据FDIC官网上说支付很快的,除非账户有些下面列举的特殊原因 https://www.fdic.gov/resources/deposit-insurance/faq/ First, as the insurer of the bank's deposits, the FDIC pays insurance to depositors up to the insurance limit. Historically, the FDIC pays insurance within a few days after a bank closing, usually the next business day, by either 1) providing each depositor with a new account at another insured bank in an amount equal to the insured balance of their account at the failed bank, or 2) issuing a check to each depositor for the insured balance of their account at the failed bank. In some cases—for example, deposits that exceed $250,000 and are linked to trust documents or deposits established by a third-party broker—the FDIC may need additional time to determine the amount of deposit insurance coverage and may request supplemental information from the depositor in order to complete the insurance determination.
问一下, 在brokerage account 里买的CD 比去issuer银行里买的利率要高,比如说ally bank CD 在fidelity 理财账号里买的就比去ally bank 自己的账号里买的利率高。这两种操作从FDIC 保险的角度是一样么,也就是说只要是ally bank issue 的加起来保到25万? 如果通过fidelity买,保险有啥不同?
问一下, 在brokerage account 里买的CD 比去issuer银行里买的利率要高,比如说ally bank CD 在fidelity 理财账号里买的就比去ally bank 自己的账号里买的利率高。这两种操作从FDIC 保险的角度是一样么,也就是说只要是ally bank issue 的加起来保到25万? 如果通过fidelity买,保险有啥不同? seattletg88 发表于 2023-08-23 13:32
好像是已经资不抵债,正在举新债还钱,如果借不到就是下一个svb了吧……它们家的券商账号和它们新收购的TD Ameritrade券商账号论坛里用的人估计不少。
券商只是业务之一,但是主业应该是银行。好像是资产规模第八的投行吧……我记得之前他们家的debit card可以直接在国内取钱,光有券商业务是做不到这点的。
Charles Schwab 有自己蛮大的银行,还是因为它贪,既想赚券商的钱又想赚银行利息差
比如大家在券商的cash 一般被swipe 进money market, 比如fidelity spaxx, Schwab 就swipe 进自己的银行基本没啥利息,然后拿这钱买了长期国债。 以前利息低mmf 也没啥赚头,无所谓的
现在spaxx 都5%了,大家就不乐意了,把留在schwab cash 买t bills, Mmf. Schwab 只好卖长期国债,借钱,卖房裁人来补窟窿
谢谢MM解答,长期国债指的是30 Year Treasury吗?如果30 Year Treasury rate一直涨的话,是不是CS就会破产?
长债指20年以上到期的国债吧,名字叫 T-Bond,tbill是短债,t note是十年期左右的。
Charles Schwab 有自己的money market fund 呀,SWVXX 利息还不错,超过5%了。
同样的疑问,他们liability side是deposit 占大头?如果不是,不会有svb那种一夜之间liquidity dry out的危险的。理财部分投资大部分是sophisticated clients,不会那么冲动,而且redeem也有一定的period要求的。
Charles没有自动sweep into money market fund的功能吧?是不是还得自己买?
Fidelity和Vanguard都可以选自动的,这样你转过去的钱,或者卖股票变现的现金,都自动进他们的Money Market Fund赚利息。
美国第十一大银行 Charles Schwab Corporation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_banks_in_the_United_States
J.P. Morgan Chase 我觉得应该安全吧? 毕竟和美联储是一家人
re. 他家前段时间买了etrade, 合并了之后裁掉重复的人员不是很正常么。
据FDIC官网上说支付很快的,除非账户有些下面列举的特殊原因 https://www.fdic.gov/resources/deposit-insurance/faq/
First, as the insurer of the bank's deposits, the FDIC pays insurance to depositors up to the insurance limit. Historically, the FDIC pays insurance within a few days after a bank closing, usually the next business day, by either 1) providing each depositor with a new account at another insured bank in an amount equal to the insured balance of their account at the failed bank, or 2) issuing a check to each depositor for the insured balance of their account at the failed bank. In some cases—for example, deposits that exceed $250,000 and are linked to trust documents or deposits established by a third-party broker—the FDIC may need additional time to determine the amount of deposit insurance coverage and may request supplemental information from the depositor in order to complete the insurance determination.
E*Trade是morgan Stanley 买了
神马副业,以前schwab 赚钱一大半是从银行来的
你看fidelity, vanguard 都不是上市公司,schwab 要靠银行自己的pump 股价
etrade 是morgan stanley买的
对,如果你在ally bank买了bank CD,又在fidelity买了ally bank的brokered CD,那计算FDIC限额时会把两者加起来算。
确实要喷,他家是券商,就是个平台,卖的CD也不是自己家的, 所有FDIC保护的银行出的CD他家都卖,跟他们其实没啥关系。没啥不保险的,放心大胆的买。
Schwab买的是TD Ameritrade