美国的问题就是开MRI和CT少,在国内比较容易开上,有了结果,拿到这边医生一看的确有问题,肯定会治疗,美国药物应该更先进的。有的老年人出现类似老痴呆症状比如糊涂健忘,可能是UTI,UTI治疗好了,就恢复原来了,也有这种情况的。 UTIs can cause sudden confusion (also known as delirium) in older people and people with dementia. If the person has a sudden and unexplained change in their behaviour, such as increased confusion, agitation, or withdrawal, this may be because of a UTI. www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/daily-living/urinary-tract-infections-utis-dementia#:~:text=UTIs%20can%20cause%20sudden%20confusion,be%20because%20of%20a%20UTI. Urinary tract infections and dementia | Alzheimer's Society (alzheimers.org.uk) Generally, once the UTI has been treated with antibiotics, the person returns to their baseline and no lasting harm is done. If you have questions or concerns about changes you are observing in your loved one, don't hesitate to reach out to us at the Alzheimer's /www.alz.org/blog/alz/october_2011/sudden_change_in_behavior_urinary_tract_infection#:~:text=Generally%2C%20once%20the%20UTI%20has,3900. 就怕某些老年人不及时看病,拖延造成不可逆? 人老了,有点事就去医生那检查检查:) 反正平常没啥事,经常穿戴整齐去医院跑一趟,对老人们来说也是一种社交了。
他们用药水平一样吗? 医疗条件?听不听医生的话,按时吃药?生活水平,感染治疗情况,有的人也不爱看医生的, 这个可能也有关系。有些病不及时去治疗好,也会造成不好后果。 There is an increasing amount of research into the link between certain infections and dementia, including herpes, pneumonia, syphilis, Lyme disease and gum disease. Research shows that dementia is more common in people who have these infections. www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/managing-the-risk-of-dementia/possible-risks-of-dementia/infections#:~:text=Can%20infections%20increase%20the%20risk,people%20who%20have%20these%20infections. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7504996/ Symptomatic bacterial infections such as pneumonia and urinary tract infections are common, and complications frequently occur among older people. One of the hallmark complications of common bacterial infections is delirium; a serious neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by acute cognitive dysfunction and inattention [12]. Delirium is strongly associated with an increased risk of subsequent cognitive decline and dementia [13–15]. Increasing evidence suggests cognitive impairment may persist for years after sepsis hospitalization [16, 17]. However, it is unclear whether there are long term effects of common infections on cognition and dementia, independent of delirium.
我说基因压倒一切是有原因的 比如我妈年轻时候脑子特别快, 退休以后打牌打麻将都是靠记牌, 很多朋友天天有社交, 经常跳舞唱歌, 牙齿从来都没有问题, 等等。她老年痴呆症状出现了。我舅舅和大姨都是70多岁开始老年痴呆的。而我爸爸生性孤僻, 除了看电视就是养花弄草, 不喜欢跟人打交道, 天天喝白酒, 以前还抽烟。他脑子清楚得很, 虽然牙齿掉得差不多了。他兄弟几个都没有老年痴呆症状, 包括90多岁的大伯。 同样的, 他们俩吃一样的东西, 我爸爸40多岁血压血脂就开始高了, 我妈现在70多了还血压血脂正常。
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这不是思考的很深 ,这是发疯了所以没办法思考,按照这个逻辑,他应该把失去行动能力的老人的亲人都杀了。因为他自己最后再累都选择照顾自己老爸,说明亲人在这种情景下没法果断选择放弃老人,一定会很纠结,那把他们都杀了就没人会纠结了。这么聪明,怎么不来*帝当警察呢,把人质都杀了,就没有人成为人质了,就解决问题了,真是大聪明,卧龙凤雏。
国内还是很保守的。我妈妈刚出现症状的时候, 我叫她赶紧在国内看病, 结果扫描以后, 医生说她大脑退化程度比同龄人低, 不需要治疗。后来在美国再看医生, 给开了长期吃的药, 虽然目的是延缓大脑退化, 但是她的症状有显著的改善。以前真的是老在家里找这找那, 打开冰箱就问我"你放哪里去了?我怎么找不到", 明明那东西就在她眼前摆着。
我舅舅和大姨都是70多岁开始老年痴呆的 我的几个伯伯都没有老年痴呆症状, 包括90多岁的大伯, 但是他们都一水儿的高血压。
美国的问题就是开MRI和CT少,在国内比较容易开上,有了结果,拿到这边医生一看的确有问题,肯定会治疗,美国药物应该更先进的。有的老年人出现类似老痴呆症状比如糊涂健忘,可能是UTI,UTI治疗好了,就恢复原来了,也有这种情况的。 UTIs can cause sudden confusion (also known as delirium) in older people and people with dementia. If the person has a sudden and unexplained change in their behaviour, such as increased confusion, agitation, or withdrawal, this may be because of a UTI. www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/daily-living/urinary-tract-infections-utis-dementia#:~:text=UTIs%20can%20cause%20sudden%20confusion,be%20because%20of%20a%20UTI. Urinary tract infections and dementia | Alzheimer's Society (alzheimers.org.uk) Generally, once the UTI has been treated with antibiotics, the person returns to their baseline and no lasting harm is done. If you have questions or concerns about changes you are observing in your loved one, don't hesitate to reach out to us at the Alzheimer's /www.alz.org/blog/alz/october_2011/sudden_change_in_behavior_urinary_tract_infection#:~:text=Generally%2C%20once%20the%20UTI%20has,3900. 就怕某些老年人不及时看病,拖延造成不可逆? 人老了,有点事就去医生那检查检查:) 反正平常没啥事,经常穿戴整齐去医院跑一趟,对老人们来说也是一种社交了。
他们用药水平一样吗? 医疗条件?听不听医生的话,按时吃药?生活水平,感染治疗情况,有的人也不爱看医生的, 这个可能也有关系。有些病不及时去治疗好,也会造成不好后果。 There is an increasing amount of research into the link between certain infections and dementia, including herpes, pneumonia, syphilis, Lyme disease and gum disease. Research shows that dementia is more common in people who have these infections. www.alzheimers.org.uk/about-dementia/managing-the-risk-of-dementia/possible-risks-of-dementia/infections#:~:text=Can%20infections%20increase%20the%20risk,people%20who%20have%20these%20infections. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7504996/ Symptomatic bacterial infections such as pneumonia and urinary tract infections are common, and complications frequently occur among older people. One of the hallmark complications of common bacterial infections is delirium; a serious neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by acute cognitive dysfunction and inattention [12]. Delirium is strongly associated with an increased risk of subsequent cognitive decline and dementia [13–15]. Increasing evidence suggests cognitive impairment may persist for years after sepsis hospitalization [16, 17]. However, it is unclear whether there are long term effects of common infections on cognition and dementia, independent of delirium.
日本自古就有传统 父母年龄大了要抱到深山里留在那里。
最近刚听的levels家cofounder出新书访谈,说现代加工食品业和医药业背后大都是insurance companies,只有让大众低质量地勉强维持寿命它们才能持续盈利。
这题我会,因为最近刚走过整个流程。Vet说是否考虑安乐要看四个标准: eating & drinking, toileting, mobility and pain。如果满足两个以上就应该考虑安乐了,不然对人对宠物都残忍。