didn't he change his face successfully? pop 发表于 2023-09-07 08:48
他到底如何出的车祸?他这种名人如果是特斯拉的问题是不是能搞死特斯拉呀? 华! 发表于 2023-09-07 09:08
去年7月,艺人林志颖驾驶特斯拉Model X在行驶中发生车祸,彼时报道称,车祸后林志颖头部受伤,一度无法说话,在副驾驶座的儿子脸部擦伤,二人被送往林口长庚医院。从今年5月份开始,林志颖就复出参加各种活动,甚至还代言了小鹏汽车。
是的 他妈已经不认识这个新的脸了
i think it is his own fault. And even if it has something to do with Tesla's system, he had done a lot of modifications on his car and voided the warranty. so no way he could sue Tesla for the accident.