回复 30楼yunhao的帖子 荷兰语和英语爱好者有福啦, 采访原文(This is an interview to the ASML CEO Peter Wennink on 2023-09-05 in Dutch language on Dutch CCTV - NOS. If google chrome doesn''t help you automatically translate it to English, then you should use google translate to do it manually): "Topman ASML pleit voor meer kennismigranten: ‘We kunnen niet zonder ze’": https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2489315-topman-asml-pleit-voor-meer-kennismigranten-we-kunnen-niet-zonder-ze 俺的摘录: Completely isolating China in this way is hopeless, he says. Because if we don''''''''t share our technology, China will just do it itself. "There are 1.4 billion Chinese, many of them smart. They come up with solutions that we have not yet thought of. You force them to become very innovative." "In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are going harder, faster and more focused. We are too complacent." -------- The more for your references: ---------- "ASML CEO warns against ''''''''compelling China to be innovative''''''''" : https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20230906PD214/asml-china-huawei-smic.html "ASML’s CEO warns for impact of migration restriction and isolating China": https://innovationorigins.com/en/asmls-ceo-warns-for-impact-of-migration-restriction-and-isolating-china/
回复 43楼mvdk的帖子 Then Dear mvdk, this is for you and the similiars: 荷兰语和英语爱好者有福啦, 采访原文(This is an interview to the ASML CEO Peter Wennink on 2023-09-05 in Dutch language on Dutch CCTV - NOS. If google chrome doesn''t help you automatically translate it to English, then you should use google translate to do it manually): "Topman ASML pleit voor meer kennismigranten: ‘We kunnen niet zonder ze’": https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2489315-topman-asml-pleit-voor-meer-kennismigranten-we-kunnen-niet-zonder-ze 俺的摘录: Completely isolating China in this way is hopeless, he says. Because if we don''''t share our technology, China will just do it itself. "There are 1.4 billion Chinese, many of them smart. They come up with solutions that we have not yet thought of. You force them to become very innovative." "In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are going harder, faster and more focused. We are too complacent." -------- The more for your references: ---------- "ASML CEO warns against ''''compelling China to be innovative''''" : https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20230906PD214/asml-china-huawei-smic.html "ASML’s CEO warns for impact of migration restriction and isolating China": https://innovationorigins.com/en/asmls-ceo-warns-for-impact-of-migration-restriction-and-isolating-china/
回复 52楼NDAQ的帖子 Then Dear NDAQ, 华尔街见闻往往更准确、及时和客观公正,会直接报道欧洲和亚洲的新闻采访而不局限于小北美! Well, this is for you and the similiars: 荷兰语和英语爱好者有福啦, 采访原文(This is an interview to the ASML CEO Peter Wennink on 2023-09-05 in Dutch language on Dutch CCTV - NOS. If google chrome doesn''t help you automatically translate it to English, then you should use google translate to do it manually): "Topman ASML pleit voor meer kennismigranten: ‘We kunnen niet zonder ze’": https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2489315-topman-asml-pleit-voor-meer-kennismigranten-we-kunnen-niet-zonder-ze 俺的摘录: Completely isolating China in this way is hopeless, he says. Because if we don''t share our technology, China will just do it itself. "There are 1.4 billion Chinese, many of them smart. They come up with solutions that we have not yet thought of. You force them to become very innovative." "In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are going harder, faster and more focused. We are too complacent." -------- The more for your references: ---------- "ASML CEO warns against ''compelling China to be innovative''" : https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20230906PD214/asml-china-huawei-smic.html "ASML’s CEO warns for impact of migration restriction and isolating China": https://innovationorigins.com/en/asmls-ceo-warns-for-impact-of-migration-restriction-and-isolating-china/
