你看新闻吧,都是强调以色列伤亡,巴勒斯坦被无差别轰炸是没有伤亡数字或着说more than x hundred,这个x hundred 居然还比以色列死亡人数少. 至于how much more than x hundred, 谁也不关心,谁也没有答案。 毕竟human animal 嘛,谁管他们的死活呢. 而且你别和我说Economist, BBC, NPR. 你和我说NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN才是美国大众看到主流媒体。
你看新闻吧,都是强调以色列伤亡,巴勒斯坦被无差别轰炸是没有伤亡数字或着说more than x hundred,这个x hundred 居然还比以色列死亡人数少. 至于how much more than x hundred, 谁也不关心,谁也没有答案。 毕竟human animal 嘛,谁管他们的死活呢. 而且你别和我说Economist, BBC, NPR. 你和我说NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN才是美国大众看到主流媒体。 rubysiam 发表于 2023-10-13 06:40
看到的转发,觉得写的挺好,巴勒斯坦和犹太学生组织共同执笔,希望犹太大佬们不要去bully学生 October 9th, 2023 Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine stands in full solidarity with Palestinian resistance against over 75 years of Israeli settler-colonialism and apartheid. Palestinians have been subjected to thelongest ongoing military occupation in modern history and their right to resist is enshrined in international law. Yesterday was an unprecedented historic moment for the Palestinians of Gaza, who tore through the wall that has been suffocating them in one of the most densely-populated areas on Earth for the past16 years – an open-air prison blockaded by Israeli soldiers via land, air, and sea. Despite the odds against them, Palestinians launched a counter-offensive against their settler-colonial oppressor – which receives billions of US dollars annually in military aid and possesses one of the world’s most robust surveillance and security apparatuses. Any omission of this context – any rhetoric of “an unprovoked Palestinian attack” – is shamefully misleading. We invite you to look into the detailed Human Rights Watch, B’tselem, and Amnesty International reports on Israeli apartheid. To those who are now calling for peace, we ask: where were you during the Great March of Return in 2018, when Palestinians in Gaza peacefully protested and were shot dead by the hundreds? Where were you when Israel indiscriminately bombed Palestinian civilians in Gaza in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021, and 2022? Where were you this year, when Israel killed over 220 Palestinians over the past nine months alone? Where were you as settlers kicked people out of their homes, arbitrarily imprisoned children without trial, and brutally oppressed an entire population? You are not asking for peace. You are asking for quiet submission to systemic violence. As long as you perpetuate this narrative, fighting will continue to break out until justice is achieved. Because nothing else is working. As Columbia students, our classes regularly discuss the inevitability of resistance as part of the struggle for decolonization. We study under renowned scholars who denounce the fact that the media requires oppressed peoples to be “perfect victims” in order to deserve sympathy. Yet not only does our institution neglect to align its actions with its ostensible values, but it actively normalizes Israeli apartheid and subjugation of Palestinians. We wholeheartedly condemn the email sent by General Studies Dean Lisa Rosen-Metsch on October 8th that exclusively sympathized with Israeli soldiers who uphold the occupation, obfuscated Palestinian resistance as “terrorism,” and refused to acknowledge any of the hundreds of Palestinian casualties in the past 48 hours – let alone the overall context of the past 75 years. We condemn the October 7th email from Barnard Dean Leslie Grinage that extended support to those “affected by the violence and loss of life in Israel” without even mentioning Palestinian suffering once. We condemnthe fact that Columbia uses our endowment to invest in Israeli companies that violate international law and profit