我们家小孩,六年级,前几天在学校也有类似的事情发生,两个白人同学对着彼此叫C word. 我孩子还没跟老师告状,另外两个同学就跟老师告状了,那个时候快放学了。回到家他跟我们说了,我们征求他的意见,是否需要家长介入,他说先暂时不需要介入,看看老师是怎么处理的。我们问他那两个小孩是那种坏的歧视还是就是不敏感,愚蠢而说那个话,他说就是愚蠢,他们还让我儿子说歧视白人的C word,我儿子没有说。 第二天,老师以及校长助理分别找他们谈话了,结果是,首先发起这个事情的那个白人小孩被家长带回家了,后面的课就没有上了。孩子说学校会给我们发信,告诉后续。 我对这件事情的看法,是需要道歉,因为不论当面或私底下(没有当着黑人小孩),都不能够说N word. 但是,一定要把事情的全部经过跟学校讲清楚,那个白人小孩是首先发起这件事的人,看看学校怎么处理。
这些事情真的是整得无语 坐标湾区,我们家娃在summer camp的时候,我去接他,他当着所有人的面,对着那个黑人老太太说: why are you so black? 纯粹是小朋友童言无忌,才五岁。那老太爱其实人很好,根本就没在意,但是,学校又一定要做出一个姿态来。 哎,我和娃他妈都被叫去学校了,让我们在家给娃多教教diversity,博爱啥的。 我媳妇也是一根筋,火气一下子就腾得冒出来了。直接怼回去了,凭啥问这个问题就是歧视?你们是不是脑瓜里有屎?我要说why are you so white, 你会觉得是歧视吗?我娃只是在客观描述一个事实现象,你们为啥这么玻璃心?那我应该咋说?之类之类的,嘚吧嘚吧了大半天,最后不欢而散。 哎,这种破事,想着就闹心! 阿宇 发表于 2023-10-05 17:14
这些事情真的是整得无语 坐标湾区,我们家娃在summer camp的时候,我去接他,他当着所有人的面,对着那个黑人老太太说: why are you so black? 纯粹是小朋友童言无忌,才五岁。那老太爱其实人很好,根本就没在意,但是,学校又一定要做出一个姿态来。 哎,我和娃他妈都被叫去学校了,让我们在家给娃多教教diversity,博爱啥的。 我媳妇也是一根筋,火气一下子就腾得冒出来了。直接怼回去了,凭啥问这个问题就是歧视?你们是不是脑瓜里有屎?我要说why are you so white, 你会觉得是歧视吗?我娃只是在客观描述一个事实现象,你们为啥这么玻璃心?那我应该咋说?之类之类的,嘚吧嘚吧了大半天,最后不欢而散。 哎,这种破事,想着就闹心! 阿宇 发表于 2023-10-05 17:14
试着让gpt写了封信: Tom - 白人小孩 Jack - 楼主小孩 John -黑人小孩 Dear Principal [Principal's name], I am writing to you today to express my concern about the recent bullying incident involving my son, Jack, and another student, Tom. I understand that Tom has been bullying Jack for some time now, and that on this particular occasion, Tom forced Jack to say the N-word. Jack said no repeatedly, but Tom threatened not to let him have lunch if he didn't say it. Under pressure, Jack eventually said the word. I am deeply concerned about this incident. Jack is a young child, and he should not be subjected to this kind of bullying. I am also concerned that Tom is using the N-word, which is a racial slur that is deeply offensive to many people. I am also concerned that you have asked Jack to say sorry to John, another black child at the school. I understand that you are trying to teach Jack about racism and discrimination, but I believe that requiring him to apologize to John is not the best way to do this. Jack is a victim of bullying, and he should not be made to feel responsible for Tom's actions. In addition, requiring Jack to apologize to John could send the message that it is okay for Tom to bully Jack. I would like to request that you meet with me and Jack to discuss this matter further. I believe that we can work together to find a solution that is fair to both Jack and John. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, [Your name] In addition to the above, you may also want to include the following in your letter: A request that the school investigate the bullying incident and take appropriate disciplinary action against Tom. A request that the school provide Jack with support and counseling to help him deal with the emotional impact of the bullying. A request that the school develop a school-wide anti-bullying policy and curriculum. You may also want to consider contacting the school district superintendent or the local school board to express your concerns.
挖槽!我看得血压高!这种事情你难道不要去校长那边闹要求白人娃给出解释? 看到我要气死了简直。你们做家长的一定不能怂!凭什么道歉?这是你们家娃被bully了!校长凭什么要教育你们家娃?!那个娃的行为叫做manipulation!你不去闹那你就只能expect你们家娃以后接着被欺负😡 当然说的时候要想好怎么说啊,口气不能不好,但是得理不能饶人。”we understand N is a terrible word and we’ll make sure yyy(your son) won’t use it again. However we want to replay the situation, xxx(white kid) forced yyy to say it and it was only between them, no third person, nor does yyy meant it for zzz(black kid). We believe xxx was manipulating and bullying my son and would like the school to further investigate, he should first apologize to both yyy and zzz. Until that happens, we don’t feel comfortable to apologize first”
还有一点,你家娃说的那个N word的时候没有针对任何人,那个白人小孩儿却跑去黑人小孩儿哪儿说“你家娃说他N****”, 这是严重的扭曲事实加撒谎,邪恶之际!
