Too good to be true.... 读过研的都知道美女是不会选择读研,而且是国内国外各读一次。就算偶然有个例外,也不可能是单身。 男的条件基本是硬的,身高,年龄,房子,公民。唯一缺点是收入不稳定,但年龄不到30岁也可理解。 ihaveafriend 发表于 2023-07-09 10:29
回复 1楼公用马甲61的帖子 How tall is the female? 190cm for an Asian guy is definitely a plus, assuming he is actually "average" looking and not below average. It seems like they are on par. Having an "influencer look" isn't so compelling, most girls in NYC are very trendy or knows how to appear attractive. The issue is there are way more single women than men in NYC, if she only came to the states for her PhD her dateable market is basically only Chinese guys or a very small portion of ABCs willing to date girls who grew up in the mainland. I personally know 10+ Chinese girls in NY in a comparable age/education/looks group who are all single, and all Chinese guys in a similar category are married or engaged.
读研的美女当然有,本版名人钱露露年轻的时候实打实的美女。我自己认得的熟人也有十分漂亮的,跟她老公本科,Phd都是同学。 单身的美女Phd确实没见过,早就都让人抢走了。
就算不到170又怎么样呢,只能说明她们不在乎身高, 反正我身边有博士学历的女生就没有找本科学历的,很久以前听说过一对,但是也分了。 肯定有女生不看学历,那是因为有其他方面能证明男生的能力,而不是啃老创业
How tall is the female?
190cm for an Asian guy is definitely a plus, assuming he is actually "average" looking and not below average.
It seems like they are on par. Having an "influencer look" isn't so compelling, most girls in NYC are very trendy or knows how to appear attractive. The issue is there are way more single women than men in NYC, if she only came to the states for her PhD her dateable market is basically only Chinese guys or a very small portion of ABCs willing to date girls who grew up in the mainland. I personally know 10+ Chinese girls in NY in a comparable age/education/looks group who are all single, and all Chinese guys in a similar category are married or engaged.