Email 都给你写好了: Subject: Apologies and Clarification Regarding Tomorrow's Celebration Dear [Organizer's Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to address a situation that has recently arisen and caused some misunderstandings regarding tomorrow's celebration for [Mom-to-be's Name]. I would like to extend my sincerest apologies for any confusion or inconvenience caused. Earlier today, I reached out to [Mom-to-be's Name] to inform her that I wouldn't be able to attend the celebration as I will be working from home tomorrow. Unfortunately, it was during this conversation that I realized she was not aware of the surprise element of the gathering. I immediately became aware of the oversight on my part, and I realized the impact it would have on the surprise. I understand that this turn of events has caused disappointment and negative feelings among the team members. I want to assure you that it was never my intention to compromise the surprise or create any negative experiences. I genuinely wanted to contribute to the joyous occasion and make it a memorable event for [Mom-to-be's Name]. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincerest apologies to you, [Organizer's Name], for any added stress or inconvenience this incident may have caused you during the planning process. I appreciate your effort in organizing the celebration and I regret that my actions unintentionally affected its intended impact. To [Mom-to-be's Name], I deeply apologize for the unintended disclosure and any disappointment it may have caused. My initial intention was to make you feel cherished and surprised on your special day. I am truly sorry that my miscommunication has resulted in a less-than-ideal situation. Moving forward, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this matter further with both of you, in order to find a resolution and determine how best to proceed. I value the positive working relationships we have built, and I am committed to rectifying this situation and making amends. Thank you for your understanding and patience. I am eager to work towards a solution together and ensure that the upcoming celebration for [Mom-to-be's Name] is still filled with warmth, joy, and support. Sincerely, [Your Name]
Update: Party 正常举办了,还是按照之前的surprise party的方式办的。大家都挺高兴,蛋糕也吃了。我同部门同事给我打电话说的。
🔥 最新回帖
我觉得罗生门不是说大家都在撒谎,我也没有说lz 在撒谎。只是这世界上不存在完全客观的事实陈述,尤其当事人不可能。 Lz的陈述确实有很大疑点。我不明白为什么不可以讨论这些疑点。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
根本不是,我参加过的一个baby shower就不是surprise party. 那个baby shower 是准妈妈的家人给办的,邀请了好多人,准妈妈自己提出的party theme,还给我们寄了邀请卡
然后楼主不小心发了邮件,也不是故意啊,既然没有说surprise, 也是发邮件方的失误,这种事还不得好好叮嘱每个人? 再说对方好友既然答应保守秘密,就不要转身说出去。言而无信,给楼主挖坑啊。
遇到这事,不亢不卑,首先道歉 自己写信给准妈的事,提出自己不知道是surprise, 因为邮件没说。 表示非常遗憾因为一个miscommunication 而导致这种结果。反正态度端正,责任
参加过的几个baby shower 也不是surprise party
纯粹回复一下:我参加过的baby shower没有一次是surprise party
后面要别人保密怎么回事 要别人承担后果? 告诉组织者是再正常不过 居然指责所有人都是负能量
还有几个帮凶大妈 估计在家也从来不承担后果 都是其他人负能量。
谁说是surprise party?我参加的几个没有一个是surprise party!不要误导好不好。楼主明明不知道是surprise party。 楼主应该说没人告诉自己是surprise party,这就是无心之过而已。big deal
办公室办的baby shower不都是surprise party?
