我们公司雷了一堆人,又招了更多的人。主要还是公司还是个烂摊子,股东不太高兴,换了几个高管promise to turn things around,有的带了自己人,有的为了演戏说自己干了啥干了啥就拿下面人开刀,普通员工,反正就是看运气吧,不太太当真了。自己职责分明,状态好,诚恳一些,总是有地方去的。 caturday 发表于 2023-08-08 08:51
回复 2楼changheruhailiu的帖子 引用一个Deloitte发的M&A trend的文章吧。当然一切都还在正在进行时,manufacture 的企业也是走一步看一步,随时调整政策。 2023 M&A Trends Survey: Navigating Uncertainty How to navigate dealmaking amid M&A market volatility As transactions remain essential for growth in most industries, the players who come out ahead from a period of volatility and uncertainty will have one trait in common: boldness. This report captures the sentiment and insights from corporate and private equity firms in the M&A market and projects M&A trends for the next 12 months. Where is the uncertainty in M&A markets coming from? Economic headwinds include Inflation, which rose to a high of 9.1% in June 2022, has lessened but flattened (6.0% as of February 2023).1 That has given companies better pricing power, but it has also muted demand. Financing costs may continue to rise. Tax policy may be more favorable for dealmakers in 2023 and 2024. With a changed political dynamic in Washington, DC, the threat of capital gains tax increases may have receded. Talent shortages, with low unemployment in recent months,2 have challenged some sectors and organizations more than others. More recently, though, there have been waves of layoffs spreading from big tech to financial services and manufacturing.3 Navigating the new workplace, with hybrid work arrangements and increasingly activist employees, adds an extra challenge to restructuring and is a wild-card factor for potential deals. Other external factors, such as geopolitical risks in Europe, Asia, and elsewhere; increased disruptions to normal operations, supply chains, and economies; and new more transmissible virus strains have continued to emerge, though in most cases are less harmful and disruptive than we saw in 2020.
我所在的部门等着被卖,但是还在招人。招聘过程中有不少coating 相关行业的candidates,说是所在公司lost big customers。算是侧面印证建筑相关的行业不景气吧。 实际上过去两年coating还在使劲招人,填补pandemic引起的退休潮。今年3月情形就急转直下,不少公司freeze hiring,没想到年中就要准备裁员了。
引用一个Deloitte发的M&A trend的文章吧。当然一切都还在正在进行时,manufacture 的企业也是走一步看一步,随时调整政策。
2023 M&A Trends Survey: Navigating Uncertainty How to navigate dealmaking amid M&A market volatility As transactions remain essential for growth in most industries, the players who come out ahead from a period of volatility and uncertainty will have one trait in common: boldness. This report captures the sentiment and insights from corporate and private equity firms in the M&A market and projects M&A trends for the next 12 months. Where is the uncertainty in M&A markets coming from? Economic headwinds include Inflation, which rose to a high of 9.1% in June 2022, has lessened but flattened (6.0% as of February 2023).1 That has given companies better pricing power, but it has also muted demand. Financing costs may continue to rise. Tax policy may be more favorable for dealmakers in 2023 and 2024. With a changed political dynamic in Washington, DC, the threat of capital gains tax increases may have receded. Talent shortages, with low unemployment in recent months,2 have challenged some sectors and organizations more than others. More recently, though, there have been waves of layoffs spreading from big tech to financial services and manufacturing.3 Navigating the new workplace, with hybrid work arrangements and increasingly activist employees, adds an extra challenge to restructuring and is a wild-card factor for potential deals. Other external factors, such as geopolitical risks in Europe, Asia, and elsewhere; increased disruptions to normal operations, supply chains, and economies; and new more transmissible virus strains have continued to emerge, though in most cases are less harmful and disruptive than we saw in 2020.
美国本土的制造业?高尖精?高尖精行业价格不是最主要的因素。 其他行业美国有上规模的制造业吗。
美国本土已经没有制造业了。什么东西都外面来的。 哪怕本土钢材都死贵,没几个公司愿意用。随便焊几下,劳工费都是500刀起价。