LZMM, 我女儿是学Medical science genetics的。她说是你的DNA shows a higher likelihood of getting HPV in the future, but you do not have HPV right now. They simply tested the DNA for a specific mutation to assess risk for the future so doctors can keep track and conduct regular testing each time you go for a checkup. They do this as a preventative strategy, so if you do get HPV later, they can test it early and treat it.
LZMM, 我女儿是学Medical science genetics的。她说是你的DNA shows a higher likelihood of getting HPV in the future, but you do not have HPV right now. They simply tested the DNA for a specific mutation to assess risk for the future so doctors can keep track and conduct regular testing each time you go for a checkup. They do this as a preventative strategy, so if you do get HPV later, they can test it early and treat it. Teatime2018 发表于 2023-08-01 00:11
LZMM, 我女儿是学Medical science genetics的。她说是你的DNA shows a higher likelihood of getting HPV in the future, but you do not have HPV right now. They simply tested the DNA for a specific mutation to assess risk for the future so doctors can keep track and conduct regular testing each time you go for a checkup. They do this as a preventative strategy, so if you do get HPV later, they can test it early and treat it. Teatime2018 发表于 2023-08-01 00:11
从楼主贴的照片和她最近的病例描述,没看出她的医生 tested her DNA for a specific mutation relating to a higher hpv infection risk。 I don''t think they even do that, to a person who has no history of hpv infection, or who was dna positive once before 周一的报告说你曾阳性过。鉴于过去三年多没有做过这方面检查,要么就是这次阳性 (如果是最近这次,为什么是history,. 说不通),要么就是弄错了
LZMM, 我女儿是学Medical science genetics的。她说是你的DNA shows a higher likelihood of getting HPV in the future, but you do not have HPV right now. They simply tested the DNA for a specific mutation to assess risk for the future so doctors can keep track and conduct regular testing each time you go for a checkup. They do this as a preventative strategy, so if you do get HPV later, they can test it early and treat it. Teatime2018 发表于 2023-08-01 00:11
LZMM, 我女儿是学Medical science genetics的。她说是你的DNA shows a higher likelihood of getting HPV in the future, but you do not have HPV right now. They simply tested the DNA for a specific mutation to assess risk for the future so doctors can keep track and conduct regular testing each time you go for a checkup. They do this as a preventative strategy, so if you do get HPV later, they can test it early and treat it. Teatime2018 发表于 2023-08-01 00:11
这个机器我用过,PCR检查结果只有阳性和阴性报告,没有她说是你的DNA shows a higher likelihood of getting HPV in the future。
LZMM, 我女儿是学Medical science genetics的。她说是你的DNA shows a higher likelihood of getting HPV in the future, but you do not have HPV right now. They simply tested the DNA for a specific mutation to assess risk for the future so doctors can keep track and conduct regular testing each time you go for a checkup. They do this as a preventative strategy, so if you do get HPV later, they can test it early and treat it. Teatime2018 发表于 2023-08-01 00:11
感觉这个解释好像不太对,上面写的是HPV DNA test positive… 楼主还是打电话再和医生护士确认一下吧,有可能是弄错了
从楼主贴的照片和她最近的病例描述,没看出她的医生 tested her DNA for a specific mutation relating to a higher hpv infection risk。 I don''t think they even do that, to a person who has no history of hpv infection, or who was dna positive once before 周一的报告说你曾阳性过。鉴于过去三年多没有做过这方面检查,要么就是这次阳性 (如果是最近这次,为什么是history,. 说不通),要么就是弄错了 Slou9900 发表于 2023-08-01 01:05
LZMM, 我女儿是学Medical science genetics的。她说是你的DNA shows a higher likelihood of getting HPV in the future, but you do not have HPV right now. They simply tested the DNA for a specific mutation to assess risk for the future so doctors can keep track and conduct regular testing each time you go for a checkup. They do this as a preventative strategy, so if you do get HPV later, they can test it early and treat it. Teatime2018 发表于 2023-08-01 00:11
我上周四,也就是四天前,做了个子宫内膜活检,今天周一,护士打电话来说结果一切都好,我一般不上网查报告的,但是今天不知为啥,下班了回家打开电脑我竟然上网查了我的报告,晴天霹雳,发现我的体检结果写了我有HPV阳性历史。 “Clinical History: Cervical high risk HPV DNA test positive (R87.810), cervical high risk HPV positive” 我从来没听过妇科医生告诉我有HPV。这一下子成了history, 难道是她忘记告诉我了?这个结果打疫苗还来得及吗?
