36% have sex before college. 64% haven''''t Result from google...... 你们几个id 在拼流量吗?
noghsot_1948 发表于 2023-06-18 17:42
Among teen females aged 15-19, 42% had ever had sex, and among teen males, the percent was 44%. These percentages have gradually declined since 1988 when 51% of female and 60% of male teens had ever had sex.Jun 22, 2017 男孩子 1988 60%, 2017 44% 如果现在 36……%的话,那真是逐年下降了。
看了别大吃一惊,哈佛第四年毕业生25%没有性经验。哈佛最讲leadership了,个个都是健谈组织者。 Harvard University All books and no sex: Harvard study finds 1 in 4 grads had no intercourse https://amp.theguardian.com/education/2015/may/28/harvard-study-graduated-sex-lives
Between 2019 and 2021, the percentage of high-school students who reported “ever having sex” fell from 38 percent to 30 percent — a decline of eight percentage points. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/new-cdc-data-show-continued-declines-in-teen-sexual-activity/ 高中生曾经有过性行为的比例这几年一直在下降,疫情导致这个数字下降得更厉害,但即使疫情以前,也是下降趋势。这也符合我女儿高中的观察,现在高中毕业prom,没有男女朋友,和同性朋友(不是同性恋)一起去prom是很正常的事情。 Purplecantina 发表于 2023-06-18 09:05
是的,就是觉得这届年轻人懈怠得很,也可能是因为升大学越来越卷了,高中四年十几门二十门A P 的, 有空只想歇着,打打游戏追追剧和明星什么的,都没力气去恋爱。也可能因为咨询发达。男孩子们看P 站的很多,但是愿意花心思去追求女孩子的不是那么多了。女孩子对同龄的男生也不是那么感兴趣。。。这几年经济也不好,大学生毕业找工作不好找呢,年轻人都颓废得很 American Pie 电影的时候,AP 还远远不像现在这么卷吧。
2016年的npr新闻:https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/03/09/469706491/asian-american-teens-say-they-lie-to-doctors-about-sex Asian-American Teens Say They Lie To Doctors About Sex Teenagers often are not comfortable talking about their sex lives with a doctor, but Asian-American teens might have an especially tough time, a study finds. They are particularly uncomfortable talking with Asian-American or Asian health care providers and say they would lie to them about sex because they think the provider would breach confidentiality and tell their parents. "If my mom was even outside this door right now, I would not be saying anything about my sexual activities," an 18-year-old woman told the researchers. "I would just be lying." The Asian-American teens also believe health care providers stereotype them as not sexually active and less likely to engage in risky behavior. One 17-year-old boy said: "I''m sure the stereotype is that if they''re Asian, they''re not gonna do anything, but I mean, the fact of the matter is that there are Asians doing something." In reality, Asian-Americans'' age of sexual debut and their risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections are exactly the same as for white teenagers, according to , distinguished chair of health policy research at Medica Research Institute and senior author of the study, which was published Feb. 29 in the Journal of Adolescent Research. "They''re less likely in fact to report using condoms during their last sexual intercourse," Flores says. "And they''re less knowledgeable about HIV transmission and prevention, and they have lower rates of HIV screenings." The study is just a glimpse at a topic that its authors say has been largely ignored in research on the often-fraught communication between doctors and teenagers. It surveyed 20 teenagers of various backgrounds, including Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipino, Thai, Korean and Laotian, in the Dallas area. The sex education program in in Dallas schools emphasizes abstinence and does not have a comprehensive sex ed curriculum, according to Dr. Jessie Zhao, a pediatric resident at the NYU Langone Medical Center and lead author of the study. And conversations around sex are often considered taboo in Asian cultures, she says. "My household like many other Asian households was very conservative, very modest. We really didn''t have discussions about sexual health," Zhao says. "The stance in the household was always, ''You will not get pregnant, you will not date, you will go to college, and then maybe after college you can date.'' " Zhao wanted to find out if the teenagers'' health care providers were filling in the gaps. In fact, the teens said that doctors were way down the list of sources for sexual health information. The teens sought information from teachers, friends, the Internet and television more often than their parents and health care providers. Doctors ranked only above magazines as a source. One reason may be because most of the teens were unaware of provider-patient confidentiality, and that their questions would not be reported to parents. As a result, the teens said they would lie about sexual histories or refuse