以下是引用刘小强在2007-4-9 1:30:00的发言: http://mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/18940368.html dug really hard to locate this one. hoho Hey, you are getting REALLY serious. Don't you have a life? I don't care what you are trying to do. The more you do, the more it shows what a human being you are. Shrug ~~~ [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-9 1:57:37编辑过]
以下是引用刘小强在2007-4-9 1:25:00的发言: weewee MM, if you have to tell, there is no point of telling anyway. Some people were just wired differently. No worries. I have to tell you that some people are just bloody jealous. They can not stand to see good things happening to someone else. They think they deserve everything, and the world is not good enough for them. I pity those people, what a bunch of losers!!! [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-9 1:40:53编辑过]
以下是引用Dharma在2007-4-9 1:40:00的发言: I have to tell you that some people are just bloody jealous. They can not stand to see good things happening to someone else. They think they deserve everything, and the world is not good enough for them. I pity those people, what a bunch of losers!!! 真不明白你那点破事有啥好嫉妒的?你当大家都没见过钱?你这样的第三者,孩子的父亲又不尽抚养责任,自己夹起尾巴待着就行了,还出来showoff个什么劲儿呢,不怕羞?
第三者插足还在背后说一个孩子,你无耻的有点过分吧???那些恭喜来恭喜去的人脑子进水了?》 我怀疑你的脑子被嫉妒堵得死死的,已经透不出人气儿了吧. 还是那句话,象你这样的,RP太差,多好的事儿也轮不着你. 一辈子只能蜷缩在阴暗的角落里顾影自怜. 我还真有点同情你呢.
http://mitbbs.com/article_t/JobHunting/18940368.html dug really hard to locate this one. hoho Hey, you are getting REALLY serious. Don't you have a life? I don't care what you are trying to do. The more you do, the more it shows what a human being you are. Shrug ~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-9 1:57:37编辑过]
weewee MM, if you have to tell, there is no point of telling anyway. Some people were just wired differently. No worries. I have to tell you that some people are just bloody jealous. They can not stand to see good things happening to someone else. They think they deserve everything, and the world is not good enough for them. I pity those people, what a bunch of losers!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-9 1:40:53编辑过]
我怀疑你的脑子被嫉妒堵得死死的,已经透不出人气儿了吧. 还是那句话,象你这样的,RP太差,多好的事儿也轮不着你. 一辈子只能蜷缩在阴暗的角落里顾影自怜. 我还真有点同情你呢.
你何必这么自我感觉良好呢?一个第三者也要招人嫉妒,你也太逗了吧。我是轮不着好事儿,至少别人的老公不会扔了自己的老婆来找我。涨个1万5就高兴成这样,还自我感觉这么良好,你可真逗 我自我感觉好,和您有什么关系? 您为什么要受这么大的刺激? 您一大老爷们, 您为什么要别人老公扔了自己老婆来找您呀? 您也别在这儿受刺激,也别费心了. 我LG不是你的TYPE. 您最近捡到钱了吗? 我可以担保,您就是捡到一毛钱, 我都会替您高兴. 我可不是你这样的见不得别人好的人. 最后劝您一句,您一大老爷们,别在这儿现眼了. 说的越多,越让人瞧不起. 不仅RP差,水平也太差. 还是那句话, 象您这样的,全世界的人中了六和彩了,也轮不着您.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-9 1:57:04编辑过]
I have to tell you that some people are just bloody jealous. They can not stand to see good things happening to someone else. They think they deserve everything, and the world is not good enough for them. I pity those people, what a bunch of losers!!!
我自我感觉好,和您有什么关系? 您为什么要受这么大的刺激? 您一大老爷们, 您为什么要别人老公扔了自己老婆来找您呀? 您也别在这儿受刺激,也别费心了. 我LG不是你的TYPE. 您最近捡到钱了吗? 我可以担保,您就是捡到一毛钱, 我都会替您高兴. 我可不是你这样的见不得别人好的人. 最后劝您一句,您一大老爷们,别在这儿现眼了. 说的越多,越让人瞧不起. 不仅RP差,水平也太差. 还是那句话, 象您这样的,全世界的人中了六和彩了,也轮不着您.
我没捡钱,我靠工资吃饭,不靠六合彩,页不靠捡钱,也不挖别人墙角,也不背后责备别人的孩子。你老公当然不是我的type, 为了个第三者扔了老婆,不抚养孩子,这种type也就你这样的垃圾才deserve 至于你做的事丢人不丢人,你自己心里明白,相信这里大多数人都明白,不过可能跟你脸熟,不好意思说而已
真不明白你那点破事有啥好嫉妒的?你当大家都没见过钱?你这样的第三者,孩子的父亲又不尽抚养责任,自己夹起尾巴待着就行了,还出来showoff个什么劲儿呢,不怕羞? 呵,瞧您这话说的, 真是口气比脚气都大. 您要是没受刺激,您在这儿义愤填膺干什么呢? 我家的事儿和你有关系吗? 世界大着呢,我愿意SHOWOFF,您管得着吗? 你以为你吃几两干饭,管得了这么多事吗? 你知道什么呀,在这儿瞎起哄. 一个大老爷们,也不怕羞?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-9 3:12:55编辑过]