我查了我的pap smear,2019年还是阴性的。 之后没有检查过hpv。怎么会突然有个阳性的历史?
我查了我的pap smear,2019年还是阴性的。 之后没有检查过hpv。怎么会突然有个阳性的历史?
从楼主贴的照片和她最近的病例描述,没看出她的医生 tested her DNA for a specific mutation relating to a higher hpv infection risk。
I don''t think they even do that, to a person who has no history of hpv infection, or who was dna positive once before
周一的报告说你曾阳性过。鉴于过去三年多没有做过这方面检查,要么就是这次阳性 (如果是最近这次,为什么是history,. 说不通),要么就是弄错了
“Clinical History: Cervical high risk HPV DNA test positive (R87.810), cervical high risk HPV positive” 这就是说你曾经测出过high risk HPV, 至于哪一次没说,可能是2019年以前的一次。你可以找医生在系统里查是哪一年曾经测出。可能那一年只测出high risk HPV,但是宫颈正常,不需进一步检查,所以医生没有特别强调,你可能也没上心就过去了。
上次有个网友给出文献,HPV DNA test 假阳性百分之10几,1/7 chances, 不低的,有时候真就是错的。假阴性倒是很低,几乎没有,negative 就是真的 negative
等等,你知道HPV与cervical abnormal correlation rate (squamous cell abnormal ,endocevical abnormal ,endometrial abnormal). 吓唬你一下,有的人即使是cancer HPV 是阴性。有的人HPV阳性,pap smear 是阴性但是过几年是HSIL.HPV阳性到癌因人而异,有的人不幸可能很快。 楼主是医生办公室弄错了,打电话医生办公室纠正错误,给新的正确的报告。
---- 是 cancer (但是) HPV 是阴性
这是因为病毒只是启动细胞癌变开始的那枚钥匙,一旦程序开始,进阶到一个stage of no return, 就能继续变异,直到真正癌变。这之后不需要病毒 physically present,也许早就清掉了
绝大多数人就算癌变程序被启动,但还没到stage of no return, 身体就能把病毒清除。能进阶的是极少数
---- HPV阳性,pap smear 是阴性
一个人这周感染两周后就有可能测出 hpv dna 阳性,但是离 smear 上细胞形态开始变化, 还得起码一两年or more。所以两周后可能能测出病毒,但细胞看上去完好
这个是不对的,你查一下她的报告code,就是pap smear的样品送去实验室检验,看细胞有没有含high risk hpv的DNA,阳性提示感染。他们不会查low risk 的HPV,因为没有临床意义。像前面说的,楼主阳性也很有可能是假阳性,先不用着急.
你说的是对的,那位层主的女儿的意思是楼主的样品经历了 hpv-specific genotyping。目前美国 preventive medicine 领域应该还没有提供类似于 hpv counseling 的服务
这个机器我用过,PCR检查结果只有阳性和阴性报告,没有她说是你的DNA shows a higher likelihood of getting HPV in the future。
Low risk HPV以前检测,但现在不做了因为没有临床意义—患癌的机率太低,浪费资源。
MM放心吧,2018做了HPV DNA test,没有检测任何HPV病毒,这个test同时也对high risk type基因做了检查。给你的报告只是告诉你是HPV阴性的结果。报告里说的很清楚,其它十二high risk检测结果也加在里面for patient management,(因为PCR不是个复杂的test,所以可能是这次检查也可能是以前的检查)所以医生可以看见。以后就是注意检查就好。
感觉这个解释好像不太对,上面写的是HPV DNA test positive…
都变癌了抹片检查肯定可以看出来了啊。这个病毒是trigger, 癌变开始以后未必会present
这医生, 这护士。。。 换一家吧
这个检查做的就是查感染,不是什么 high risk人类基因,查的是取到的样品中细胞有没有感染高危的HPV株,如果感染就会含有HPV的DNA,你要说病毒基因也可以。目前临床没有查人更susceptible HPV感染的基因检查,更不要说只是个常规体检。