回复 153楼task_g的帖子 “就算给你完整图纸,你也造不出来光刻机。” “中国不太可能独立研制出顶级光刻技术,但他们一定会尝试的。” “中国自研光刻机是破坏全球芯片产业链。” “ASML进入中国市场是绝对必要的。” “美半导体公司不能缺席中国市场。” “我们太自以为是了。” 这些都是 ASML CEO Peter Wennink 在最近3年说过的话,互联网是有记忆的且人也是会变的. 这最后一句话是他在2023-09-05(Tuesday)说的, 是他震惊于德国慕尼黑车展事实上变成了中国车展,中国车鹤立鸡群, "喧宾夺主"了。在汽车工业的大本营德国慕尼黑, 而且是全球最重要的车展呵!这最后一句的英文原文是 "We are too complacent"! 荷兰语和英语爱好者有福啦, 采访原文(This is an interview to the ASML CEO Peter Wennink on 2023-09-05 in Dutch language on Dutch CCTV - NOS. If google chrome does not help you automatically translate it to English, then you should use google translate to do it manually): 荷兰国家广播电视台采访视频(全程荷兰语, 18分钟): https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/video/2489259-asml-topman-wennink-over-de-chipoorlog "Topman ASML pleit voor meer kennismigranten: ‘We kunnen niet zonder ze’": https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2489315-topman-asml-pleit-voor-meer-kennismigranten-we-kunnen-niet-zonder-ze 俺的摘录: Completely isolating China in this way is hopeless, he says. Because if we don''''t share our technology, China will just do it itself. "There are 1.4 billion Chinese, many of them smart. They come up with solutions that we have not yet thought of. You force them to become very innovative." "In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are going harder, faster and more focused. We are too complacent." -------- The more for your references: ---------- "ASML CEO warns against ''''compelling China to be innovative''''" : https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20230906PD214/asml-china-huawei-smic.html "ASML’s CEO warns for impact of migration restriction and isolating China": https://innovationorigins.com/en/asmls-ceo-warns-for-impact-of-migration-restriction-and-isolating-china/
回复 157楼简简单单123的帖子 这一点我赞同你。下面是回顾历史和人性的环节: “就算给你完整图纸,你也造不出来光刻机。” “中国不太可能独立研制出顶级光刻技术,但他们一定会尝试的。” “中国自研光刻机是破坏全球芯片产业链。” “ASML进入中国市场是绝对必要的。” “美半导体公司不能缺席中国市场。” “我们太自以为是了。” 这些都是 ASML CEO Peter Wennink在最近3年说的,互联网是有记忆的且人也是会变的. 这最后一句话是他在2023-09-05(Tuesday)说的, 是他震惊于德国慕尼黑车展事实上变成了中国车展,中国车鹤立鸡群, "喧宾夺主"了。在汽车工业的大本营德国慕尼黑, 而且是全球最重要的车展呵!这最后一句的英文原文是 "We are too complacent"! 荷兰语和英语爱好者有福啦, 采访原文(This is an interview to the ASML CEO Peter Wennink on 2023-09-05 in Dutch language on Dutch CCTV - NOS. If google chrome does not help you automatically translate it to English, then you should use google translate to do it manually): 荷兰国家广播电视台采访视频(全程荷兰语, 18分钟): https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/video/2489259-asml-topman-wennink-over-de-chipoorlog "Topman ASML pleit voor meer kennismigranten: ‘We kunnen niet zonder ze’": https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2489315-topman-asml-pleit-voor-meer-kennismigranten-we-kunnen-niet-zonder-ze 俺的摘录: Completely isolating China in this way is hopeless, he says. Because if we don''''t share our technology, China will just do it itself. "There are 1.4 billion Chinese, many of them smart. They come up with solutions that we have not yet thought of. You force them to become very innovative." "In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are going harder, faster and more focused. We are too complacent." -------- The more for your references: ---------- "ASML CEO warns against ''''compelling China to be innovative''''" : https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20230906PD214/asml-china-huawei-smic.html "ASML’s CEO warns for impact of migration restriction and isolating China": https://innovationorigins.com/en/asmls-ceo-warns-for-impact-of-migration-restriction-and-isolating-china/
回复 179楼jack54321的帖子 Dear jack54321, 我不得不打脸你了, 是你的“中文媒体 故意翻译错了,曲解了 那个CEO谈话的原意”这句话才歪曲了人CEO的原意. 不信?那么来看看荷兰国家的"CCTV" - NOS 对ASML CEO采访的荷兰文原版吧: 荷兰语和英语爱好者有福啦, 采访原文(This is an interview to the ASML CEO Peter Wennink on 2023-09-05 in Dutch language on Dutch CCTV - NOS. If google chrome does not help you automatically translate it to English, then you should use google translate to do it manually): 荷兰国家广播电视台采访视频(全程荷兰语, 18分钟): https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/video/2489259-asml-topman-wennink-over-de-chipoorlog "Topman ASML pleit voor meer kennismigranten: ‘We kunnen niet zonder ze’": https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2489315-topman-asml-pleit-voor-meer-kennismigranten-we-kunnen-niet-zonder-ze 俺的摘录: Completely isolating China in this way is hopeless, he says. Because if we don''''t share our technology, China will just do it itself. "There are 1.4 billion Chinese, many of them smart. They come up with solutions that we have not yet thought of. You force them to become very innovative." "In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are going harder, faster and more focused. We are too complacent." -------- The more for your references: ---------- "ASML CEO warns against ''''compelling China to be innovative''''" : https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20230906PD214/asml-china-huawei-smic.html "ASML’s CEO warns for impact of migration restriction and isolating China": https://innovationorigins.com/en/asmls-ceo-warns-for-impact-of-migration-restriction-and-isolating-china/
是指Orwell 到小说
但是到了今天,或者再展望未来,会不会大数据+AI使集权体制的这个inherent的 fatal flaw得到解决或者大幅改进,我觉得这个可能性是Non-zero 的。
加上技术发展会使很多人既不必要也无能力进入workforce, 民主社会对这些人怎么办,这些人如何参与社会经济和政治,都是以前没有出现过的问题。
DUV良品的极限是10nm,但是华为都能出手机, 从某种意义来说,已经相当于🈶️EUV了
问题是脖子还一直被掐着呢,甚至还越掐越紧,可人家就是能挣脱这种越掐越紧的脖子,甚至反手一拳,所以到底是这些掐脖子的发达国家能力不济呢,还是华为有力,以至于美国集合了全世界发达国家的有生力量甚至绑架华为女儿都没能按下华为,选择题哈 lol
撒泼尿看看自己啥肤色,也好意思让人 go back.
