How Dry Weather Can Affect Your Home’s Foundation Dry weather can impact your foundation by negatively affecting the soil underneath it. Due to dry weather, the ground under your home tends to lose moisture and dry out. This will cause the soil to shrink and crack. Shrinkage is more problematic in soil with high clay content, like the soil in Houston. Compared to sandy soils, which offer better drainage, clay soils hold large amounts of water. When these soils dry out, the shrinkage and cracking are typically worse because of the initial water content. As a result, the clay soil in Houston usually develops large cracks and gaps during dry weather. What’s more, any cracks and gaps that develop around and underneath your foundation will expose more soil underneath your home to airflow. This will accelerate the drying and shrinkage of the soil, eventually causing more cracks and gaps to form.
Again, the problem is not with the slab, but with the soil. it's something pretty amazingly unique in Texas, which has a lot of expansive clay soil which swells and contracts with the water level variation. Texas is very hot, that's why they need to water the soil regularly to keep it from too dry/contracting. California has clay soil too (such as the gao da shang Palo Alto!) but there's no lots of rain and 110 degree summer to make the soil swell and contract like no tomorrow. That's why you only hear individual foundation issues in CA.
Soaker hoses take longer to saturate the soil than sprinklers, but they use less water. Expect to run your hoses for 15 to 20 minutes per day, three to five days per week in peak summer heat. In drought conditions, you may need to water up to 45 minutes every day. This should keep the ground moist but not muddy.
第一次知道,美国的房子就根本没地基, 就是一块水泥板放在土上,然后搭建房子。
最近几年太旱了,地下水不够,10年的房子一样会重新沉降。用slab是地质造成的,德州加州很多都是,所以地基出问题的几率大很多。东部这边的房子都是有地基的,地下室crawl space是标配
我见过农村自建房,一直认为地基必须打桩。 一块水泥板当地基也太不稳定了,怪不得美国房子地基出问题的很多
的确要有人科普一下, 如何保养地基
好吧,我来唠叨两句。 地基通俗点是承载房屋基础的土壤。是有承载力要求的,房子建好了,一般来说很少听过维护地基的。打个比方,维护树,你可以维护树根,但没啥可能维护土壤吧。 如果slab 裂了,只能说原先盖房前地基处理没弄好,也许可能考虑找专业公司往地基里灌浆啥的
How Dry Weather Can Affect Your Home’s Foundation Dry weather can impact your foundation by negatively affecting the soil underneath it. Due to dry weather, the ground under your home tends to lose moisture and dry out. This will cause the soil to shrink and crack. Shrinkage is more problematic in soil with high clay content, like the soil in Houston. Compared to sandy soils, which offer better drainage, clay soils hold large amounts of water. When these soils dry out, the shrinkage and cracking are typically worse because of the initial water content. As a result, the clay soil in Houston usually develops large cracks and gaps during dry weather. What’s more, any cracks and gaps that develop around and underneath your foundation will expose more soil underneath your home to airflow. This will accelerate the drying and shrinkage of the soil, eventually causing more cracks and gaps to form.
查了一下, 很有道理。
这样第一建房子的时候成本低, 第二等过些年裂了不是又来生意了吗? 一举两得啊. 做这一行的人真的很会.
这不是我抖机灵, 这两年我做了很多home DIY, 做的过程中深切的体会到这一点, 就是盖的时候力图符合code的前提下省事省成本, 很多东西不会考虑你后期怎么更换和维修的, 若干年后东西坏了想要修, 发现牵一发而动全身, 这也是为什么与房子有关的contractors养活了多少的人.
意思只有slab 才需要? 为么crawl space 无所谓了? 加州旱成这样。。多少水才够
要看 有些地方的房子下面是粘土 长年跟着气候收缩膨胀 那最好在夏天特别干热的时候浇水
大南方地方大lot大 为了多出来一点居住面积挖地下室不值得 平着盖就得了,建筑成本便宜 你可以看看各个城市的lot size以及建筑风格 Lot size越挤就越多见多层single family和地下室设计
另外这个贴讲得是土质和地基的关系 挖不挖地下室要看bedrock以及地下水和地表的距离 Water table太高有其他渗水的问题 Bedrock太高挖着肯定比挖纯土费劲
大多数地基损坏都是下雨以后泥土松软或者把泥土冲走导致的,您这是啥操作? 就见过混凝土浇筑以后凝固过程中的几天有浇水的。
Never know that for over thirty years.
because you were wrong assuming it's just a slab on top of the ground! there are a lot more underneath.
Again, the problem is not with the slab, but with the soil. it's something pretty amazingly unique in Texas, which has a lot of expansive clay soil which swells and contracts with the water level variation. Texas is very hot, that's why they need to water the soil regularly to keep it from too dry/contracting.
California has clay soil too (such as the gao da shang Palo Alto!) but there's no lots of rain and 110 degree summer to make the soil swell and contract like no tomorrow. That's why you only hear individual foundation issues in CA.
Soaker hoses take longer to saturate the soil than sprinklers, but they use less water. Expect to run your hoses for 15 to 20 minutes per day, three to five days per week in peak summer heat. In drought conditions, you may need to water up to 45 minutes every day. This should keep the ground moist but not muddy.