推特上偶然看到被疯转的项目,本来哈佛大学的项目就竞争激烈,大力宣传这申请者的qualication可想而知 anyway对生命科学+人工智能方向交叉比较感兴趣的同学可以康康,具体的内容和信息如图所示: 1. the AIM curriculum combines clinical coursework and experiences with courses in statistical, machine learning & artificial intelligence (AI) methods applied to medicine and medical data. Students are required to complete four core courses and clinical rotations: AI in Medicine I (Fall) AI in Medicine II (Spring) Human Pathology (Fall) Intro to Clinical Medicine I (Clinical Experience) Intro to Clinical Medicine II (Clinical Experience) 2. 比较有意思的一点是,admission写的是“There are no cut-offs for GPA or GRE scores, no required set of courses, and no specific undergraduate majors. GRE scores are strongly recommended but not required.”
1. the AIM curriculum combines clinical coursework and experiences with courses in statistical, machine learning & artificial intelligence (AI) methods applied to medicine and medical data. Students are required to complete four core courses and clinical rotations:
AI in Medicine I (Fall)
AI in Medicine II (Spring)
Human Pathology (Fall)
Intro to Clinical Medicine I (Clinical Experience)
Intro to Clinical Medicine II (Clinical Experience)
2. 比较有意思的一点是,admission写的是“There are no cut-offs for GPA or GRE scores, no required set of courses, and no specific undergraduate majors. GRE scores are strongly recommended but not required.”