就算你的孩子犯了被迫屈服的错,最多只是dumb没有很好的自主判断, 但真正的过错方是那个白人小孩,你家娃也是受害者,他是被那个白人小孩manipulate 才平白无故惹上这样的灾难,被压迫,被批评,同时承受巨大的心里压力,你作为家长也完全有理由去学校“闹”,为自己孩子遭受的不公发声。
这里的家长被白人当枪使, 要求孩子不被白人当枪使, 有点难度
5岁小孩问我这些我为啥要生气? 我会耐心的和他解释这些。 我前几天刚和我女儿解释了人种问题。
你娃太可怜了,一看你这个当妈的平时生活就是个软柿子才会教出来娃也soft 。
lz孩子是被bully才说了N word,这两个白人小孩是自己主动说C word,性质不一样。
这个思路很好!! 楼主应该这样引导孩子,以后不要畏惧其他孩子。自己要有自己的底线和原则。都是孩子,总会犯错,这次吃了亏,下次就学到了,慢慢地就成长了。都会越来越好的。加油!
二楼回复得好,矛头转向bully. 事实也是。 要道歉也是和白人小孩一起道歉,凡事找root cause.
你媳妇挺牛逼 你当时去劝她还是怂了做老好人了
Bie Tian Luan le
急死了。 家长要反攻呀。 说小孩在学校遭到那个白人小孩的bully。逼着说某个字,不说就不让吃饭。 这不是bully是什么?
实话实说啊 不是他有问题 而是其他小孩pua他
Dear Principal [Principal's name], I am writing to you today to express my concern about the recent bullying incident involving my son, Jack, and another student, Tom. I understand that Tom has been bullying Jack for some time now, and that on this particular occasion, Tom forced Jack to say the N-word. Jack said no repeatedly, but Tom threatened not to let him have lunch if he didn't say it. Under pressure, Jack eventually said the word. I am deeply concerned about this incident. Jack is a young child, and he should not be subjected to this kind of bullying. I am also concerned that Tom is using the N-word, which is a racial slur that is deeply offensive to many people. I am also concerned that you have asked Jack to say sorry to John, another black child at the school. I understand that you are trying to teach Jack about racism and discrimination, but I believe that requiring him to apologize to John is not the best way to do this. Jack is a victim of bullying, and he should not be made to feel responsible for Tom's actions. In addition, requiring Jack to apologize to John could send the message that it is okay for Tom to bully Jack. I would like to request that you meet with me and Jack to discuss this matter further. I believe that we can work together to find a solution that is fair to both Jack and John. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, [Your name] In addition to the above, you may also want to include the following in your letter: A request that the school investigate the bullying incident and take appropriate disciplinary action against Tom. A request that the school provide Jack with support and counseling to help him deal with the emotional impact of the bullying. A request that the school develop a school-wide anti-bullying policy and curriculum. You may also want to consider contacting the school district superintendent or the local school board to express your concerns.
当然说的时候要想好怎么说啊,口气不能不好,但是得理不能饶人。”we understand N is a terrible word and we’ll make sure yyy(your son) won’t use it again. However we want to replay the situation, xxx(white kid) forced yyy to say it and it was only between them, no third person, nor does yyy meant it for zzz(black kid). We believe xxx was manipulating and bullying my son and would like the school to further investigate, he should first apologize to both yyy and zzz. Until that happens, we don’t feel comfortable to apologize first”
"不应该完全由我家娃承担责任" 最好更强硬些: 我家娃没有任何责任。 而且我家娃需要白孩子道歉。
“Until that happens, we don’t feel comfortable to apologize first”
就好比一个人,武力迫使你说f**k word,在场就俩人。你需要道歉说了脏话吗?
并且你写完这个稿子,要一字一字跟你家孩子核对,多给他念几遍,让他把词和场景记熟,统一口径。 小孩很容易被洗脑,强调重点词,多给他念几遍,他脑子里就是这篇稿子里描绘的场景,谁问都是就这么叙述。 白孩子应该不是第一次做歧视行为,以前有没有蛛丝马迹?一定有,一并详细列上。要有时间、地点、对话、表情动作,越详细越好。把能想到的各种小破事都写上,要求学校调查是否属实。不要瞎编,但可以添油加醋,不要放过任何暴露对方性格人品缺点的小细节。
你有不会的英文词汇先查字典,写出句子,语言组织好,稿子再背下来。描述场景的“剧本”这一页要有白纸黑字 ,给校长看清楚双方说过什么话。 楼主和校长谈话的时候态度一定要诚恳,是去求助和诉说委屈,你是要拉拢他、说服他、向他求助主持公道,这个口头的高帽子要给她戴上,不要树敌。你的角色就是孩子被白娃欺负歧视了的一个委屈无助担忧的妈妈,谈话进行到必要的时候,哭。 抽泣出眼泪诉说你的孩子被白娃欺负之后在恐惧无助中度过这个周末(用纸巾擦泪、眼含热泪抽泣就可以,不要闹太大动静被人赶出来),你的孩子这几天夜里被噩梦惊醒,梦里都是那个白孩子逼着他说话,你娃因恐惧又受到批评承受不住双重压力 、大哭,需要看心理医生,你也约了心理医生打算把他在学校受到种族歧视的事情,向医生和盘托出,讨论解决办法。 临走要真诚的、反复的感谢校长愿意听你诉说委屈,表示期待对方的调查回复,表示自己会好好教育和安慰孩子,以后教育孩子勇敢且正直。 (当然,以上是在校长面前演的,在孩子面前不要哭,冷静,淡定, 抱抱他安慰他,鼓励他以后勇敢说不,遇到坏孩子不搭理,立刻跑开求助老师)。
太赞了! 就是要这样 lz加油哈,这位层主的意见太好了,一定要把这个具体细节描述好