你祖宗是印第安人?一张口就让人离开美国,你是正宗川粉吧。 美国人里估计一半人天天批评当界政府,你也去让他们都go back to Europe吧。
中国现在出生率比美国少多了, 非官方数据是1.2 vs 1.6.
中国去年手机生产量是17亿部,刚一看吓了一跳。 芯片里高通拿大头, 台湾MTK拿小头。就看中芯新芯片量产了。
知道华为存在的意义了吧。 也知道为什么美国要打压华为了吧。
华为去年手机三千多万部,多数为高通芯片,特别是高档手机。 吃瓜看后面怎么玩了。
高通想在印度手机产量上之前能舒服的投入大量研发资金,只能打价格战,让国内其他厂家觉得 自己做比不上买
“中国清零死的人都不足一个美国监控下的死了一百多万的零头” 你最好积点口德 说这话
你这跟国内的小粉红说,你不喜欢中国,可以移民有什么区别? 都是傻!
民主哪儿有三百年。 西方现代文明是大概三百年,但这三百年大部分时间可不民主,它是充斥血腥,奴役,殖民,屠杀,种族灭绝的帝国主义。 一直到二战后,大英帝国崩塌,世界各殖民地独立,世界分为两极,民主自由这些概念才开始逐渐推广,哪怕文明的灯塔,美国,非白人的少数族裔获得选举权也才半个世纪。
这话说的好搞笑 监控欧洲领导人是谁? 还几十个傻吊点赞 你是无视欧洲领导人 用苹果 让监控的么
他这是口头花一花中国人,指望着哪些心软单纯技术流的中国人听了,一兴奋告诉他秘诀在哪里。 人家跨国大公司CEO,人精里的人精。人家每句公开说的话,都是算计好的。
你看他采访,他基本都说了。 他还特意提到了这次德国车展。
你还是陷入自卑的泥沼中了。 中国能不能做成事,不是西方人说什么决定的。而是全球华人以及和华人友好互助的各种族国家共同努力促成的,当然这其中最大的因素还是在国内的华人们自强不息。
用你的原话来说 美国死的一百多万人, 现在的通货膨胀经济困难,又是谁的决策失误导致的?人的忘性真大呀。 哈哈哈哈哈哈
这么厉害优越民主自由的大美丽,都被独裁黑暗没创造力愚昧白痴的中国追平要超过了, 还搁这吹呢,美国爸爸要是相信了你说的东西,就不会天天出下三滥手段对付中国了,
你们台湾还有这种劳改犯,怪不得天天上网改造。 你这么勤奋,是不是发一帖就能少坐1秒?
足球报:国足平庸到让人失望 9月9日,在成都凤凰山体育公园专业足球场进行的一场国际A级赛中,中国国家队1比1战平马来西亚国家队。 前几年喊话,中国足球进世界杯,举国力量办大事。 现在什么结果?
没有美国政府的鸭霸,华为能发展到什么程度? 苹果拿下来的市场跟美国政府无关吗? 中国同理。
荷兰语和英语爱好者有福啦, 采访原文(This is an interview to the ASML CEO Peter Wennink on 2023-09-05 in Dutch language on Dutch CCTV - NOS. If google chrome doesn''t help you automatically translate it to English, then you should use google translate to do it manually):
"Topman ASML pleit voor meer kennismigranten: ‘We kunnen niet zonder ze’": https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2489315-topman-asml-pleit-voor-meer-kennismigranten-we-kunnen-niet-zonder-ze
俺的摘录: Completely isolating China in this way is hopeless, he says. Because if we don''''''''t share our technology, China will just do it itself. "There are 1.4 billion Chinese, many of them smart. They come up with solutions that we have not yet thought of. You force them to become very innovative."
