Yes, fructose is worse than glucose, but it is not that bad. If we eat fruits, we are usually okay since our digestive system can handle the slow-flow of fructose. But if we drink juice with concentrated fluctose, it will generate fat in unwanted locations. “Whatever form it takes, fructose does not pose a problem when consumed the way that our ancestors did, before sugar became a ubiquitous commodity: mostly in the form of actual fruit. It is very difficult to get fat from eating too many apples, for example, because the fructose in the apple enters our system relatively slowly, mixed with fiber and water, and our gut and our metabolism can handle it normally. But if we are drinking quarts of apple juice, it’s a different story, as I’ll explain in a moment. ... On a more macro level, consuming large quantities of liquid fructose simply overwhelms the ability of the gut to handle it; the excess is shunted to the liver, where many of those calories are likely to end up as fat. I’ve seen patients work themselves into NAFLD by drinking too many “healthy” fruit smoothies, for the same reason: they are taking in too much fructose, too quickly. ” Excerpt From Outlive Peter Attia, MD & Bill Gifford This material may be protected by copyright.
你连果糖不是你说的糖都不知道, 果糖是健康的糖,一般正常人也不会喝过了。
你有点无知… 喝果汁等于喝糖水。
Yes, fructose is worse than glucose, but it is not that bad. If we eat fruits, we are usually okay since our digestive system can handle the slow-flow of fructose. But if we drink juice with concentrated fluctose, it will generate fat in unwanted locations.
“Whatever form it takes, fructose does not pose a problem when consumed the way that our ancestors did, before sugar became a ubiquitous commodity: mostly in the form of actual fruit. It is very difficult to get fat from eating too many apples, for example, because the fructose in the apple enters our system relatively slowly, mixed with fiber and water, and our gut and our metabolism can handle it normally. But if we are drinking quarts of apple juice, it’s a different story, as I’ll explain in a moment. ... On a more macro level, consuming large quantities of liquid fructose simply overwhelms the ability of the gut to handle it; the excess is shunted to the liver, where many of those calories are likely to end up as fat. I’ve seen patients work themselves into NAFLD by drinking too many “healthy” fruit smoothies, for the same reason: they are taking in too much fructose, too quickly. ”
Excerpt From Outlive Peter Attia, MD & Bill Gifford This material may be protected by copyright.
你可以看下红酒瓶子得底, 三观震碎 无商不奸啊!
往果汁里面兑水再喝,刚开始一多半果汁一小半水,然后慢慢减少果汁的量。主要还是为了减少糖的摄取,你要不喜欢喝没味道的白水其实可以加新鲜柠檬片 😄
果汁包装缩水很多年啦。原来64OZ, 后来缩水成59OZ,现在52OZ。
不是,人家说的是喝果汁,不是吃水果呀。吃水果ok, 但是喝果汁很容易摄入过量的糖。 而且,吃水果,特别是某些水果是升糖利器,糖尿病患者是要严格限制吃葡萄,西瓜这种含糖高的水果的。
虽然我不完全同意那个同学说的,但糖和糖的区别太大啦! 大家怎么现在连这些常识都没有了?首先,一瓶甜饮料的糖,摄入体内并吸收的话,同等的, 真的要吃好几个好几个大西瓜啦! 而你喝一瓶甜饮,几分钟, 吃好几个大西瓜要好几星期啊!
不摄入饮料,蛋糕中的这些糖,光吃水果的话, 基本上是吃不胖的。 在你吃胖吃前,肚子就早吃腻吃撑了。
加糖的果汁,和原榨的当然不一样, 加糖的果汁算甜品。
原榨果汁也没那么健康,因为把水果里的纤维素去掉了,没有那么有饱腹感。我吃西瓜只能吃两片,喝果汁可以轻松喝掉超过两片西瓜榨出来的果汁。 反正这边不管是儿医还是牙医,都不会建议小孩子喝果汁,要吃就吃新鲜水果。因为喝果汁容易摄入过量的糖,比起吃新鲜水果来,并且在牙齿上更容易有糖的残留。
胖了瘦了吃西瓜的时候spike胰岛素总是一样的,况且果糖必须通过肝脏分解。吃水果有纤维作为反营养物质降低了吸收也降低了坏处,并不justify果糖变成好东西。现代水果已经筛选培育的太甜了,爱吃就说爱吃,非要说它健康有点wishful thinking
糖要少吃,对于医生来说和毒药差不多哈哈夸张了 反正我啥毛病去看医生都让我少吃不要吃糖就是😂
原榨的也约等于甜品 whole fruit之所以健康,是因为里面的细胞壁啊,纤维啊,禁锢了free sugar,让糖的释放减缓,不会造成血糖spike(但某些过甜的水果也会)。纤维本身对人体也有好处。果汁把这些都破坏了,喝果汁约等于喝糖水(即使没有添加糖)。
其实当年最感觉被欺骗的就是not from concentrate
确实不是From concentrate
呃, 人家是说1克果糖和一克糖在身体里代谢是一样的, 还更快一点转化成血糖。 所以糖尿病人水果也不能多吃。 我孕期糖尿病时,一次樱桃只能吃12个, 西瓜最多一CUP, 香蕉最多半条,而且不能和别的CARBS一起吃。 本来最喜欢吃完饭吃水果, 血糖不好的时候就不可以了。
我买的steel cut燕麦,同一个牌子同一个零售商,先是包装1 价格1,然后换成包装2 价格2,再换回包装1,价格3。。。我只能感想他们体谅消费者,蒙上你的眼睛降低2惊吓度