no foreign transaction does not mean credit card companies do not charge 商家。 that is how credit card companies make money. they charge 商家 3-5% for every transaction. it is a lot money. that is why wechat or paypal needs to collect 3% fee. it is not foreign transaction fee. foreign transaction fee is mostly for currency conversion.
no foreign transaction does not mean credit card companies do not charge 商家。 that is how credit card companies make money. they charge 商家 3-5% for every transaction. it is a lot money. that is why wechat or paypal needs to collect 3% fee. it is not foreign transaction fee. foreign transaction fee is mostly for currency conversion. gokgs 发表于 2023-08-20 21:53
no foreign transaction does not mean credit card companies do not charge 商家。 that is how credit card companies make money. they charge 商家 3-5% for every transaction. it is a lot money. that is why wechat or paypal needs to collect 3% fee. it is not foreign transaction fee. foreign transaction fee is mostly for currency conversion. gokgs 发表于 2023-08-20 21:53
中国信用卡用的不多, 自然价格就是最终价格了, 也没说收税, 哈哈。
我查了下我微信支付在京东的记录 我一直可以用csr的卡,一直到7月4号都没有国际卡手续费,即使超过200人民币,今天收了…. 看来漏洞补上了
no foreign transaction does not mean credit card companies do not charge 商家。 that is how credit card companies make money. they charge 商家 3-5% for every transaction. it is a lot money.
that is why wechat or paypal needs to collect 3% fee. it is not foreign transaction fee. foreign transaction fee is mostly for currency conversion.
美国的信用卡联盟 visa mastercard是double dip的 收用户3% foreign transaction fee 再收商家刷卡费 这个费用年初还涨了 没有免foreign transaction fee的信用卡 用户就要被收两遍 6% 商家免foreign transaction fee 用户就被收一遍 这一遍就是弥补商家付给信用卡联盟的手续费 3%
信用卡本身要收3%的transaction fee,是商家付给信用卡公司的。所以一般交学费交税之类的,你要选择用信用卡付,都要额外多付3%。国内商店不愿意交这个钱,腾讯代收。
这个是正解。这也是为什么很多小店要消费到一定额度才收信用卡,也是为什么很多PayPal 支付只接受non credit card支付的一个原因。信用卡公司收商家3%的费用,如果商家不愿意承担就只好转到消费者身上。
国际支付其实绑个小额的debit card就可以解决了吧。
微信在国外没有商家收费吧?收费的商家在国内的话,用中国卡消费都是domestic transaction,跟你人在哪里没有关系。
很多。 美国欧洲很多商家都收微信或者支付宝。
微信比较麻烦。如果可以收红包当然可以,就怕没有用绑国内银行卡可能红包也收不了。你可以试着让家人转一块钱试一下。 支付宝我亲测可以没有银行卡收红包,就用美国护照实名认证就可以用。