数据来自路透社新闻链接:https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-release-fukushima-water-into-ocean-starting-aug-24-2023-08-22/ TOKYO, Aug 22 (Reuters) - Japan said on Tuesday it will start releasing into the sea more than 1 million metric tons of treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant on Aug. 24, going ahead with a plan heavily criticised by China. The plan, approved two years ago by the Japanese government as crucial to decommissioning the plant operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) (9501.T), has also faced criticism from local fishing groups fearing reputational damage. "I expect the water release to start on August 24, weather conditions permitting," Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said. The announcement comes a day after the government said it had won "a degree of understanding" from the fishing industry over the release of the water into the Pacific Ocean, even as fishing groups said they still feared the reputational damage would ruin their livelihood. The water will initially be released in smaller portions and with extra checks, with the first discharge totalling 7,800 cubic metres over about 17 days starting Thursday, Tepco said. That water will contain about 190 becquerels of tritium per litre, below the World Health Organisation drinking water limit of 10,000 becquerels per litre, according to Tepco. A becquerel is a unit of radioactivity. Japan has said that the water release is safe. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the U.N. nuclear watchdog, greenlighted the plan in July, saying that it met international standards and that the impact it would have on people and the environment was "negligible".
Update: 新闻里的 “兆” 是 ‘trillion'' https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20230824_36/ The annual amount of tritium contained in the treated and diluted water to be released from the plant in Fukushima is capped at 22 trillion becquerels. Chinese nuclear energy sector data show the Qinshan power plant in Zhejiang Province released 218 trillion becquerels of tritium in 2021. That is about ten times the maximum amount of tritium to be discharged from the Fukushima Daiichi plant in a year.
另外,老是拿氚说事,其他的放射性元素也有。一月的报道,鱼里面的铯超标180倍。 Fukushima fish with 180 times legal limit of radioactive cesium fuels water release fears https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/24/fukushima-fish-with-180-times-legal-limit-of-radioactive-cesium-fuels-water-release-fears
一家德国海洋科学研究机构指出,福岛沿岸拥有世界上最强的洋流,从排放之日起57天内,放射性物质就会扩散到太平洋的大半区域,3年后美国和加拿大将遭到核污染影响,10年后蔓延到全球海域,或导致人体细胞死亡和DNA损伤,影响到全球鱼类迁徙、远洋渔业、人类健康、生态安全等方方面面。 中国海洋法学会会长高之国对媒体表示,目前国际学术界有比较一致的观点,认为福岛核污染水中有64种核放射性物质。上海政法学院教授杨华指出,核污染水有巨大危害,日本将核污染水和核废水混为一谈,是偷换概念。中国海洋大学海洋生命科学院教授王悠认为,民众关注的不仅仅是日本当地的海鲜。如果环太平洋海域的渔场被波及,这些海域的海产品都会受影响。 日本工程技术专家后藤政志表示,放射性物质进入人体内后有各种破坏路径,比如铯会对甲状腺产生影响,锶会侵入骨骼,即使微量也会对局部器官产生很大破坏,发生局部癌变的风险增大。 今年7月,在韩国国会议员及渔业团体就核污染水排海举行的新闻发布会上,韩国最大在野党共同民主党议员、“阻止福岛核电站核污染水排海”对策委员长魏圣坤表示,尽管日本的排放计划持续30年,但带来的危害或将持续200年。
