孩子的作业被扣分, 但是扣分的理由并不在rubric里面。 教授的回复是 “ I won''t comment on the experience of requesting a regrade since I''ve never requested one 😉 I''ll point out, though, that there''s always a gap between what the rubric actually states and how you''re evaluated—if there wasn''t, the assignment would just be a measure of your ability to follow directions, not your understanding of the content. The rubric doesn''t specifically spell out that you need to say why that happens, but it''s going to be hard to explain how to mitigate them without referencing an understanding of why that happens. This sort of principle applies across many rubrics: approach them as guides to what learning outcomes the assignment wants you to demonstrate, not just checklists of things to make sure are included. ” 应该继续要求重新评分吗? 孩子也担心重新评分,然后分更低了
TA 肯定不能说不行啊,一定要给这个机会。 我做TA的时候,有个学生说改错了,来要分,说一样答案同学给了分的。我给他解释了正确的做法,然后就问说谁啊?这个是我的错,我得把这个分扣回来,他就打哈哈不告诉我是谁了。 还不如自己努力一些,拿不到A也能拼到B吧。 我曾有一门课,看期中考试这门课要挂了,但是绝地反击,期末拿了几乎全班最高分,最后得了个B还是B+忘了,反正没拿到A
孩子的作业被扣分, 但是扣分的理由并不在rubric里面。
教授的回复是 “
I won''t comment on the experience of requesting a regrade since I''ve never requested one 😉
I''ll point out, though, that there''s always a gap between what the rubric actually states and how you''re evaluated—if there wasn''t, the assignment would just be a measure of your ability to follow directions, not your understanding of the content. The rubric doesn''t specifically spell out that you need to say why that happens, but it''s going to be hard to explain how to mitigate them without referencing an understanding of why that happens. This sort of principle applies across many rubrics: approach them as guides to what learning outcomes the assignment wants you to demonstrate, not just checklists of things to make sure are included.
应该继续要求重新评分吗? 孩子也担心重新评分,然后分更低了
汗,TA 倒是批准了孩子regrade的请求。孩子看到有人反应regrade时反而被降分了,所以问下。
不能重新评分, TA 应该就直接说不建议或者不行。 教授还说了那一大堆。。。
孩子对每一个points都很看重😓 这个遗传我
会感谢教授的feedback, 你说的improve分数,是improve以后的分数吧? 可能教授会提到看看已经公开的班上写的好的作业等等😄
😂 我得提醒孩子得三思啊
不知道rubric是否是教授写的, rubric就在assignment里,很久之前就用了吧
对,问一下future opportunities to improve 这门课的分数。有时候教授可能会给另一个作业啦,do extra work, write another essay, 之类的,都可以增加分数。 其实最重要的是show growth, 前面分数低,后面越来越好,教授会非常高兴。如果最后这学期的分数不理想,学生可以跟教授谈,指出他的growth curve,一般最后分数都会高一些的。
TA和他都说了: 重新评分要好久,而且不能保证是加分还是减分
嗯,明白了 🙏
大学里教授雇了一堆TA。 之前是TA评分的。 虽然有理由, 但是教授不一定认可这理由,也担心重新评估会被降分,所以孩子纠结
理科不会有这些问题. 都是文科, 弄一堆rubric, 看着很客观的样子, 其实灵活度大得很.
TA 肯定不能说不行啊,一定要给这个机会。 我做TA的时候,有个学生说改错了,来要分,说一样答案同学给了分的。我给他解释了正确的做法,然后就问说谁啊?这个是我的错,我得把这个分扣回来,他就打哈哈不告诉我是谁了。
还不如自己努力一些,拿不到A也能拼到B吧。 我曾有一门课,看期中考试这门课要挂了,但是绝地反击,期末拿了几乎全班最高分,最后得了个B还是B+忘了,反正没拿到A
都多大了 一个破作业的分数低了 还要找妈妈...