"In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are going harder, faster and more focused. We are too complacent."
-------- The more for your references: ----------
"ASML CEO warns against ''''''''compelling China to be innovative''''''''" : https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20230906PD214/asml-china-huawei-smic.html
"ASML’s CEO warns for impact of migration restriction and isolating China": https://innovationorigins.com/en/asmls-ceo-warns-for-impact-of-migration-restriction-and-isolating-china/
Then Dear mvdk, this is for you and the similiars:
荷兰语和英语爱好者有福啦, 采访原文(This is an interview to the ASML CEO Peter Wennink on 2023-09-05 in Dutch language on Dutch CCTV - NOS. If google chrome doesn''t help you automatically translate it to English, then you should use google translate to do it manually):
"Topman ASML pleit voor meer kennismigranten: ‘We kunnen niet zonder ze’": https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2489315-topman-asml-pleit-voor-meer-kennismigranten-we-kunnen-niet-zonder-ze
俺的摘录: Completely isolating China in this way is hopeless, he says. Because if we don''''t share our technology, China will just do it itself. "There are 1.4 billion Chinese, many of them smart. They come up with solutions that we have not yet thought of. You force them to become very innovative."
"In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are going harder, faster and more focused. We are too complacent."
-------- The more for your references: ----------
"ASML CEO warns against ''''compelling China to be innovative''''" : https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20230906PD214/asml-china-huawei-smic.html
"ASML’s CEO warns for impact of migration restriction and isolating China": https://innovationorigins.com/en/asmls-ceo-warns-for-impact-of-migration-restriction-and-isolating-china/
Then Dear NDAQ, 华尔街见闻往往更准确、及时和客观公正,会直接报道欧洲和亚洲的新闻采访而不局限于小北美! Well, this is for you and the similiars:
荷兰语和英语爱好者有福啦, 采访原文(This is an interview to the ASML CEO Peter Wennink on 2023-09-05 in Dutch language on Dutch CCTV - NOS. If google chrome doesn''t help you automatically translate it to English, then you should use google translate to do it manually):
"Topman ASML pleit voor meer kennismigranten: ‘We kunnen niet zonder ze’": https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2489315-topman-asml-pleit-voor-meer-kennismigranten-we-kunnen-niet-zonder-ze
俺的摘录: Completely isolating China in this way is hopeless, he says. Because if we don''t share our technology, China will just do it itself. "There are 1.4 billion Chinese, many of them smart. They come up with solutions that we have not yet thought of. You force them to become very innovative."
"In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are going harder, faster and more focused. We are too complacent."
-------- The more for your references: ----------
"ASML CEO warns against ''compelling China to be innovative''" : https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20230906PD214/asml-china-huawei-smic.html
"ASML’s CEO warns for impact of migration restriction and isolating China": https://innovationorigins.com/en/asmls-ceo-warns-for-impact-of-migration-restriction-and-isolating-china/
“就算给你完整图纸,你也造不出来光刻机。” “中国不太可能独立研制出顶级光刻技术,但他们一定会尝试的。” “中国自研光刻机是破坏全球芯片产业链。” “ASML进入中国市场是绝对必要的。” “美半导体公司不能缺席中国市场。” “我们太自以为是了。”
这些都是 ASML CEO Peter Wennink 在最近3年说过的话,互联网是有记忆的且人也是会变的. 这最后一句话是他在2023-09-05(Tuesday)说的, 是他震惊于德国慕尼黑车展事实上变成了中国车展,中国车鹤立鸡群, "喧宾夺主"了。在汽车工业的大本营德国慕尼黑, 而且是全球最重要的车展呵!这最后一句的英文原文是 "We are too complacent"!
荷兰语和英语爱好者有福啦, 采访原文(This is an interview to the ASML CEO Peter Wennink on 2023-09-05 in Dutch language on Dutch CCTV - NOS. If google chrome does not help you automatically translate it to English, then you should use google translate to do it manually):
荷兰国家广播电视台采访视频(全程荷兰语, 18分钟): https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/video/2489259-asml-topman-wennink-over-de-chipoorlog
"Topman ASML pleit voor meer kennismigranten: ‘We kunnen niet zonder ze’": https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2489315-topman-asml-pleit-voor-meer-kennismigranten-we-kunnen-niet-zonder-ze
俺的摘录: Completely isolating China in this way is hopeless, he says. Because if we don''''t share our technology, China will just do it itself. "There are 1.4 billion Chinese, many of them smart. They come up with solutions that we have not yet thought of. You force them to become very innovative."
