Only 9 percent of Americans support the car companies in their contract standoff with autoworkers, a new AP poll finds. Roughly 60% say better pay for autoworkers would be a good thing. Jim Cramer is shocked
Only 9 percent of Americans support the car companies in their contract standoff with autoworkers, a new AP poll finds.
Roughly 60% say better pay for autoworkers would be a good thing.
Roughly 60% say better pay for autoworkers would be a good thing.
Jim Cramer is shocked
以前看strike 觉得他们对经济发展是副作用 以前看defund the police 觉得这是动荡 不维护社会治安秩序 以前看打砸抢blm 觉得这是对守法老百姓的侮辱
现在就想着 什么时候我也能最低一日工资$949
砍自己员工的福利是一种非常稳妥的且肉眼可见的增加公司收益的手段 不然开发新项目要几年甚至十几年才能见效 到时候ceo都换人了