hormonal contraceptives. The survey participants said they sincerely wanted more information, and that they would be more comfortable talking about sex if clinicians initiated the conversation and informed them about their right to confidential care. However, the teens say too many providers presume they''re not interested in the topic. "It''s well documented both in the media and in the literature that Asian-Americans are viewed as this ''model minority," Zhao says, "and that they''re really serious about their education and their jobs, and that they don''t participate in things that could be a hazard to their health, including teenage sex." Zhao says even she has to remind herself not to fall into those assumptions. "Now as a physician when I see Asian-American teens in the clinic I actually have to stop myself from stereotyping them." Flores says providers can help by thinking of it as a quality of care issue and emphasizing confidentiality. "When a group of teens tells us they consistently lie because of things that we''re not doing," Flores says, "I think that''s something that we have to really pay attention to."
2007年的论文:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1931-2393.2006.tb00056.x?casa_token=W0d6CNhNy0UAAAAA%3AoXeDotyQYQpy9bdFLkdEUMQMWIRZMib7hzuWyQJw1XA58PgJMlUpxCHTSKfxxed3UZZWnsaihY9KRA Asian American Adolescents'' First Sexual Intercourse: Gender and Acculturation Differences Data Add Health is a longitudinal study of a nationally repre-sentative sample of youth who were in grades 7–12 in1995. The sample was selected from the enrollment ros-ters of 132 schools, derived from a sampling frame that comprised all school districts in the United States with a highschool. To ensure a representative sample of adolescents,the Add Health study designers stratified schools by region,urbanicity, type (public, parochial, private) and racial com-position. At Wave 1 (April–December 1995), roughly 50,000adolescents completed in-school questionnaires, and 20,745of them participated in confidential in-home interviews;more than 14,700 students were reinterviewed at home forWave 2 (January–December 1996). The response rate forWave 1 was 79%; for Wave 2 it was 88%.The present study included the 1,048 Asian Americanrespondents who participated in the in-school interviewand in both the Wave 1 and the Wave 2 in-home surveys.However, the final sample was reduced to 689 participants(323 female, 366 male) because of missing values. On av-erage, individuals for whom complete data were availablewere half a year younger, and had slightly higher socio-economic status and self-esteem, than those with missingdata. There was no difference in the proportion of men andwomen for whom data were missing. RESULTS::Overall, 24% of young women and 20% of young men had had sexual intercourse. Among young women, the most acculturated were more likely to have had sexual intercourse than the least acculturated (odds ratio, 4.9); acculturation was not associated with sexual intercourse for young men. Medium and high levels of parental attachment were associated with decreased odds of sexual experience for young women (0.4 and 0.2), but not for young men. Binge drinking was associated with an increased risk of sexual experience for young women (6.4), and tobacco use was associated with increased risk for young men (3.0).
2009年的论文:Dating and Sexual Attitudes in Asian-American Adolescents (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0743558408328439?casa_token=FMx5UkbjZc4AAAAA:6vwAzYXLpXtIk8nH7SdCmPgG5JvUuSJLucnO2zO--UXIx1CrMn9fYlU4pnB04hsTckySlCFVjq_Z) Dating behaviors and sexual attitudes of Asian-American youth were examined in a cross-sectional, mixed-methods study in the context of adherence to Asianvalues, measured by the Asian Values Scale (AVS). In all, 31 Asian-American adolescents (age 14-18 years old) from a Houston community center were interviewed regarding dating behaviors and sexual attitudes. Almost three-fourth of adolescents dated without parental knowledge. Compared with adolescents with the lowest AVS scores, those with the highest AVS scores were significantly more likely to date without parental knowledge and date longer before sex. Many adolescents proceeded directly to single, steady, relationships.Parents permitted dating, as long as grades were maintained. Asian-American adolescents should be questioned about secret dating, sexual activity, and participation in other high-risk activities.
