I don't remember we got very tired by visiting the rainforest in Puerto Rico. mint56 发表于 2023-10-15 16:51
谢谢,可能你们是自己去的,因为没车,我看参加的团,可能走的trails不一样? 这是团的广告: The difficulty level of this excursion is considered to be moderate to strenuous depending on your physical fitness level. It is very important that you are in good physical condition in order to participate and enjoy yourself. The terrain in the rainforest can be muddy, slippery, uneven and include river-wading, climbing large rocks and steep inclines. This excursion is recommended for guests with an active lifestyle. Saturday's tour is longer and more strenuous than Sunday-Friday. Please read restrictions carefully 🥾 Our sister company Island Journeys shares this message with all our guests joining us on Saturdays 🙏
还有如果是满月后的三天,是不是看到荧光的机率很小? 是不是去V岛看荧光更好?
谢谢啦。去V岛没车也好麻烦呀。行李不好办,带行李上岛很麻烦,还是租了车方便一点。 加上满月,是不是去不去都不必要纠结哪。哎,波多黎各貌似就是这个湖最有名。 那个雨林Trip有建议吗?
奥我以为你说v岛上租车。 我们是租了车,停在ferry的爬车厂行李在里面,就带了一天的衣物过的岛,上了v岛就是打车了,很便宜。 我们是接近满月去的,当时最想去的就是荧光海滩,想着怎么也要看一下,看不到以后再说。 雨林带好雨衣。我们挺喜欢的,看到绿蜗牛,五彩的鸟。全国各地的植物园都有室内的热带植物馆吧,那里就是个巨大的室外馆,还动不动一场大雨。雨后的“山洪”也很震撼。 对了,不知道现在还要不要reserve entry,mm去官网上查查。
谢谢,可能你们是自己去的,因为没车,我看参加的团,可能走的trails不一样? 这是团的广告: The difficulty level of this excursion is considered to be moderate to strenuous depending on your physical fitness level. It is very important that you are in good physical condition in order to participate and enjoy yourself. The terrain in the rainforest can be muddy, slippery, uneven and include river-wading, climbing large rocks and steep inclines. This excursion is recommended for guests with an active lifestyle. Saturday's tour is longer and more strenuous than Sunday-Friday. Please read restrictions carefully 🥾 Our sister company Island Journeys shares this message with all our guests joining us on Saturdays 🙏
谢谢,租了车行车放车上就好办多了。 请问你们满月附近看,V岛效果怎么样? 多谢雨林信息。
还有就是jungle adventure 时,我们跟的那个团一开始就让我们从小河过,结果每人的鞋都湿漉漉的,虽然后面跳瀑布时,鞋可能也会湿,但是一开始就这样,走路很不舒服。所以建议大家穿凉鞋,Keen 的 最好。后来我们去漂流的时候穿了,大家大多穿拖鞋,水浅要下水推时,很多人的拖鞋都陷到泥坑找不回来。