原来是这个意思。我就说怎么莫名其妙的楼里直接科普HPV和宫颈癌不是一个level miaka 发表于 2023-07-29 11:35
然而,绝大多数的宫颈癌都是HPV感染导致的: In general, HPV is thought to be responsible for more than 90% of anal and cervical cancers, about 70% of vaginal and vulvar cancers, and 60% of penile cancers. https://www.cdc.gov › basic_info Cancers Associated with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) - CDC
回复 1楼公用马甲28的帖子 https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/infectious-agents/hpv-and-cancer HPV is a group of more than 200 related viruses, some of which are spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Sexually transmitted HPV types fall into two groups, low risk and high risk. Low-risk HPVs mostly cause no disease. However, a few low-risk HPV types can cause warts on or around the genitals, anus, mouth, or throat. High-risk HPVs can cause several types of cancer. There are about 14 high-risk HPV types including HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and 68. Two of these, HPV16 and HPV18, are responsible for most HPV-related cancers. HPV infection is common: Nearly all sexually active people are infected with HPV within months to a few years of becoming sexually active. Around half of these infections are with a high-risk HPV type. How is HPV Transmitted? HPV infection passes easily between sexual partners. It can be transmitted through any intimate skin-to-skin contact, including vaginal–penile sex, penile–anal sex, penile–oral sex, vaginal–oral sex, and use of sex toys or other objects. Condoms and dental dams can lower the chance of HPV transmission but do not prevent it completely.
Can HPV be transmitted non sexually? The route of HPV transmission is primarily through skin-to-skin or skin-to-mucosa contact. Sexual transmission is the most documented, but there have been studies suggesting non-sexual courses. The horizontal transfer of HPV includes fomites, fingers, and mouth, skin contact (other than sexual).Oct 13, 2020 Non-sexual HPV transmission and role of vaccination ... - NCBI National Institutes of Health (.gov) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC7579832
楼主,你google下。 哎,我顺手帮你找好了: 不谈HPV与宫颈癌风险的关系,单就HPV病毒本身科普一下。网上很多中文资料有很多误导。 下面开始科普有关HPV病毒知识要点: 1. HPV is a very common virus that can be spread from one person to another person through anal, vaginal, or oral sex, or through other close skin-to-skin touching during sexual activity. It is most commonly spread during vaginal or anal sex. HPV can be passed even when an infected person has no signs or symptoms. HPV是常见的通过性行为(gj/yj/kj),或者在性行为过程中皮肤互相接触传播的病毒。与携带 HPV 病毒的人进行阴交、或,可能使您感染 HPV。通过阴交或传播最为常见。即便感染人士没有任何征 兆或症状,HPV 也能传染。症状可能在与感染人士发生性行为多年后出现,以至于难以追究 最初在何时感染。 (划重点:性传播!公共厕所浴室泳池接吻吃饭混穿混洗衣物不传播!除非是直接穿别人的脏内裤。。。) 2. Using condoms can lower your chances of getting all STIs, including HPV. However, HPV can infect areas that are not covered by a condom, so condoms may not give full protection against getting HPV. 用避孕套可以降低得所有性传播疾病的风险,包括HPV。 然而,HPV病毒可以感染避孕套不能覆盖的地方,所以戴套并不能完全阻止HPV传播. 3. HPV can cause cervical and other cancers including cancer of the vulva, vagina, penis, or anus. It can also cause cancer in the back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils (called oropharyngeal cancer). Cancer often takes years, even decades, to develop after a person gets HPV. The types of HPV that can cause genital warts are not the same as the types of HPV that can cause cancers. HPV 可能导致子宫颈和其他癌症,包括外阴、阴道、阴茎或肛门癌症。它还可能导致喉底癌症,包括舌头和扁桃体底部(称为 口咽癌)。 癌症通常在感染 HPV 数年甚至数十年后发生。导致生殖器疣的 HPV 类型不同于导致癌症的 HPV 类型。 