回复 2楼如梦飞花的帖子 谢谢回复。 我现在一回去就感觉被监控一样。有次我在方面移动了一下床铺,很smoothly的慢慢移动了一下。 她就和房东说我在楼上搬东西,sound bad。她跟房东说我干什么事要先ask。 她说她答应了房东会take care of the house。言下之意是我在破环房子。 我住了大半年了,房东和其他室友从未跟我提过此类事情。不知道这个女室友怎么这么多事
这个时候ChatGPT最好用。当然不用这么啰嗦,写一段就好。 Dear [Housemate's Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to address a pressing matter that requires your immediate attention. Recently, I have noticed that my room has been accessed without my permission, which greatly concerns me as it infringes upon my personal space and privacy. I kindly request that you refrain from entering my room without my explicit consent. It is important to establish boundaries and respect each other's personal space within our shared living arrangement. By honoring this request, we can maintain a healthy and harmonious living environment. Furthermore, I feel compelled to bring this matter to the attention of our landlord, as it directly relates to the terms of our tenancy agreement. Unauthorized entry into another tenant's room is a violation of the respect and trust we should uphold as responsible occupants. To ensure a fair resolution, I believe it is necessary for our landlord to be informed about this issue. I kindly ask you to refrain from taking any actions that would further exacerbate the situation. Please understand that my intention is not to create tension or animosity between us. Instead, I hope to establish clear boundaries and address this matter promptly. I encourage open communication and would appreciate an opportunity to discuss this situation further in person. It is my belief that by addressing this issue directly, we can find an amicable solution and maintain a positive living environment for everyone involved. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. I look forward to resolving this issue respectfully and promptly. Best regards, [Your Name]
关于楼主说这个女室友抱怨这个那个,用这段。不过她跟你谈的时候要强硬点,就说personal preference互相respect。比如她占了很多空间你们也accommodate…这种Karen年纪一大把还要跟两个男的合租真的就是很烦人的。别动气,当看戏。 Living together means that we will encounter various habits and preferences, ranging from cleaning routines to noise levels and personal spaces. In light of recent incidents, I wanted to highlight the significance of personal boundaries and privacy. To promote better understanding and cooperation, I suggest we have a conversation about our living preferences. This discussion can help us become more aware of each other's needs and find mutually beneficial solutions. By communicating openly and respectfully, we can work together to establish guidelines that accommodate both of our preferences.
我们是3个人合租,两男一女。这个新来的室友是个美国女士,她说是德国裔。一把年纪了没结婚,貌似也没有工作。 我和另外一个男士都是工作党,每天早出晚归,也不做饭。平时回家也就洗个澡就躺床上睡觉了。 厨房和冰箱几乎是这个老太太在用,里面堆满了,我只能放个冰淇淋。 她把台式机放到了living room,每天也不工作,都是在家里吃喝拉撒睡,玩电脑。 我和男舍友白天工作,她就相反,每次我们晚上八九点回来睡觉,她就开始去做饭, 搞得楼上全部是饭菜的味道。午夜的时候在外面走来走去。她的作息就和我们完全相反。
今天突然跟我说,她说我洗澡那个浴巾不要每天都用新的,她说她来了两个月只用过几次洗衣机。 说我用洗衣机太频繁,太耗电了。我这是not normal的。
一把年纪我和另外一个男士都不好意思说她。另外一个男室友也跟我抱怨,说她accuse他用她的洗衣液。 当然她也问过我。好像我和另外一个男士偷用她的洗衣液。她刚来的时候,搬了很多东西,放到厨房, 橱柜里的东西问也不问我们,就把抽屉里的调料给扔了。我都没说什么。
有个这样的室友真是烦啊。男室友已经跟我说了,他说希望和工作的人合租。他也已经受不了这个女室友了。 说会peacefully处理这个问题。
请问大家一般洗衣服是多久洗一次?我之前的舍友都是一个礼拜洗一次。这是我的问题吗? 这个女室友天天在家做饭办公,不也是会用很多水电气吗?
