I have to think of a way to deal with that before the Winter comes. I am thinking of cutting the pillow case and use just one piece instead of using the entire pillow case (two sided) to lessen the air resistance.
I have hard wood floor, and by sweeping the floor, I discovered the dust is actually a mixture of dirty and fiber. If your blower unit is not powerful enough, then using a higher rating of filter will stop the air flow, I guess.
Most of the air filter is located right before the in-take of the blower unit. So adding and extra filter to the outlet vent will not help or hurt the air duct cleanness. No, I do not use a outlet vent filter.
仔細觀察,灰塵中有很多纖維,以為是空調的塑料管道破了的保溫綿漏出。買了管道鏡頭撿查,不是原因,後來發現是air filter 的結構出問題,因為纖維是一絲一絲layering 貼上去,是central unit 的blower 大猛blow off 這些 fabric 跟塵一塊吹了出來。試著找方法調慢blower,不行。試了用沒有fabric 的气車用化油器的過濾高密度海綿改裝一個 air filter, 但隔塵效果不佳。每個房間長年開著座地式插電air filter 也沒解決鼻涕問題。
那天準備扔舊床單,想這些床單都是高密度綿綫 200 thread count做出來的布料,而紡綿綫是縷得很扎實的,不容易leak fiber,試著用了個舊枕套,套進一個我已前買來做試騐的可洗 filter。
嘩啦!空气頓時清新,沒有鼻涕了。特別是,以后也不用買filter 了, Good bye 3M!
p.s. 我高度怀疑這些做filter 的厂商,故意生産這些 fiber leaking fliter。讓使用者覺得家里到処都是塵,勤一點換filter。如果不是坏,就是蠢。
另外, 你可以用air filter (不是你那个用于管道的)来过滤空气中的尘埃。
白色藍邊是可洗filter袋,本身是個套套在塑料方形架子上。我把架子取出來,先套枕頭套在架子上,再套本來的filter 袋在外面。
家里有三個箱型插電filter ,長年開著,沒解決過敏問題,因為空調不斷吹出新的fiber.
試過,兩天過後,鼻涕依然,源頭不是air duct dirty.
不管有用没用 先mark
You are right. I search the web, the heater could be over heated if the air flow is not fast enough.
No fabric blown out from this washable filter, but the smaller size particles cannot be filtered and get into the air.
No more using 3M filter, use the washable filter only, put the pillow case inside, then original filter sack outside.
Exactly, and the pillow case filter efficiency is very good.
试试新型的air filter。
你现在的情况, 只是电机容易坏而已, 大不了坏了换新的, 所以是个解决方案。毕竟人更重要。
I have to think of a way to deal with that before the Winter comes. I am thinking of cutting the pillow case and use just one piece instead of using the entire pillow case (two sided) to lessen the air resistance.
看房子的新旧, 老房子的电机大概率带不动高merv 的, 所以只能用最便宜的, 如果是敏感的呼吸系统, 买单独的air filter。
You thoughts are interesting. If there is no fiber mixed with dust, the dust structure cannot be stable inside the air duct, I guess.
请问duct clean是否有必要?一直看到不同说法。
I have hard wood floor, and by sweeping the floor, I discovered the dust is actually a mixture of dirty and fiber. If your blower unit is not powerful enough, then using a higher rating of filter will stop the air flow, I guess.
I did try using air duct clean service, if your have read my original post carefully.
Most of the air filter is located right before the in-take of the blower unit. So adding and extra filter to the outlet vent will not help or hurt the air duct cleanness.
No, I do not use a outlet vent filter.
同意。我有一年冬天用ultrasound 的加湿器,这种加湿器的问题是只能用纯净水,用自来水的话会有白色的灰尘,就是水中的电解质。我小农只用放在加湿器水箱中的cartridge,是加湿器附带的,说是可以吸附电解质,防止白灰尘2-3周,结果是根本没用,家里还是到处是白灰尘。air filter 上也是白白的,我没注意没有及时更换,后果是空调直接不工作了,结果换了filter立马正常工作。我的理解就是filter 阻力太大,空调干脆不工作了。我是觉得filter 的设计都是有参数的,是找一个阻力和有效过滤的平衡点,不是随便什么就能代替的。
Exactly. The washable filter only rates at MERV 8, not good enough for my allergy.
曾经有个老外电工来我家修空调也这么说过,不能用系数太高的filter,说什么风过不去啥的…之前买的都是很贵filter,现在听他的就用home depot 的很便宜的那种,常换,Costco卖 的那种都不用了。
这个难道不是空调机有问题?空调机和air filter不匹配造成很明显的健康隐患。应该听从professional的建议