off of the construction of illegal settlements on Palestinian land. We condemnthat former President Lee Bollinger unilaterally and anti-democratically overturned a student referendum to divest from these companies in 2020. And we condemn Columbia initiatives that normalize apartheid by sending students to the region when Palestinian members of our university community are barred from doing the same – from the 2020 dual-degree program with Tel Aviv University, to the recently announced Global Center in Tel Aviv. We call upon newly inaugurated President Minouche Shafik to step up and divest from Israeli apartheid, end the dual degree program with Tel Aviv University, and cancel the opening of the Tel Aviv Global Center. We call upon our administration as a whole to start verbally acknowledging Palestinian existence and humanity. Columbia students and affiliates, we invite you to sign this open letter and to join us at 4:30pm on Thursday, October 12th at the Low Library Steps to protest our university’s complicity in Palestinian oppression. We further request that you individually email our administration to call out their hypocritical statements and blatant disregard for Palestinian trauma. It is on us to change the status quo and achieve justice for true, lasting peace: continue raising awareness, pressuring our university, and expressing solidarity. See you Thursday. Signed, Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine Co-signed, Columbia Jewish Voice for Peace Four protest demands from Columbia University: Address Palestinian humanity and existence. Correctand apologize for the emails sent by Columbia administration that support Israel while ignoring — and neglecting to even name — Palestinians. Divest from companies profiting from Israeli apartheid, noting that both former Columbia and Barnard presidents unilaterally & anti-democratically ignored the student body referendums to divest in 2020. Cancel the opening of the Tel Aviv Global Center, noting that Palestinian affiliates of Columbia would be restricted from access to this program given Israel’s apartheid policies, and further noting that this therefore violates Columbia’s very own non-discrimination policy. Cease the dual-degree partnership with Tel Aviv University, for the same reason.
liumajia 发表于 2023-10-12 18:40
“To those who are now calling for peace, we ask: where were you during the Great March of Return in 2018, when Palestinians in Gaza peacefully protested and were shot dead by the hundreds? Where were you when Israel indiscriminately bombed Palestinian civilians in Gaza in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021, and 2022? Where were you this year, when Israel killed over 220 Palestinians over the past nine months alone? Where were you as settlers kicked people out of their homes, arbitrarily imprisoned children without trial, and brutally oppressed an entire population?” OK, Now Israel is so agree with you, no peace. Happier now?
还能这样spin?附近当然在外头。 最后的通信是在以色列的家中,周六hamas袭击的时候,之后失联。距离加沙边境直线距离约3公里。 老太太1974年开始致力于帮助巴勒斯坦人,新闻说她在加沙认识不少人,只能希望那些人能保护她了。 人家三天前还在耶路撒冷组织抗议活动,她开始呼吁和平的时候这些写公开信的娃还没生出来哪
具体新闻nbc https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna119475
巴勒斯坦人没有被堵住嘴啊悲愤啥,表自我感动,这两天有hamas采访(经济学人),法塔赫有采访(bbc),以色列的巴勒斯坦人组织有采访(npr),就算记者意见不同也让人完整把话说完了。照这里的说法都是以色利控制的主媒,更不要说阿拉伯国家媒体和各种乱七八糟的自媒体。 需要链接不?
你看新闻吧,都是强调以色列伤亡,巴勒斯坦被无差别轰炸是没有伤亡数字或着说more than x hundred,这个x hundred 居然还比以色列死亡人数少. 至于how much more than x hundred, 谁也不关心,谁也没有答案。
毕竟human animal 嘛,谁管他们的死活呢.
而且你别和我说Economist, BBC, NPR. 你和我说NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN才是美国大众看到主流媒体。
他们每天都被这样对待 也不见得西方媒体去指责犹太恐怖主义
哈马斯的阿拉伯兄弟们在干嘛呢?全世界人民都着急上火地呐喊, 你们九不拉兄弟一把?
摘抄转帖: ……..