"In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are going harder, faster and more focused. We are too complacent."
-------- The more for your references: ----------
"ASML CEO warns against ''''compelling China to be innovative''''" : https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20230906PD214/asml-china-huawei-smic.html
"ASML’s CEO warns for impact of migration restriction and isolating China": https://innovationorigins.com/en/asmls-ceo-warns-for-impact-of-migration-restriction-and-isolating-china/
“就算给你完整图纸,你也造不出来光刻机。” “中国不太可能独立研制出顶级光刻技术,但他们一定会尝试的。” “中国自研光刻机是破坏全球芯片产业链。” “ASML进入中国市场是绝对必要的。” “美半导体公司不能缺席中国市场。” “我们太自以为是了。”
这些都是 ASML CEO Peter Wennink在最近3年说的,互联网是有记忆的且人也是会变的. 这最后一句话是他在2023-09-05(Tuesday)说的, 是他震惊于德国慕尼黑车展事实上变成了中国车展,中国车鹤立鸡群, "喧宾夺主"了。在汽车工业的大本营德国慕尼黑, 而且是全球最重要的车展呵!这最后一句的英文原文是 "We are too complacent"!
荷兰语和英语爱好者有福啦, 采访原文(This is an interview to the ASML CEO Peter Wennink on 2023-09-05 in Dutch language on Dutch CCTV - NOS. If google chrome does not help you automatically translate it to English, then you should use google translate to do it manually):
荷兰国家广播电视台采访视频(全程荷兰语, 18分钟): https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/video/2489259-asml-topman-wennink-over-de-chipoorlog
"Topman ASML pleit voor meer kennismigranten: ‘We kunnen niet zonder ze’": https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2489315-topman-asml-pleit-voor-meer-kennismigranten-we-kunnen-niet-zonder-ze
俺的摘录: Completely isolating China in this way is hopeless, he says. Because if we don''''t share our technology, China will just do it itself. "There are 1.4 billion Chinese, many of them smart. They come up with solutions that we have not yet thought of. You force them to become very innovative."
"In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are going harder, faster and more focused. We are too complacent."
-------- The more for your references: ----------
"ASML CEO warns against ''''compelling China to be innovative''''" : https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20230906PD214/asml-china-huawei-smic.html
"ASML’s CEO warns for impact of migration restriction and isolating China": https://innovationorigins.com/en/asmls-ceo-warns-for-impact-of-migration-restriction-and-isolating-china/
Dear jack54321, 我不得不打脸你了, 是你的“中文媒体 故意翻译错了,曲解了 那个CEO谈话的原意”这句话才歪曲了人CEO的原意. 不信?那么来看看荷兰国家的"CCTV" - NOS 对ASML CEO采访的荷兰文原版吧:
荷兰语和英语爱好者有福啦, 采访原文(This is an interview to the ASML CEO Peter Wennink on 2023-09-05 in Dutch language on Dutch CCTV - NOS. If google chrome does not help you automatically translate it to English, then you should use google translate to do it manually):
荷兰国家广播电视台采访视频(全程荷兰语, 18分钟): https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/video/2489259-asml-topman-wennink-over-de-chipoorlog
"Topman ASML pleit voor meer kennismigranten: ‘We kunnen niet zonder ze’": https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2489315-topman-asml-pleit-voor-meer-kennismigranten-we-kunnen-niet-zonder-ze
俺的摘录: Completely isolating China in this way is hopeless, he says. Because if we don''''t share our technology, China will just do it itself. "There are 1.4 billion Chinese, many of them smart. They come up with solutions that we have not yet thought of. You force them to become very innovative."
"In Germany they just had a big car show and they were shocked. In China things are going harder, faster and more focused. We are too complacent."
-------- The more for your references: ----------
"ASML CEO warns against ''''compelling China to be innovative''''" : https://www.digitimes.com/news/a20230906PD214/asml-china-huawei-smic.html
"ASML’s CEO warns for impact of migration restriction and isolating China": https://innovationorigins.com/en/asmls-ceo-warns-for-impact-of-migration-restriction-and-isolating-china/
人性使然 换位过来如果中国早有这技术只会封锁更厉害 你有独家秘方赚钱难不成早早分享给竞争对手?
你这总结水平和文字水平很高 可以申请华春莹的助理了 我看好你
张忠谋怼梁孟松:“你的技术是因为台积电这个平台,离开台积电你啥也不是”,梁孟松终于在中芯证明自己: https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2950396