4. Treatment can help, but this condition can't be cured. There's no cure for the virus and warts may go away on their own. Treatment focuses on removing the warts. A vaccine that prevents the HPV strains most likely to cause genital warts and cervical cancer is recommended for boys and girls. 对于HPV感染有治疗方法,然而不能治愈。 没有任何有效药物可以清除病毒本身。 治疗多数着重于去除生殖器疣。 推荐11-12岁的男孩和女孩都打针对预防导致生殖器疣和子宫颈癌的 HPV疫苗。 不超过 21 岁的男性和不超过 26 岁的女性若年幼时未接种疫苗,建议补种疫苗。 不超过 26 岁的和双性恋(或与男性有性行为的男性)也建议接种疫苗。不超过 26 岁免疫系统不全的男性和女性(包 括感染 HIV/AIDS 的人士),若年幼时未充分接种疫苗,也建议接种。 参考资料来源: Mayo clinic Wikipedia Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Can HPV be transmitted non sexually? The route of HPV transmission is primarily through skin-to-skin or skin-to-mucosa contact. Sexual transmission is the most documented, but there have been studies suggesting non-sexual courses. The horizontal transfer of HPV includes fomites, fingers, and mouth, skin contact (other than sexual).Oct 13, 2020 Non-sexual HPV transmission and role of vaccination ... - NCBI National Institutes of Health (.gov) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC7579832
echomom 发表于 2023-07-28 11:01
首先, 这很少见。 其次,楼主跟其他什么样的人能有这种程度的接触呢? 这种一般是父母传给孩子的。你自己引用的内容也写了啊, horizontal transfer, 意思就是“ from parent to offspring.” 自上而下的传播。难道楼主要回家问爹妈幼年被传播的可能性么。。。
Can HPV be transmitted non sexually? The route of HPV transmission is primarily through skin-to-skin or skin-to-mucosa contact. Sexual transmission is the most documented, but there have been studies suggesting non-sexual courses. The horizontal transfer of HPV includes fomites, fingers, and mouth, skin contact (other than sexual).Oct 13, 2020 Non-sexual HPV transmission and role of vaccination ... - NCBI National Institutes of Health (.gov) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC7579832
80% 恐怕是对的。然而,的确是只能treat不能cure. 也就是对于女性,基本就是终身的。 from Mayo Clinic website: Very common: More than 3 million US cases per year Spreads by sexual contact Some types preventable by vaccine Treatment can help, but this condition can''''t be curedChronic: can last for years or be lifelong Requires a medical diagnosis Lab tests or imaging often required HOW IT SPREADSBy having unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex.By mother to baby by pregnancy, labor, or nursing. Sources: Mayo Clinic and others.
Can HPV be transmitted non sexually? The route of HPV transmission is primarily through skin-to-skin or skin-to-mucosa contact. Sexual transmission is the most documented, but there have been studies suggesting non-sexual courses. The horizontal transfer of HPV includes fomites, fingers, and mouth, skin contact (other than sexual).Oct 13, 2020 Non-sexual HPV transmission and role of vaccination ... - NCBI National Institutes of Health (.gov) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC7579832
更新: 1.我和我另一半均打过疫苗 2.感谢61楼的科普文章,已看完,能理解。谢谢130楼的科普。 3.楼里多数是讨论我与另一半谁不忠,还是之前的男女朋友造成,其实这一点当下对于我来说并不重要,因为已经得了,只想如何去解决,楼里有人说的对,我不应该发出来讨论,大家多数是在criticism,并不会比我的医生专业。有的人嘴贱就让他吧,说不定也会有karma。 4.也谢谢善良的人的bless,我也会积极治疗。
身体年检,才发现感染了HPV,是我们家万万没想到的。没有任何症状,不痛不痒,一度怀疑检查结果有问题。 信任彼此,双方没有出轨行为或者不洁性生活。 复盘之后觉得只有两个可能:公共场合或者因为生孩子 检查结果排除了不是16和18,是其他高危型。 真的很倒霉,很无语,看了网上的文章说非常常见,80%的人一生中都得过,有点惊讶,居然这么常见。 现在不知道怎么办,只能等结果看具体是哪一种类型的病毒,到了哪个阶段。
🔥 最新回帖
In general, HPV is thought to be responsible for more than 90% of anal and cervical cancers, about 70% of vaginal and vulvar cancers, and 60% of penile cancers. https://www.cdc.gov › basic_info Cancers Associated with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) - CDC
Thanks! 那和新冠差不多case。自愈抗体还是有用的。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
hpv基本都是通过性传播的, 啥公共场合或生孩子都是扯。别问我为啥这么说。
你们是这么多年24小时,一分钟不离在一起吗? 怎么做到的?
