系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/gpE_W50OTUc 也许是我看过最有用的TEd talk了。 里面这一句箴言华人真需要 If you have a seat on the table, don’t waste your power by worrying whether people think you might be supporting someone just because they look like you! The best way to grow power is to give it away! 有power的华人如果能开始专注于帮助有能力的华人,那咱们的下一代才有出头之日。
系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/gpE_W50OTUc 也许是我看过最有用的TEd talk了。 里面这一句箴言华人真需要 If you have a seat on the table, don’t waste your power by worrying whether people think you might be supporting someone just because they look like you! The best way to grow power is to give it away! 有power的华人如果能开始专注于帮助有能力的华人,那咱们的下一代才有出头之日。 goodme 发表于 2023-09-17 09:16
系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/gpE_W50OTUc 也许是我看过最有用的TEd talk了。 里面这一句箴言华人真需要 If you have a seat on the table, don’t waste your power by worrying whether people think you might be supporting someone just because they look like you! The best way to grow power is to give it away! 有power的华人如果能开始专注于帮助有能力的华人,那咱们的下一代才有出头之日。 goodme 发表于 2023-09-17 09:16
也许是我看过最有用的TEd talk了。 里面这一句箴言华人真需要
If you have a seat on the table, don’t waste your power by worrying whether people think you might be supporting someone just because they look like you! The best way to grow power is to give it away!
所以跟自己老板有沟通跟认知很重要,搞好人际关系也很重要。 我以前做工程师时不明白这道理,以为就做好自己本份工作,别的都不用管。 做了小头头管了一小组才明白这职场道理。
还想说,如果觉得自己经理有自己不能忍的问题,比如有人上来抱怨华人经理把脏活累活给自己,credit给白人,其实可以schedule 1 on 1把这个话说开了。有可能他们根本没有意识到自己的问题。
你展开说说怎么不make sense,是你理解不了吗?
曾被华人女经理赶尽杀绝过 感恩老天保佑才能逃过一劫 希望下一个岗位能赶紧遇见自己的sponsor