2013年的论文:Acculturation, Gender Disparity, and the Sexual Behavior of Asian American Youth (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00224499.2012.668976?casa_token=tDb4Y1mdUUkAAAAA:UhCisIEqGwKTr7NCKwPm7GkOrLQJiACi3AgRSk25XlPLNUA7WzzzrhgyEZvZ-uL4q5BbRBaghfpF) Despite the sexual double standards, Asian American male youth did not appear to begin sexual activity earlier nor have more sexual partners than their female counter-parts. In contrast, females were more likely to start having sex earlier with increasing exposure to the English language. In particular, Asian American females who spoke English at home tended to engage in sex earlier than the other groups studied and have more sexual partners on average than their native language-speaking counterparts. This gender disparity suggests that language plays a key role in passing on traditional values and moderates the process of acculturation among Asian American males and females. Specifically, speaking them other tongue at home played a role in protecting adolescents from engaging in early sexual intercourse and having multiple sexual partners, whereas more exposure to the English language increased this risk for young female Asian Americans in particular. The results show that a higher proportion of Asian American females had had partners of other races compared with their male counterparts. In addition, Asian American females were also more likely to find partners who were older than themselves (see Table 4), whereas males were more likely to find partners who were younger than themselves. These results indicate that Asian American females indeed have more variety when choosing partners。
是的,就是觉得这届年轻人懈怠得很,也可能是因为升大学越来越卷了,高中四年十几门二十门A P 的, 有空只想歇着,打打游戏追追剧和明星什么的,都没力气去恋爱。也可能因为咨询发达。男孩子们看P 站的很多,但是愿意花心思去追求女孩子的不是那么多了。女孩子对同龄的男生也不是那么感兴趣。。。这几年经济也不好,大学生毕业找工作不好找呢,年轻人都颓废得很 American Pie 电影的时候,AP 还远远不像现在这么卷吧。 baobao557 发表于 2023-06-18 18:46
Between 2019 and 2021, the percentage of high-school students who reported “ever having sex” fell from 38 percent to 30 percent — a decline of eight percentage points. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/new-cdc-data-show-continued-declines-in-teen-sexual-activity/ 高中生曾经有过性行为的比例这几年一直在下降,疫情导致这个数字下降得更厉害,但即使疫情以前,也是下降趋势。这也符合我女儿高中的观察,现在高中毕业prom,没有男女朋友,和同性朋友(不是同性恋)一起去prom是很正常的事情。 Purplecantina 发表于 2023-06-18 09:05
Compared to immigrant students whose primary language at home was not English, immigrant and Canadian-born students speaking English at home were more likely to experience sexual intercourse. Among students who have never had sexual intercourse, two most common reasons for sexual abstinence were not feeling ready and waiting to meet the right person. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4830690/ Only 11% of Asian students said they had ever had sex, compared to a range of 29% to 34% for all other ethnicities. This is the group that experienced the most drastic reduction, down from 30% in 2011. Meanwhile, LGBTQ students were more likely to have had sex (34%) compared to their heterosexual peers (29%). https://finance.yahoo.com/news/high-school-kids-us-having-100000693.html?guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAH_xM7lcWdVOgwh5YwI7HZMcjZysWSb_64AHASf2axLZS0qLmCXGfO4oBxy2m0gwUpueGWX3VCNmwJ4H0-qacUdBBxC_NZUp-Xk6YAR393Rpiss9tj_MaYHRuZxfsy_FcpiReIY86LIlEz6kzywiB5eYNiMgGwvaZMrVHY3J_5DK In reality, Asian-Americans' age of sexual debut and their risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections are exactly the same as for white teenagers, according to Dr. Glenn Flores, distinguished chair of health policy research at Medica Research Institute and senior author of the study, which was published Feb. 29 in the Journal of Adolescent Research. "They're less likely in fact to report using condoms during their last sexual intercourse," Flores says. "And they're less knowledgeable about HIV transmission and prevention, and they have lower rates of HIV screenings." https://www.northcountrypublicradio.org/news/npr/469706491/asian-american-teens-say-they-lie-to-doctors-about-sex 家长一定要让孩子们知道HIV携带的跟正常人看起来没啥两样,全程戴套事后检查套子有没有破损很重要!万一破了,有plan B,紧急避孕药不能老吃会卵巢早衰!爱你的人会保护你不让你受到任何伤害!除了套其他的都不防性病,最好两情相悦后想在一起前能够两人都有STD体检报告。自己都养不起自己的时候,不要弄出个孩子。每天有健康运动活动释放精力,外加异性相处,不能单独一室内,要在人多公共场合。学会检测自己月经,每个月记录。
64% haven''''t
Result from google......
