“China respects the interests of the United States and will not challenge or replace the United States. Similarly, the United States must also respect China and not harm China’s legitimate rights and interests,” Xi added.
“China respects the interests of the United States and will not challenge or replace the United States. Similarly, the United States must also respect China and not harm China’s legitimate rights and interests,” Xi added.
“China respects the interests of the United States and will not challenge or replace the United States. Similarly, the United States must also respect China and not harm China’s legitimate rights and interests,” Xi added.
哈哈哈,中方媒体播报啊,充满了谁输谁赢的狭隘斗争。到了美国媒体,要大器中立得多: Both Mr. Xi and President Biden have been under growing pressure by other world leaders to tamp down their nations’ increasingly contentious stances toward each other. Any armed conflict between the United States and China, whether over Taiwan, the de facto independent island that Beijing claims as its territory, or another dispute, is widely regarded as potentially cataclysmic. - From NY Times
哈哈哈,中方媒体播报啊,充满了谁输谁赢的狭隘斗争。到了美国媒体,要大器中立得多: Both Mr. Xi and President Biden have been under growing pressure by other world leaders to tamp down their nations’ increasingly contentious stances toward each other. Any armed conflict between the United States and China, whether over Taiwan, the de facto independent island that Beijing claims as its territory, or another dispute, is widely regarded as potentially cataclysmic. - From NY Times softness 发表于 2023-06-19 08:45
然后再看看下面的: “Over the two days of meetings, diplomats did not voice any hope for sudden or dramatic breakthroughs in repairing the relationship. Instead, they focused on trying to rebuild channels of communication that had crumbled in recent months and on bolstering negotiations on smaller issues, such as visas and commercial flights between the two countries.” - 啥改变的希望也没有,既不是美国没带来什么希望,也不是中国有什么希望,是双方都没什么希望。所以也别互相诋毁了,好像一切都是单方的问题一样,从来都不是。
然后再来看看这个: “Mr. Xi’s decision to meet with Mr. Blinken, however, indicated that China was also uncomfortable with the escalation in tensions. “Despite Chinese efforts to make it appear as though the U.S. side is more eager for the visit, the Chinese side has also placed significant importance in Blinken’s visit and in bringing greater stability to U.S.-China relations,” said Paul Haenle, a director for China on the National Security Council under the Bush and Obama administrations. Pressure may be mounting on Beijing to stabilize ties because of China’s worsening economy. Mr. Xi may also want to steady the relationship because he appears eager to cast himself as a global statesman. And he and Mr. Biden could meet one-on-one in San Francisco in November if he chooses to attend a leaders’ summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group of nations.” - 多中肯,是啊,是布林肯去的,但是中方也有他们在两国冲突之间感到的discomfort。而且中方难道不想从美方这儿得到利益么?Xi不是想做斡旋世界的领导人么
然后再来看看这个: “Mr. Xi’s decision to meet with Mr. Blinken, however, indicated that China was also uncomfortable with the escalation in tensions. “Despite Chinese efforts to make it appear as though the U.S. side is more eager for the visit, the Chinese side has also placed significant importance in Blinken’s visit and in bringing greater stability to U.S.-China relations,” said Paul Haenle, a director for China on the National Security Council under the Bush and Obama administrations. Pressure may be mounting on Beijing to stabilize ties because of China’s worsening economy. Mr. Xi may also want to steady the relationship because he appears eager to cast himself as a global statesman. And he and Mr. Biden could meet one-on-one in San Francisco in November if he chooses to attend a leaders’ summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group of nations.” - 多中肯,是啊,是布林肯去的,但是中方也有他们在两国冲突之间感到的discomfort。而且中方难道不想从美方这儿得到利益么?Xi不是想做斡旋世界的领导人么 softness 发表于 2023-06-19 10:17
然后再看看下面的: “Over the two days of meetings, diplomats did not voice any hope for sudden or dramatic breakthroughs in repairing the relationship. Instead, they focused on trying to rebuild channels of communication that had crumbled in recent months and on bolstering negotiations on smaller issues, such as visas and commercial flights between the two countries.” - 啥改变的希望也没有,既不是美国没带来什么希望,也不是中国有什么希望,是双方都没什么希望。所以也别互相诋毁了,好像一切都是单方的问题一样,从来都不是。 softness 发表于 2023-06-19 08:55
这种新闻简报有什么不可信的。 看看 US Department of State的简报,内容稍有不同但基本对得上: He made clear that while we will compete vigorously, the United States will responsibly manage that competition so that the relationship does not veer into conflict. The two sides agreed to continue discussions on developing principles to guide the bilateral relationship, as discussed by President Biden and President Xi in Bali. They also welcomed ongoing efforts to address specific issues in the bilateral relationship, and encouraged further progress, including through the joint Working Groups. Noting the importance of ties between the people of the United States and the PRC, both sides welcomed strengthening people-to-people exchanges between students, scholars, and business. This includes a commitment to working to increase the number of direct flights between the two countries. 中方没提的: Secretary Blinken emphasized that it remains a priority for the United States to resolve the cases of American citizens who are wrongfully detained or subject to exit bans in China. He underscored the importance of working together to disrupt the global flow of synthetic drugs and their precursor chemicals into the United States, which fuels the fentanyl crisis. The Secretary addressed the PRC’s unfair and nonmarket economic practices and recent actions against U.S. firms. He discussed U.S. de-risking policies and the historic domestic investments the Administration has made. The Secretary raised concerns about PRC human rights violations in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, as well as individual cases of concern. He emphasized that the United States will always stand up for our values. https://www.state.gov/secretary-blinkens-visit-to-the-peoples-republic-of-china-prc/ 俺觉得老美一提新疆就丢人了。。。
“China respects the interests of the United States and will not challenge or replace the United States. Similarly, the United States must also respect China and not harm China’s legitimate rights and interests,” Xi added.
