一个有点特别的 Ivona Ivona is a unique name for girls. While it's believed to be a Slavic variant of Yvonne, it may mean “of the yew tree” from its German element iv. Symbolic of everlasting life and rebirth, the yew tree was held sacred by the ancient Celts, a practice that continued into the Christian era by the church. 红豆杉….. 许红豆
赞, 我女儿就取名Catherine, 虽然不是什么特别流行的名字, 可是我觉得叫这个名字的女孩都非常的坚强, 品格高洁, 一如我对她倾注的期望. 她也像我对她的期待一样长成亭亭少女 Catherine Meaning:pure. Catherine is a girl''''s name of Greek origin. Derived from the Greek word "katharos," it means "pure" and has several variations, including Katherine and Katharyn. 我老二老三是儿子, 取名Ethan Lucas, Ethan means "firm, enduring, strong, and long-lived" in Hebrew. The most notable, and perhaps the earliest Ethan, is mentioned in the Bible several times. He''''s thought to have authored a passage of the Bible (Psalm 89) and was known for his great wisdom. Lucas is the Latin form of the Greek name, and it means "bringer of light." It''''s a fitting name for a new baby who will bring light into their family''''s life. 老二从小就是个铮铮铁汉, 老三从小就是我的开心果, 让周围人都很开心, 都喜欢他, 别看是英文名, 对人的影响也是很大的. 再提供几个, Isabella, meaning beauty, 叫这个名字的女孩纸基本都比较好看比较女性化; Selena, Selina is a girl''s name of Greek origin. Meaning "moon" ;
🔥 最新回帖
握手!我小孩的芭蕾舞校里也是一大把叫Sophia/ Sofia(都是白人),而且很多在一个level里,导致老师叫她们只能叫last name。为啥叫这个名字的女孩都爱学芭蕾?
🛋️ 沙发板凳
Iris Ophelia Annabella
short and sweet. :-)
有姓李的女孩子叫 Emma 加上姓仍旧超好听
Emma (哎妈) Claire(可来儿) Bella(败啦)
同喜欢Mary, 我奇异的感觉这有点像中文里的贞贞,又老气又高级感。
😆I will blame autocorrect
同感 Emma 不就是”哎呦妈呀”的简写”哎妈”
我来➕俩:Summer, Autumn
这个名字开始也觉得特别好听 后来有个恐怖电影叫Annabelle就让我对这个名字产生了阴影
Ivona is a unique name for girls. While it's believed to be a Slavic variant of Yvonne, it may mean “of the yew tree” from its German element iv. Symbolic of everlasting life and rebirth, the yew tree was held sacred by the ancient Celts, a practice that continued into the Christian era by the church.
红豆杉….. 许红豆
Mary, is of Hebrew origins and means "drop of the sea," "bitterness" --- lack of sweetness, 和你挺配。
april may 第一次见
Valerie, Emma, Mirabelle
Anna Lina Enya Lili Lulu Dan
Hannah, Maya
May April 第三个想不起来了。
分开都可以 香港很多女孩叫April或May
Otto / Bob / Aviva / Ada / Eve 这些名字也是正反一样
我也看过这个 看到这个名字就没办法不想到这张脸…
赞, 我女儿就取名Catherine, 虽然不是什么特别流行的名字, 可是我觉得叫这个名字的女孩都非常的坚强, 品格高洁, 一如我对她倾注的期望. 她也像我对她的期待一样长成亭亭少女 Catherine Meaning:pure. Catherine is a girl''''s name of Greek origin. Derived from the Greek word "katharos," it means "pure" and has several variations, including Katherine and Katharyn. 我老二老三是儿子, 取名Ethan Lucas, Ethan means "firm, enduring, strong, and long-lived" in Hebrew. The most notable, and perhaps the earliest Ethan, is mentioned in the Bible several times. He''''s thought to have authored a passage of the Bible (Psalm 89) and was known for his great wisdom. Lucas is the Latin form of the Greek name, and it means "bringer of light." It''''s a fitting name for a new baby who will bring light into their family''''s life. 老二从小就是个铮铮铁汉, 老三从小就是我的开心果, 让周围人都很开心, 都喜欢他, 别看是英文名, 对人的影响也是很大的.
再提供几个, Isabella, meaning beauty, 叫这个名字的女孩纸基本都比较好看比较女性化; Selena, Selina is a girl''s name of Greek origin. Meaning "moon" ;
每次看见emma都想起以前同事,一个叫emma,一个叫ada,俩人同一老板,经常听老板叫他们,挨打挨骂过来一下,哈哈哈 不过我还挺喜欢emma这名字的,感觉是乖乖的但很有主意得特别温暖的女娃