(答) 1 释放的水是将除氚以外的放射性物质充分净化至监管标准以下的水。进一步稀释后,氚以外的放射性物质的浓度将低于监管标准的1/100。氚的浓度也将被稀释至监管标准的1/40,WHO饮用水标准的约1/7,不会向海洋释放超过监管标准值的水。 2 该水虽然满足放射性物质的监管标准,但由于使用大量的海水进行稀释,含有盐分,因此不适合作为一般饮用水、产业和农业用水等。 3 另外,日本和国际上都没有将核设施的废水排到土壤、并对其影响进行准确地监测的经验,而且也没有建立追踪放射性物质的后续行为的监测方法。 4 而且,中国也和日本一样,根据IAEA制定的国际标准,从原子能设施向海洋排放含有氚等放射性核素的废水。日本预计释放入海的ALPS处理水中氚的排放量为每年22兆贝克勒尔,这是中国浙江省的秦山核电站每年排放量的约十分之一,广东阳江核电站、福建宁德核电站,以及红沿河核电站每年排放量的分别约五分之一。 ※1 中国原子能设施的氚(液体)的年排放量(2020年和2021年) 核电厂放射性流出物排放情况 (2020年) ・秦山第三核电站 143兆贝克勒尔 ・阳江核电站 122兆贝克勒尔 ・宁德核电站 111兆贝克勒尔 ・红沿河核电站 107兆贝克勒尔 (2021年) ・秦山核电站 218兆贝克勒尔 ・阳江核电站 112兆贝克勒尔 ・宁德核电站 102兆贝克勒尔 ・红沿河核电站 90兆克勒尔 ※1-4号机组、5-6号机组的合计 (出处:中国核能年鉴2021、2022)
就地掩埋呢?或者能不能在日本海边专门建一个蓄水池,让海水慢慢蒸发? 日本这个废水里面放射性最严重的是重粒子,h2 h3这些放射性本来就很小,海水里面就有很多,可以被用来做核聚变原料,所以才说核聚变是真正的取之不尽用之不竭的能源
就地掩埋 ,这些不就留在本土了吗。 。。。。。人家心里算盘打的很清楚。 估计也就开始还有人闹腾,时间长了,大家就都无所谓了。
一瓶矿泉水掉马桶里了,只要瓶子没破,洗一洗瓶子,除了有些膈应里面的水拿来喝没太大关系。 拉了一坨大便的马桶水,你喝吗? 你说大便浓度高!倒一浴缸水下去不就稀释了吗,来抗回去慢慢喝
> 日本预计释放入海的ALPS处理水中氚的排放量为每年22兆贝克勒尔,这是中国浙江省的秦山核电站每年排放量的约十分之一,广东阳江核电站、福建宁德核电站,以及红沿河核电站每年排放量的分别约五分之一。
这个 “每年22兆贝克勒尔” 是怎么算出来的?
按下面这个路透社新闻给的数据,按目前的排量,一年氚的排放量将比 “22兆贝克勒尔” 的 1000 倍还多
初期每日排放污水 (单位:升,litre):7800 * 1000 / 17 污水中氚含量 (单位:贝克勒尔/升,becquerels / litre):190 初期排放量:smaller portion,意思小于年平均值
那一年排放的 氚 (tritium)将是 (单位: 兆贝克勒尔):365 * (7800 * 1000 / 17 ) * 190 / 10^6 = 31819
如果1兆算10^6, 年排放量 31819 Mega becquerel 将远大于 22 兆贝克勒尔。
TOKYO, Aug 22 (Reuters) - Japan said on Tuesday it will start releasing into the sea more than 1 million metric tons of treated radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant on Aug. 24, going ahead with a plan heavily criticised by China.
The plan, approved two years ago by the Japanese government as crucial to decommissioning the plant operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) (9501.T), has also faced criticism from local fishing groups fearing reputational damage.
"I expect the water release to start on August 24, weather conditions permitting," Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said.
The announcement comes a day after the government said it had won "a degree of understanding" from the fishing industry over the release of the water into the Pacific Ocean, even as fishing groups said they still feared the reputational damage would ruin their livelihood.
The water will initially be released in smaller portions and with extra checks, with the first discharge totalling 7,800 cubic metres over about 17 days starting Thursday, Tepco said.
That water will contain about 190 becquerels of tritium per litre, below the World Health Organisation drinking water limit of 10,000 becquerels per litre, according to Tepco. A becquerel is a unit of radioactivity.
Japan has said that the water release is safe. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the U.N. nuclear watchdog, greenlighted the plan in July, saying that it met international standards and that the impact it would have on people and the environment was "negligible".
Update: 新闻里的 “兆” 是 ‘trillion''
The annual amount of tritium contained in the treated and diluted water to be released from the plant in Fukushima is capped at 22 trillion becquerels.
Chinese nuclear energy sector data show the Qinshan power plant in Zhejiang Province released 218 trillion becquerels of tritium in 2021. That is about ten times the maximum amount of tritium to be discharged from the Fukushima Daiichi plant in a year.
谁觉得这水安全,免费life time 私家供应。
Fukushima fish with 180 times legal limit of radioactive cesium fuels water release fears https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/24/fukushima-fish-with-180-times-legal-limit-of-radioactive-cesium-fuels-water-release-fears