邮件里面没有写。可能是文化差异吧。我是我们公司里面唯一一个老中。 以前没遇到过这样的事情。
别人也不一定知道啊 但是别人没有主动reach out而已
楼主因为参加不了所以reach out了
re 工作场合的都不是 参加过很多个了 楼主做得有些不妥 但几个同事也很怪异 更好笑的是帖子里很多批判楼主的 多大个事 至于吗 还道歉
也许楼主本来就是被排挤的。不管咋说只要邮件没有写明,楼主就不算故意泄漏。别人都知道就她不知道也不一定是她不对。 基于目前的信息,楼主唯一欠考虑的是让别人保密自己不小心暴露的事情。完全没有必要。
其实就是这帮美国女人有点bitchy ,凡事喜欢甩锅责怪别人是肯定的 。这件事组织者没有提醒surprise party 是要负一半责任。办公室party 并不一定是surprise ,没有这条守则。 楼主可能本来就是被边缘化了。其他同事潜意识里就是排挤你、有事不告诉你。事没办好又集体埋怨你。
组织者有问题,应该注明的 但是你因为WFH就不参加这种活动 估计平时人缘儿就很一般 也不在乎这一回了
为什么说是肯定。我生孩子的时候 朋友给我办的baby shower 就不是。早早跟我说了的。
还记得刚开始工作的时候,一个女同事结婚,有人办surprise party 给她。派对那天她穿很漂亮,有同事问她是不是提前知道。她说不知道啊。😂
按我一个认识的人的说法,'I'm just being pregnant, not dumb.'
是的,哪来的约定俗成,我们公司也不是surprise party!
屁大点事,小学生都不会觉得一个party有多重要。一群成年人吃饱了撑的。走个过场的事情,上杆上线。楼主做错的是不应该让她装作不知道。而是直接说主办人没说是surprise party. 你不知道。
我参加过的, 给我办的, 和给别人办的, 都不是 surprise party
她不是我们部门的。我老板今天生日,我本来应该在家上班的我去了。还有周四,周五是其他同事在家上班,就只有周三了。所以没办法去了。 要不然就要5天都去办公室。路还蛮远的。
别人的是不是我不知道,我自己的是。 我同事A跟我说,你周x跟我约个meeting,某个project要问你点细节,然后去了就是一群人。 我同事还帮我organize了贺卡签字和收钱,她们也没事先跟我说,最后结束时把大家签字的卡和钱给了我。
还有那些surprise 的求婚,也是假的不得了。被求婚的打扮的漂漂亮亮的,然后去到求婚地方,还扮成好惊喜。难道男友求婚真的自己不知道?男的也要知道手指的尺寸买戒指吧。装的很惊喜的最恶心了。
同意… 我还没参加过surprise baby shower 我自己的也不是,是当时一个关系很好的同事组织的,但是她在同事里组织一起给我买礼物我是party前不知道的
Subject: Apologies and Clarification Regarding Tomorrow's Celebration
Dear [Organizer's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to address a situation that has recently arisen and caused some misunderstandings regarding tomorrow's celebration for [Mom-to-be's Name]. I would like to extend my sincerest apologies for any confusion or inconvenience caused.
Earlier today, I reached out to [Mom-to-be's Name] to inform her that I wouldn't be able to attend the celebration as I will be working from home tomorrow. Unfortunately, it was during this conversation that I realized she was not aware of the surprise element of the gathering. I immediately became aware of the oversight on my part, and I realized the impact it would have on the surprise.
I understand that this turn of events has caused disappointment and negative feelings among the team members. I want to assure you that it was never my intention to compromise the surprise or create any negative experiences. I genuinely wanted to contribute to the joyous occasion and make it a memorable event for [Mom-to-be's Name].
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincerest apologies to you, [Organizer's Name], for any added stress or inconvenience this incident may have caused you during the planning process. I appreciate your effort in organizing the celebration and I regret that my actions unintentionally affected its intended impact.
To [Mom-to-be's Name], I deeply apologize for the unintended disclosure and any disappointment it may have caused. My initial intention was to make you feel cherished and surprised on your special day. I am truly sorry that my miscommunication has resulted in a less-than-ideal situation.
Moving forward, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this matter further with both of you, in order to find a resolution and determine how best to proceed. I value the positive working relationships we have built, and I am committed to rectifying this situation and making amends.
Thank you for your understanding and patience. I am eager to work towards a solution together and ensure that the upcoming celebration for [Mom-to-be's Name] is still filled with warmth, joy, and support.
[Your Name]
re这个。 lz已经被拍了,不说了。 明明主角假装不知道,要好同事不要散播,其他人也用不着责备,这事儿就过去了。