“只要有事”------说得好像小男孩只是划破了手似的。 这个level还真付不起医疗费。 50人小公司的president,加上一个full time mom(就算以前赚过钱),又不是小札level。高位截瘫患者今后几十年的医疗费会让他们倾家荡产。 "Given the nature of Asa’s injury, average costs of care exceed $1MM in the first year alone” 跟我预估的差不多,第一年的费用就会超过100万。 我怀疑楼主是不是真的间接认识他们家。跑到这里宣扬人家是executive level存什么心???
“只要有事”------说得好像小男孩只是划破了手似的。 这个level还真付不起医疗费。 50人小公司的president,加上一个full time mom(就算以前赚过钱),又不是小札level。高位截瘫患者今后几十年的医疗费会让他们倾家荡产。 "Given the nature of Asa’s injury, average costs of care exceed $1MM in the first year alone” 跟我预估的差不多,第一年的费用就会超过100万。 我怀疑楼主是不是真的间接认识他们家。跑到这里宣扬人家是executive level存什么心???
回复 99楼freshonion的帖子 you have posted entirely false information by starting this thread. both parents are ophthalmologist. the woman practice at UCSF and the husband in Walnut Creek. Their combined income are probably 500 to 700 thousand a year. https://www.ktvu.com/news/8-year-old-shot-on-oakland-freeway-paralyzed-family-says "Bullets from that gunfire, as well as bone fragments, lodged in Asa's spinal column near his neck, wrote Asa's parents, Melissa Neuwelt and Caesar Luo, who requested not to be contacted by the media. ..." google the parents' names
回复 99楼freshonion的帖子 you have posted entirely false information by starting this thread. both parents are ophthalmologist. the woman practice at UCSF and the husband in Walnut Creek. Their combined income are probably 500 to 700 thousand a year. https://www.ktvu.com/news/8-year-old-shot-on-oakland-freeway-paralyzed-family-says "Bullets from that gunfire, as well as bone fragments, lodged in Asa's spinal column near his neck, wrote Asa's parents, Melissa Neuwelt and Caesar Luo, who requested not to be contacted by the media. ..." google the parents' names jiaching 发表于 2023-08-05 14:02
回复 99楼freshonion的帖子 you have posted entirely false information by starting this thread. both parents are ophthalmologist. the woman practice at UCSF and the husband in Walnut Creek. Their combined income are probably 500 to 700 thousand a year. https://www.ktvu.com/news/8-year-old-shot-on-oakland-freeway-paralyzed-family-says "Bullets from that gunfire, as well as bone fragments, lodged in Asa's spinal column near his neck, wrote Asa's parents, Melissa Neuwelt and Caesar Luo, who requested not to be contacted by the media. ..." google the parents' names jiaching 发表于 2023-08-05 14:02
回复 99楼freshonion的帖子 you have posted entirely false information by starting this thread. both parents are ophthalmologist. the woman practice at UCSF and the husband in Walnut Creek. Their combined income are probably 500 to 700 thousand a year. https://www.ktvu.com/news/8-year-old-shot-on-oakland-freeway-paralyzed-family-says "Bullets from that gunfire, as well as bone fragments, lodged in Asa's spinal column near his neck, wrote Asa's parents, Melissa Neuwelt and Caesar Luo, who requested not to be contacted by the media. ..." google the parents' names jiaching 发表于 2023-08-05 14:02
回复 20楼bluebluerain的帖子 they have exceeded the original 250000 goal but immediately raised it to half million when they saw money kept coming. Asa and his family suffered an immense tragedy. However similar tragedies happen everyday to families in the this world hundreds and thousands of times. The parents, being two doctors (specialists working for top medical institutions) have way more financial resources to meet their son's need than 99% parents who also have children in dire situation. The median income for Ophthalmology doc in SF is 400K/yr. However they choose to tap the society' s sources to their son's future needs instead of planning to meet the cost with their own future incomes. Yeah, being doctors helps to raise money fast as their circles are full of well-to-do people. However I bet many people donated who are probably just ordinary people who makes a fraction vs. this MD. couple and they probably don't know this fact. Money is limited, if one donates to them, then he/she may not have the funds to donate to much needier people.
