education, either at the beginning of the school year or at least 14 days prior to instruction. Comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education are both mandated instruction and shall occur once in middle school and once in high school. The EC defines comprehensive sexual health education as “education regarding human development and sexuality, including education on pregnancy, contraception, and STIs” and HIV prevention education as “instruction on the nature of HIV and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), methods of transmission, strategies to reduce the risk of HIV infection, and social and public health issues related to HIV and AIDS.” Abstinence may not be discussed in isolation. The EC requires that instruction and materials include information that abstinence is the only certain way to prevent HIV, other STIs, and unintended pregnancy. However, it also states: “Instruction shall provide information about the value of delaying sexual activity while also providing medically accurate information on other methods of preventing HIV and other STIs and pregnancy.” “Abstinence-only” or “Sexual Risk Avoidance Education” sex education, which offers abstinence as the only option for preventing STIs and unintended pregnancy, is not permitted in California public schools or charter schools. Instruction shall affirmatively recognize that people have different sexual orientations and, when discussing or providing examples of relationships and couples, must be inclusive of same-sex relationships. It must also teach students about gender, gender expression, and gender identity and explore the harm of negative gender stereotypes. This means that schools must teach about all sexual orientations and what being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) means. All instruction and materials must support and align with the purposes of the California Healthy Youth Act and with each other. Instruction and materials may not be in conflict with or undermine each other or any purposes of the law. For example, schools may not use materials that, in promoting abstinence, focus exclusively on the failure rates or perceived disadvantages of condoms or contraception. ” 来源:Superintendent Letter Clarifying The CHYA (CA Dept of Education) Last Reviewed: Monday, August 14, 2023

回复 10楼 pwwq 的帖子
The2ndLaw 发表于 2024-06-06 10:32
有个量和度的问题 同样的州为啥公立猛教,私立就教得少是为什么呢 西方社会的规则无非也是韭菜制

扶苏 发表于 2024-06-06 11:52

当然啊 就像图书馆也要有Asian的书,中国新年的书,dim sum的书。难道因为Asian是少数就不用讲? 至于异性恋,还需要教?对于儿童来讲,哪个绘本动画片不是宣扬异性恋?不管是小猪佩奇还是bluey主角都是一个爸一个妈
pino 发表于 2024-06-06 20:58

大多数州还是需要父母同意的。 少部分蓝州不需要。
同性恋没有问题,但是trans很可怕,因为学校会瞒着家长给娃打puberty blocker.我们做家长的真的要提前给娃讲清楚,告诉他们不要在学校乱讲!
dasiduoduo123 发表于 2024-06-07 10:06
同性恋没有问题,但是trans很可怕,因为学校会瞒着家长给娃打puberty blocker.我们做家长的真的要提前给娃讲清楚,告诉他们不要在学校乱讲!

换个说法,不孕不育 你觉得是问题么?同性恋 基本等价于不孕不育。
onenight 发表于 2024-06-07 11:24
换个说法,不孕不育 你觉得是问题么?同性恋 基本等价于不孕不育。