真心对你无语,看谁都是绝对的 我们信任彼此就是了,光疫情这三年宅家,就已经不可能了。 没必要自己骗自己还来发帖找树洞?单纯就是想知道有没有其他人给好的建议。
我的妇科医生说Pap smear 异常才给检查HPV,Pap smear正常不用查。
我的结果是先出的HPV,现在在等pap smear
这样,那你看你的Pap smear结果吧,祝你顺利
你那个 80%是HSV-1就是嘴角起泡那种,你这种是HSV-2不是一个东西。。。
hsv hpv两个东西好么……
每天都work from home? 没有自己回国?
我年检pap smear检查时都会做HPV的测试
HPV is a group of more than 200 related viruses, some of which are spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Sexually transmitted HPV types fall into two groups, low risk and high risk. Low-risk HPVs mostly cause no disease. However, a few low-risk HPV types can cause warts on or around the genitals, anus, mouth, or throat. High-risk HPVs can cause several types of cancer. There are about 14 high-risk HPV types including HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and 68. Two of these, HPV16 and HPV18, are responsible for most HPV-related cancers.
HPV infection is common: Nearly all sexually active people are infected with HPV within months to a few years of becoming sexually active. Around half of these infections are with a high-risk HPV type.
How is HPV Transmitted? HPV infection passes easily between sexual partners. It can be transmitted through any intimate skin-to-skin contact, including vaginal–penile sex, penile–anal sex, penile–oral sex, vaginal–oral sex, and use of sex toys or other objects. Condoms and dental dams can lower the chance of HPV transmission but do not prevent it completely.
Non-sexual HPV transmission and role of vaccination ... - NCBI National Institutes of Health (.gov) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC7579832
“信任彼此,双方没有出轨行为或者不洁性生活。” 一般这种信任彼此的,最后总会发现要么对方不值得信任,要么自己有问题。。。 就象以前结婚的时候,发现新娘处女膜破裂,新娘说是骑自行车或者做体操导致的。。。 谁信谁啥,大家都是揣着明白装糊涂。。。
楼主,你google下。 哎,我顺手帮你找好了:
不谈HPV与宫颈癌风险的关系,单就HPV病毒本身科普一下。网上很多中文资料有很多误导。 下面开始科普有关HPV病毒知识要点: 1. HPV is a very common virus that can be spread from one person to another person through anal, vaginal, or oral sex, or through other close skin-to-skin touching during sexual activity. It is most commonly spread during vaginal or anal sex. HPV can be passed even when an infected person has no signs or symptoms. HPV是常见的通过性行为(gj/yj/kj),或者在性行为过程中皮肤互相接触传播的病毒。与携带 HPV 病毒的人进行阴交、或,可能使您感染 HPV。通过阴交或传播最为常见。即便感染人士没有任何征 兆或症状,HPV 也能传染。症状可能在与感染人士发生性行为多年后出现,以至于难以追究 最初在何时感染。 (划重点:性传播!公共厕所浴室泳池接吻吃饭混穿混洗衣物不传播!除非是直接穿别人的脏内裤。。。)
2. Using condoms can lower your chances of getting all STIs, including HPV. However, HPV can infect areas that are not covered by a condom, so condoms may not give full protection against getting HPV. 用避孕套可以降低得所有性传播疾病的风险,包括HPV。 然而,HPV病毒可以感染避孕套不能覆盖的地方,所以戴套并不能完全阻止HPV传播.