回复 20楼bluebluerain的帖子 they have exceeded the original 250000 goal but immediately raised it to half million when they saw money kept coming. Asa and his family suffered an immense tragedy. However similar tragedies happen everyday to families in the this world hundreds and thousands of times. The parents, being two doctors (specialists working for top medical institutions) have way more financial resources to meet their son's need than 99% parents who also have children in dire situation. The median income for Ophthalmology doc in SF is 400K/yr. However they choose to tap the society' s sources to their son's future needs instead of planning to meet the cost with their own future incomes. Yeah, being doctors helps to raise money fast as their circles are full of well-to-do people. However I bet many people donated who are probably just ordinary people who makes a fraction vs. this MD. couple and they probably don't know this fact. Money is limited, if one donates to them, then he/she may not have the funds to donate to much needier people. jiaching 发表于 2023-08-05 21:03
只看到高收入,what if they have high student loans too? 他们放上去有人愿意捐就捐,又没隐瞒他们的家庭状况。
美国警察 还幻想什么
哎 红州有没有听说 为什么总是加州 最近
“只要有事”------说得好像小男孩只是划破了手似的。 这个level还真付不起医疗费。 50人小公司的president,加上一个full time mom(就算以前赚过钱),又不是小札level。高位截瘫患者今后几十年的医疗费会让他们倾家荡产。
"Given the nature of Asa’s injury, average costs of care exceed $1MM in the first year alone” 跟我预估的差不多,第一年的费用就会超过100万。
我怀疑楼主是不是真的间接认识他们家。跑到这里宣扬人家是executive level存什么心???
就算有钱人家的孩子一旦到了十八岁以后就可以脱离父母系统 进入成年阶段 可以申请残疾人津贴以及Medicaid了。津贴不多但是起码医疗方面不会存在几十年父母需要负担几十年医疗费用的问题。
有一次在ymca, 一群年轻妈妈每个妈妈都带着一个孩子, 孩子8岁了妈妈还给换尿布, 看妈妈若无其事得换尿布, 真佩服这些妈妈
若依你所说,反正Medicaid会兜底,美国那么多家庭因为巨额医疗费用而破产,你认为都是编造出来的? 更何况从8岁到18岁的一千万美金,靠大风刮来? 绝大多数医疗保险有life time max,到了那个max保险就不包了。那max额度因保险而异,但都低于一千万。
你自己不够严谨随口一说就今后几十年 我改正你十八岁以后的保险有政府负责不存在几十年的问题 你当然可以说十年的医疗费用庞大而这个费用的庞大绝对没有会反对
我是纠正你说的Medicaid会给成年病人兜底。 说8到18岁的费用是假设成年人不可能因医疗费用破产
“这个level还真付不起医疗费。 50人小公司的president,加上一个full time mom(就算以前赚过钱),又不是小札level。高位截瘫患者 今后几十年的医疗费会让他们倾家荡产。”
defund policy 的后果,没人和黑帮对着干了
早就没了。Obama 的ACT 把这个取消了。
拜登当副总统的时候都还想买房子给他大儿子治病呢。医保不能保的地方太多了。 这家人估计的第一年100万看LinkedIn连接就是他们家自己需要的费用。
流弹的意义是提供控枪禁枪的道义支持, 罪犯是谁可没人关心。
NRA 不被流弹打掉自己的 小 JJ, 永远不会承认控枪有用。
you have posted entirely false information by starting this thread. both parents are ophthalmologist. the woman practice at UCSF and the husband in Walnut Creek. Their combined income are probably 500 to 700 thousand a year.
"Bullets from that gunfire, as well as bone fragments, lodged in Asa's spinal column near his neck, wrote Asa's parents, Melissa Neuwelt and Caesar Luo, who requested not to be contacted by the media. ..."
google the parents' names
应该是新闻上的名字不准 楼主这个LinkedIn有很多实名回复, 和照片上父亲的样子也吻合
they have exceeded the original 250000 goal but immediately raised it to half million when they saw money kept coming. Asa and his family suffered an immense tragedy. However similar tragedies happen everyday to families in the this world hundreds and thousands of times. The parents, being two doctors (specialists working for top medical institutions) have way more financial resources to meet their son's need than 99% parents who also have children in dire situation. The median income for Ophthalmology doc in SF is 400K/yr. However they choose to tap the society' s sources to their son's future needs instead of planning to meet the cost with their own future incomes. Yeah, being doctors helps to raise money fast as their circles are full of well-to-do people. However I bet many people donated who are probably just ordinary people who makes a fraction vs. this MD. couple and they probably don't know this fact. Money is limited, if one donates to them, then he/she may not have the funds to donate to much needier people.
只看到高收入,what if they have high student loans too? 他们放上去有人愿意捐就捐,又没隐瞒他们的家庭状况。