沙特往西,就是曾经阿拉伯盟主埃及了,埃及对加沙这块地方的态度特别有意思,需要花笔墨讲清。 今天很多同情哈马斯的国内大V一说起加沙,就是血泪控诉这个“以色列人给两百万巴勒斯坦人打造的露天监狱”,在他们的描述中,正是因为以色列对加沙地带的围堵,才造成了加沙境内的巴勒斯坦人走投无路,不得不跟着哈马斯搞恐袭。可是你打开地图,但凡你眼睛不瞎,就都能看到,这个理论是睁眼说瞎话——
加沙地带可不是被以色列控制区完全包裹的“国中之国”,它一面临海、一面靠着埃及。如果只有以色列和美国在“围堵”加沙,它们充其量只能堵住加沙靠着以色列的两面路上交通,顶多再堵一面海上。 可加沙另一面还靠着埃及呢!埃及跟加沙的巴勒斯坦人同文同种同教,甚至阿拉法特年轻时代的梦想就是把巴勒斯坦并入埃及领导的阿拉伯联邦当中。如此血浓于水、同气连枝,以色列封锁你,我埃及出手帮忙,开放边境,封锁的问题不就解决了么? 可是事实恰恰相反,埃及与加沙的那11公里边境线,反而封锁的比以色列还严,加沙境内的巴勒斯坦人,哈马斯不闹事的时候,还能拿着签证还可以到以色列境内去打打工。埃及却连这个待遇都没给,加沙的巴勒斯坦平民非特殊情况根本无法前往埃及务工。为何如此?这可不是什么慑于美国或以色列的淫威,两个原因都是埃及人自己的:
所以一圈点下来,你会发现,真正愿意下场帮哈马斯打这场“第六次中东战争”的国家,是一个都没有。 像上世纪一样几个阿拉伯国家围着以色列打的情况这次不会发生,以后也很难发生了。因为中东想和平过日子的正经国家之间的和平共处,是大势所趋。甚至连巴勒斯坦本国的法塔赫,都选择了在约旦河西岸那边作壁上观。你可以说这是人情冷漠,但我分析了周边各国的心态之后,你能说这里面没有“失道寡助”的原因在吗?
丛林社会中很多时候 “寡助” 不过是因为流氓太强大了而已
Bill arkman 这种投机倒把的寄生虫将来被搞,破产的可能性也不小
原来是因为 从心…… 似乎有点不对劲,从心不是穆斯林兄弟的性格
你连为正义发声都不愿意 有什么资格去指责别人
确实,不过几个学生言语上同情巴勒斯坦平民的遭遇都要遭到打击报复 ,逼大家敢怒不敢言,但公道自在人心
你刚才不久指责了这些学生吗? 你自己就是键盘侠 你不站在道德高地是因为你没有道德
还给按上支持恐怖分子的帽子 太吓人了
我不是指责学生,我是说他们在没有能力自给自足的情况下主动/被动当枪,不值当。 真有能力就做些实事,不要只是无脑当嘴炮。
站道德制高点的键盘侠支持说话不顾后果的学生主动/被动当枪。 一旦这些学生被打击报复了,这些站道德制高点的键盘侠就失踪了,相比之下我觉得我道德高尚多了。起码我为那些学生的前途担忧。
以更暴制暴是以色列的宗旨,这几天加沙平民犹如地狱,精准打哈马斯报复没问题,可随意屠杀平民,已经是反人类战争罪了。现在的做法比哈马斯还哈马斯,一个国家军队做法和恐怖组织比残暴,从此对犹太人不再同情,人性野兽不过如此。 这个世界弱肉强食血淋淋,再一次展现出来。
“To those who are now calling for peace, we ask: where were you during the Great March of Return in 2018, when Palestinians in Gaza peacefully protested and were shot dead by the hundreds? Where were you when Israel indiscriminately bombed Palestinian civilians in Gaza in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021, and 2022? Where were you this year, when Israel killed over 220 Palestinians over the past nine months alone? Where were you as settlers kicked people out of their homes, arbitrarily imprisoned children without trial, and brutally oppressed an entire population?”
OK, Now Israel is so agree with you, no peace. Happier now?
很多老中鸡娃去藤校,就是为了孩子以后拿大包裹或者嫁娶有钱人。 如果大学生们全都这点追求,这社会就彻底被犹太大佬们牢牢握在手心、连讲话的机会都没有了,跟专政社会有什么区别?
照你这意思,谁赚钱谁就该声音大? 大学生不应该参与政治不应该妄论时事? 搞笑了哦。