你们几个id 在拼流量吗?
说的确实。我知道的一个华人男娃,极聪明功课很好,阅读范围很广很成熟,又自发喜欢各种活动,做这个leader 那个leader。 人家13岁就有正式女朋友了。
美国人averge 工资是多少,中印群体average工资又是多少。 你有必要用白人和黑人的数据拉拉低大家的标准吗?
我高中十五年前在美国一个6分高中,一半的9年级女生都有过了 我在国内高中的时候,全国数得上号的重点高中重点班,班里20个女生,至少也有5个破处
Among teen females aged 15-19, 42% had ever had sex, and among teen males, the percent was 44%. These percentages have gradually declined since 1988 when 51% of female and 60% of male teens had ever had sex.Jun 22, 2017
男孩子 1988 60%, 2017 44% 如果现在 36……%的话,那真是逐年下降了。
Harvard University All books and no sex: Harvard study finds 1 in 4 grads had no intercourse
我也觉得一些大妈挺好笑的,平时都是很正气凛然严格那种吧。 有哪个孩子会跟她们诚实交代 ”黑暗面”? 看不见就以为完全无事发生。
两个MIT,一个Harvard,一个uiuc CS, 两个普度 一个CS一个学engineer,还有两个不说学校了,很好的小私校,太私人了。
American Pie。那是二十多年前的电影了。如今风气不太一样。我看现在小青年们都躺平得很,对恋爱什么的也不是很热衷,打游戏倒是热衷的。女孩子们也不愿意就随便在学校里找一个伴,所以最后舞会里没有伴的单身的都凑一起玩。
其他好多人也问你了呀,你也不回答。你女儿和你说了细节,说cover去奶茶店?然后呢??? 你自己哗世取宠,想要注意力,然后不小心又把自己女儿包括了进去,说之前也不想一下。说了卡住了,就找理由了。没想过是你把你女儿带进沟里的吗?还怪我?你说的那么惊人,大家当然要质疑你了!