我现在一回去就感觉被监控一样。有次我在方面移动了一下床铺,很smoothly的慢慢移动了一下。 她就和房东说我在楼上搬东西,sound bad。她跟房东说我干什么事要先ask。 她说她答应了房东会take care of the house。言下之意是我在破环房子。 我住了大半年了,房东和其他室友从未跟我提过此类事情。不知道这个女室友怎么这么多事
谢谢回复。 是啊,男室友已经跟我通气了。他已经暗示想让她搬走了。 我还不知道有什么办法可以让她搬走。从她的角度,有两个每天都不在家的室友,一个人在家应该很舒服吧。
楼上是3b2b。她来之前,我和男室友也专门腾出了一个bathroom给她用。我和男室友共用一个。 我和男室友已经是仁至义尽很照顾她了。不知道她怎么那么得寸进尺。
谢谢回复。 我也觉得一周一次,一个月四次应该不过分吧。我之前的室友基本都是每周末要洗的。 我搬来这里之后,住了大半年了,房东和室友也没跟我提过此类事情。这个室友真是事多。
谢谢指点! 这个确实是个好办法。后面跟男室友商量怎么让她搬走。
我已经对她仁至义尽了。她太多事了。 男室友是个大叔,我和他平时都是在各自在自己房间。 我们都忙于工作,平时一个礼拜见不了一两次面。 这个老太太天天在家,每次一回去她不是在living room玩电脑,就是在厨房霹雳哐啷的。 我都不想见到她,不想跟她说话。她总是没事找事。
是啊,我感觉一周一次不过分。 这个老太太有问题。
是啊,我都不好意思说她。 她总是给人一种莫名其妙的优越感。
………… 您没事吧?
楼主的描述里并没有提到另一个室友跟他提到被新室友抱怨。 否则还用大家建议让他联合另一个室友赶新室友走? 他们俩直接商量就行了。 按楼主的描述看,要么新室友没抱怨过另一个室友,要么另一个室友跟不不在乎被抱怨。
你们下次找室友的时候还是要考虑一下一个人租房的原因。 年轻还在奋斗是一回事,纯没钱而已是另一回事儿
这个女室友刚才给我发短信说她进到我的房间,把我房间窗户打开了。 说我的房间有一股味道,说是我的浴巾因为是湿的有些气味。可是我都是放到袋子里了。 而且也不是很湿。
谢谢! 我跟房东说了让她把我房门钥匙给我,她还未回复。
针对你就是因为你好欺负啊……你一再退让那可不就挑你下手吗? 如果你在调料被扔的时候就跟她撕逼,我不信她敢随便进你的房间
房东说楼上3个房间都没有钥匙。 房东昨天打电话给我了,给我道歉,让我dont worry。 房东的意思就是和事佬,只要对她没影响她就打哈哈,没有让女室友搬走的意思。
Dear [Housemate's Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to address a pressing matter that requires your immediate attention. Recently, I have noticed that my room has been accessed without my permission, which greatly concerns me as it infringes upon my personal space and privacy.
I kindly request that you refrain from entering my room without my explicit consent. It is important to establish boundaries and respect each other's personal space within our shared living arrangement. By honoring this request, we can maintain a healthy and harmonious living environment.
Furthermore, I feel compelled to bring this matter to the attention of our landlord, as it directly relates to the terms of our tenancy agreement. Unauthorized entry into another tenant's room is a violation of the respect and trust we should uphold as responsible occupants. To ensure a fair resolution, I believe it is necessary for our landlord to be informed about this issue. I kindly ask you to refrain from taking any actions that would further exacerbate the situation.
Please understand that my intention is not to create tension or animosity between us. Instead, I hope to establish clear boundaries and address this matter promptly. I encourage open communication and would appreciate an opportunity to discuss this situation further in person. It is my belief that by addressing this issue directly, we can find an amicable solution and maintain a positive living environment for everyone involved.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. I look forward to resolving this issue respectfully and promptly.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Living together means that we will encounter various habits and preferences, ranging from cleaning routines to noise levels and personal spaces. In light of recent incidents, I wanted to highlight the significance of personal boundaries and privacy. To promote better understanding and cooperation, I suggest we have a conversation about our living preferences. This discussion can help us become more aware of each other's needs and find mutually beneficial solutions. By communicating openly and respectfully, we can work together to establish guidelines that accommodate both of our preferences.