
楼主 (北美华人网)
隔壁贴提到家庭主妇的medicare,有人提到配偶有40点即可,刚好我有个朋友现在是这个情况,为免看不到回帖,特另开一贴。 某朋友,年近65,工作有十年以上,后为家庭主妇,刚收到medicare的小册子,她告诉我还好之前她工作有40点,否则须附钱才可有Plan A,能否有免费的Plan A和配偶的40点无关。仅供参考,具体仍须咨询权威部门。
隔壁贴提到家庭主妇的medicare,有人提到配偶有40点即可,刚好我有个朋友现在是这个情况,为免看不到回帖,特另开一贴。 某朋友,年近65,工作有十年以上,后为家庭主妇,刚收到medicare的小册子,她告诉我还好之前她工作有40点,否则须附钱才可有Plan A,能否有免费的Plan A和配偶的40点无关。仅供参考,具体仍须咨询权威部门。
deerlovecoconut 发表于 2023-07-31 18:21

Qualifying for premium-free Part A based on your spouse’s work history
  Bookmark If you do not have at least 40 calendar quarters of work during which you paid Social Security taxes in the U.S., but your spouse does, you may be eligible for premium-free Medicare Part A based on your spouse’s work history when you turn 65. Note, however, that if you develop a disability before you turn 65, and do not have enough work history, you cannot qualify for Social Security Disability (SSDI) based on your spouse’s work history. When you turn 65, you may be eligible for premium-free Part A based on your spouse’s work history if: You are currently married and your spouse is eligible for Social Security benefits (either retirement or disability). You must have been married for at least one year before applying. You are divorced and your former spouse is eligible for Social Security benefits (either retirement or disability). You must have been married for at least 10 years, and you must now be single. You are widowed and married for at least nine months before your spouse died. You must be single. Be aware that there are some exceptions to the eligibility rules listed above. To confirm your eligibility for premium-free Part A, call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213. If you are a railroad worker, contact your local Railroad Retirement Board field office.


回复 1楼deerlovecoconut的帖子
如果配偶有40点,且两人年龄都到了65,那么两口子的part A 都是免费的,part B 需要交premium,现在好像是每人每月$168左右。