3. HPV can cause cervical and other cancers including cancer of the vulva, vagina, penis, or anus. It can also cause cancer in the back of the throat, including the base of the tongue and tonsils (called oropharyngeal cancer). Cancer often takes years, even decades, to develop after a person gets HPV. The types of HPV that can cause genital warts are not the same as the types of HPV that can cause cancers. HPV 可能导致子宫颈和其他癌症,包括外阴、阴道、阴茎或肛门癌症。它还可能导致喉底癌症,包括舌头和扁桃体底部(称为 口咽癌)。 癌症通常在感染 HPV 数年甚至数十年后发生。导致生殖器疣的 HPV 类型不同于导致癌症的 HPV 类型。 4. Treatment can help, but this condition can't be cured. There's no cure for the virus and warts may go away on their own. Treatment focuses on removing the warts. A vaccine that prevents the HPV strains most likely to cause genital warts and cervical cancer is recommended for boys and girls. 对于HPV感染有治疗方法,然而不能治愈。 没有任何有效药物可以清除病毒本身。 治疗多数着重于去除生殖器疣。 推荐11-12岁的男孩和女孩都打针对预防导致生殖器疣和子宫颈癌的 HPV疫苗。 不超过 21 岁的男性和不超过 26 岁的女性若年幼时未接种疫苗,建议补种疫苗。 不超过 26 岁的和双性恋(或与男性有性行为的男性)也建议接种疫苗。不超过 26 岁免疫系统不全的男性和女性(包 括感染 HIV/AIDS 的人士),若年幼时未充分接种疫苗,也建议接种。 参考资料来源: Mayo clinic Wikipedia Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
首先, 这很少见。 其次,楼主跟其他什么样的人能有这种程度的接触呢? 这种一般是父母传给孩子的。你自己引用的内容也写了啊, horizontal transfer, 意思就是“ from parent to offspring.” 自上而下的传播。难道楼主要回家问爹妈幼年被传播的可能性么。。。
我们都选自己愿意相信的,尽管文献里明确告诉你研究结果,但是你偏要放弃绝大多数,放大小概率事件也没办法,见仁见智喽。 从医生专家的角度来说,他们并不关注病人的道德范畴领域,更多只是就事论事,有关社会行为的流行病学调查多数如此,你说是就是喽。STD于是又被备注成公共厕所和公用洗衣机都可能传染,无所谓啊,除了当事人自己与吃瓜群众无关
对啊。前任也有可能。 但是通常男的短时间内能clear,半年最多一年这样。 具体也要看哪种HPV病毒,有的高危,有的不容易致癌。离宫颈癌的确还很远。知道了注意follow up 就好。
80% 恐怕是对的。然而,的确是只能treat不能cure. 也就是对于女性,基本就是终身的。
from Mayo Clinic website:
Very common: More than 3 million US cases per year Spreads by sexual contact Some types preventable by vaccine Treatment can help, but this condition can''''t be cured Chronic: can last for years or be lifelong Requires a medical diagnosis Lab tests or imaging often required
HOW IT SPREADS By having unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex. By mother to baby by pregnancy, labor, or nursing.
Sources: Mayo Clinic and others.
不是吧,每次都有两个结果,一个是pap smear和一个是HPV
Pap Smear做完,报告里就包括HPV检验结果,我们这边Kaiser是这样的。不知道其他医疗机构是不是。
就是就是 不过这也可能是楼主铁嘴钢牙的,但是自己心里也打鼓,上来唠叨唠叨,不也有不少人附和的,那就宽心了呗。本来就是,难道糊涂嘛
这就是这个帖子讨论的意义啊。 男孩也建议打疫苗,保护未来儿媳妇不是也很好。
这个skin contact需要非常非常亲密,只是不能算sexual。简单来说,父母跟孩子之间的contact都不会传染。你品你细品。 老公没pc,只是跟人有了skin contact。
楼主自己得了,正愁没法跟老公解释; 而老公那边心里也打鼓,没想到出去玩了一下就得上了? 建议楼主赶快带老公也去查一下。。
哈哈哈,坏,太坏了 你
你说的hsv吧。hsv1和宫颈癌没关系啊,就是cold sore,瘊子这类,自限性疾病,所以大家不怎么在乎。hsv2感染生殖器,疱疹啥的。
There is clear guideline on what to do in this situation.
感染std的 基本都是不带套的。都知道风险高,都只想着爽,想着自己不会那么倒霉。