现在直男直女不结婚不生娃的多了去吧,反而很多同性couple 代孕或者自己生的呢,同性不等同于不孕不育啊。 娃的同学俩妈妈、家里还有妹妹,这个同学今年要上大学了都,也就是18年前就已经发生
catgoose 发表于 2024-06-06 15:03
回复 109楼 湄南河畔的小熊猫 的帖子
因为那个是2018年时候,你们加州卫生部门起草的一份稿子,稿子是在教育内部人士阅读,“Since few people will read the nearly 1,000-page draft, which unfortunately is only available in English, I am sharing below some examples that parents and educators may be especially interested in. Because the California Department of Education is inviting public comment on the draft, I urge all California residents to review the framework and provide input. The draft includes controversial teaching about sexual relations, sexual orientation and gender. In Chapter Five, Line 925, it states, “Some students may be non-monogamous and the term ‘partner(s)’ may be used to be more inclusive.” According to one resource for LGBTQ terms and definitions, recommended by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network), the polyamorous sexual orientation is defined as “the practice of, desire to, or orientation toward having consensual non-monogamous relationships (i.e. relationships that may include multiple partners). This may include open relationships, polyfidelity (which involves more than two people being in romantic and/or sexual relationships which is not open to additional partners), amongst many other set-ups.” In Chapter 3, Line 1847, the draft recommends the book Who Are You? for pre-K–3rd graders as a “guide” to develop their gender identity. This book introduces young children to the idea that gender is a spectrum. This means genders are unlimited and ever-expanding, rather than confined to two biological genders. In the book, gender is described as, “boy, girl, both, neither, trans, genderqueer, non-binary, gender fluid, transgender, gender neutral, agender, neutrois, bigender, third gender, two spirit…” In Chapter 5, Line 643, the draft introduces sexual orientations as a spectrum as well. LGBTQ+ is defined as an ever-changing spectrum with expanding concepts to include “queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, allies and alternative identities (LGBTQQIAA).” Other sexual orientations introduced in Chapter 6, Line 938 include “pansexual and polysexual.”” 来自一位加州20年从事教育工作的老师,这个网上具体的资料,你可以查到。 因为这些变动是需要征得内部人士同意或者说非常多的人反对,现在加州卫生部还是用的2016年版本的,The California Healthy Young Act 2016 ,你今天能够大谈特谈,是后面多少人斗争的结果。但是你就加州教育部门直接指出“Clarification of the law is summarized below: The law prohibits active consent for any part of comprehensive sexual health education or HIV prevention education. Passive (not active) parent/guardian notification is required for comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education, either at the beginning of the school year or at least 14 days prior to instruction. Comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education are both mandated instruction and shall occur once in middle school and once in high school. The EC defines comprehensive sexual health education as “education regarding human development and sexuality, including education on pregnancy, contraception, and STIs” and HIV prevention education as “instruction on the nature of HIV and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), methods of transmission, strategies to reduce the risk of HIV infection, and social and public health issues related to HIV and AIDS.” Abstinence may not be discussed in isolation. The EC requires that instruction and materials include information that abstinence is the only certain way to prevent HIV, other STIs, and unintended pregnancy. However, it also states: “Instruction shall provide information about the value of delaying sexual activity while also providing medically accurate information on other methods of preventing HIV and other STIs and pregnancy.” “Abstinence-only” or “Sexual Risk Avoidance Education” sex education, which offers abstinence as the only option for preventing STIs and unintended pregnancy, is not permitted in California public schools or charter schools. Instruction shall affirmatively recognize that people have different sexual orientations and, when discussing or providing examples of relationships and couples, must be inclusive of same-sex relationships. It must also teach students about gender, gender expression, and gender identity and explore the harm of negative gender stereotypes. This means that schools must teach about all sexual orientations and what being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) means. All instruction and materials must support and align with the purposes of the California Healthy Youth Act and with each other. Instruction and materials may not be in conflict with or undermine each other or any purposes of the law. For example, schools may not use materials that, in promoting abstinence, focus exclusively on the failure rates or perceived disadvantages of condoms or contraception. ” 来源:Superintendent Letter Clarifying The CHYA (CA Dept of Education) Last Reviewed: Monday, August 14, 2023 最后一个段落, may not be in conflict with undermine each other or any purposes of the law,说明斗争很激烈。

且不说我们现在是2024年,你拿8年前还在纸上的东西来反驳我,想说明什么?虽然现在加州的性教育内容可以被接受,但是教育部的本意是邪恶和偏激的? Lol. 我就问两个问题1. 对偏激和极端性教育内容发出抗议和斗争的人是不是也是加州人?2. 最后加州政府有没有听取人民群众的心声? 2018年以前我就在版上混了。对于加州性教育不满,抱怨的帖子我看了很多,从来没有一个人,从来没有一个人是分享自己的小孩在学校进行性教育的经历和内容。全部都是网上看别人说,我朋友说,我亲戚说。
mimazongwang 发表于 2024-06-07 11:33
现在直男直女不结婚不生娃的多了去吧,反而很多同性couple 代孕或者自己生的呢,同性不等同于不孕不育啊。 娃的同学俩妈妈、家里还有妹妹,这个同学今年要上大学了都,也就是18年前就已经发生

onenight 发表于 2024-06-07 13:23

我以为你担心同性恋多了影响人口增长呢… 不孕不育只对有生育需求的人才是需要治疗的啊,没需求不管是同性恋还是异性恋都不会去治疗,也不会影响正常生活。所以把同性恋等同于不孕不育逻辑说不通啊。
回复 128楼 湄南河畔的小熊猫 的帖子
美国宪法还是200年前的东西呢,法律不管什么时候制定的,说的是有效性,和成法的时间没有太大关系。美国整体法律框架是海洋法系,就是在原来的法律基础上,形成不停的补充版、不停的宣判例子来构成。所以不停的补充和修改的内容也是非常重要的。不管你什么时候在华人,来多久,和加州的性教育法律内容没有一丝逻辑关系。 我引用的,都是现在有效的,修改的、补充的或者存续沿用的就是后面多少人、家长、老师斗争的结果。你才能在这里打打口水战。整个2016的California Healthy Young Act 2016非常长,根据不同年纪来分的,每个篇幅、每个字的起草平常人看似不重要,其实每个字的运用都是涉及不同的教育理念。 真正落实到了实际的最后一层才是孩子,真正到了孩子得到的教育,就是疾到肤里,那个时候就已经很难根治。现在还在斗争阶段就是一个还可以缓冲阶段。 就像一开始先是大麻医用开放,然后就是有娱乐开放。
mimazongwang 发表于 2024-06-07 13:36
我以为你担心同性恋多了影响人口增长呢… 不孕不育只对有生育需求的人才是需要治疗的啊,没需求不管是同性恋还是异性恋都不会去治疗,也不会影响正常生活。所以把同性恋等同于不孕不育逻辑说不通啊。