Will not replace the United States….
赞! 角度刁钻!
Nice pictures! Thanks for sharing!
旧金山?嗯,让这俩一人开辆车到pier 39的大马路上上演枪战对决算了。谁赢谁说了算。就像昨天晚上那样。
换党太麻烦了,随便找个理由重新解释就好了。 实在有点难看,就让议会通过个法律也行。
上次推迟会面是因为流浪气球,美国给中国的惩罚。 没过2个月又积极主动要求会面,那当初推迟干啥呢?
美国国际上有个屁的法, 想轰炸南斯拉夫就轰炸南斯拉夫, 想轰炸伊拉克就轰炸伊拉克。
那些技术都是美国的? 都是美国发明的? 好多发明是人类共同的财富, 发明大部分也都有专利保护, 你那个叫无耻的封锁, 剥夺人家享有人类共同财富的权力, 也伤敌一千自损八百, 愚昧无知, 夜郎自大, 狐假虎威, 掩耳盗铃。
大部分的青蛙也就是从一个国家的井底 到了另一个国家的井底, 世界无非是两口井那么大。
为啥要立法改? 美国一直都是这种说辞,不干涉和平统一。。。
惊异了,战狼,谁是战狼,谁打了近代世界最多的战争,谁在别人的国家扔了最多的炸弹。谁在国外驻军做多。这年头不打仗的是战狼,打仗的是peace maker.
川普拉了一泡屎, 拜登把屎满世界抹。
以前是peace maker都不敢出来做。现在是有出来做peace maker的胆子而已。
呆子故意挑这么个怂包吧, 要不然很容易就功高盖主了。
美军退出第一岛链,比说啥都强 ~~
这种新闻简报有什么不可信的。 看看 US Department of State的简报,内容稍有不同但基本对得上:
He made clear that while we will compete vigorously, the United States will responsibly manage that competition so that the relationship does not veer into conflict.
The two sides agreed to continue discussions on developing principles to guide the bilateral relationship, as discussed by President Biden and President Xi in Bali. They also welcomed ongoing efforts to address specific issues in the bilateral relationship, and encouraged further progress, including through the joint Working Groups. Noting the importance of ties between the people of the United States and the PRC, both sides welcomed strengthening people-to-people exchanges between students, scholars, and business. This includes a commitment to working to increase the number of direct flights between the two countries.
中方没提的: Secretary Blinken emphasized that it remains a priority for the United States to resolve the cases of American citizens who are wrongfully detained or subject to exit bans in China. He underscored the importance of working together to disrupt the global flow of synthetic drugs and their precursor chemicals into the United States, which fuels the fentanyl crisis.
The Secretary addressed the PRC’s unfair and nonmarket economic practices and recent actions against U.S. firms. He discussed U.S. de-risking policies and the historic domestic investments the Administration has made. The Secretary raised concerns about PRC human rights violations in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong, as well as individual cases of concern. He emphasized that the United States will always stand up for our values.
这俩天比尔盖次也在北京,一去就被习接见了, He made it it very clear that he doesn’t give a xxxx about this administration
这不就是上次的 四不一无意? 美国几年前就说过了吧,根本不可能执行。布林肯说了也不算啊
美国立法禁止航天和中国接触 这几天又要用中国 月球背后卫星 又立又婊
这年头不打仗的被美川粉叫战狼,打仗的却自称peace maker.
战狼表面上吼的厉害, 还是不敢实际撕咬。