是的,就是觉得这届年轻人懈怠得很,也可能是因为升大学越来越卷了,高中四年十几门二十门A P 的, 有空只想歇着,打打游戏追追剧和明星什么的,都没力气去恋爱。也可能因为咨询发达。男孩子们看P 站的很多,但是愿意花心思去追求女孩子的不是那么多了。女孩子对同龄的男生也不是那么感兴趣。。。这几年经济也不好,大学生毕业找工作不好找呢,年轻人都颓废得很
American Pie 电影的时候,AP 还远远不像现在这么卷吧。
有些恋情,即便发生了关系, 如果双方相处得都好,对方的性格、人品没有问题 也算是波澜不惊地开始自己的恋爱人生
有些恋情,即便没有发生关系 但双方是toxic relationship 甚至最终影响了精神或者人格的发展 那么,没有发生关系也不见得好
除非是有社会研究的文献专门支持了高中期间发生性关系的小孩有更大概率没有美好人生 要是有这类学术研究,我倒是愿意看看
是的 我是家长 我说了,物以类聚,人以群分。有些人以为的大流可能只是叫嚣比较厉害的小流派。孩子所在的大环境影响很大。我女儿和她的朋友们每天功课clubs还有体育运动,忙得不可开交,我很清楚她们不可能在谈恋爱的。这是她们自己的选择,暂时不想花时间和精力在恋爱上,我们这些家长们没有干预过。 例如我自己吧,我中学上的女校,会有些crush on别的学校的男孩子,但谈恋爱的非常少。这也没耽误我大学里正常恋爱,现在三个娃,正常家庭。 就是不想让年轻的家长们误以为高中性行为很正常,不同地区,不同学校,大环境影响很大。
你是真傻还是装傻,为啥大家纠结这个阶段有无发生性关系?因为脑子和身体以及社会责任都没发育成熟啊,这个阶段也难保持固定性伴侣,成功率很低,都需要比较负责任的家长来兜底。。。。 没人enjoy看儿子女儿得性病,养第三代和看着滥交的。 你以为都能控制到刚好是美好的恋爱?。。。。。
你说的这些 完全是性教育的问题 青春期的孩子 对这些有了解,都是必不可少的 否则,大学也可能有小孩 三十岁了也可能得性病
你没从这个年龄段过来过吗?这个年龄段为啥都需要指定guardian 啊,为啥不都放出去自生自灭啊。外表来看都长得和大人差不多了,就是因为光教育也管不了不成熟的大脑的冲动和幼稚啊。
忙到几乎无法社交 感觉并不是特别好
社交(包括恋爱)也是青春期小孩需要学习的一部分 如果在这个时间段内没有适时适量地进行社交活动 不认为对一个人的人生发展是件好事
我就是自己从这个年龄过来 也知道这个论坛上很多人都属于“成功人士” 所以更加无法理解对自己小孩的完全无法信任
我认为,这个版上绝大多数的家长生下来的小孩 经过适当的学校和家庭的性教育 即便发生了关系,也不会搞出人命 更不会跑去滥交,或者发展出性病 绝大部分小孩仍然能够有很好的学习成绩,也会有很好的人生发展
听你这口气就是没孩子或者孩子还小呢 即使我女儿真的喜欢女孩子,我也支持她。高中生谈恋爱可以,但还是需要父母的引导。多少高中生谈恋爱荒废学业的,难道都是假的吗?万一遇人不淑,没有父母的帮忙,更会付出惨重代价。 等你的孩子进入了高中,等你开始焦虑孩子的大学申请的时候,可能你会有不同的看法
我不反对你的行为啊,本来人的一生都父母和自己选择的结果。你的孩子你爱咋地就咋地, 我只是针对你说你不理解别人为啥这么做所以才回复你的。
不是忙到无法社交,是忙到没时间谈男女朋友。小孩社交一堆,现在小孩没社交连好大学都考不上。不光去好多俱乐部,还是一个俱乐部的president。下个学期成功连任,然后因为下学期是12年级,又被投票当上另一个俱乐部的president。朋友都让他竞选学校president,可是我小孩有自己想法,说整个学校不同的人太多,他觉得不好当,这个也对,毕竟他是在好学生圈子里比较popular的。这样考大学平时上学的时候leadership和ec都够了。暑假也有community work,也是里面的organizer之一。还加上summer research,连暑假都排的满到爆,想旅游都没有时间。小孩12年级暑假就可以完全放飞自我了。
谁负责谁兜底,谁有决定权。my house my rule.
我的不理解只是一种委婉的表达反对的方式 并不是说看了十几页,没看懂你们的观点是什么
👍🤝 高中生真的就是在家长眼皮底下忙得脚不沾地啊,而且越是优秀(成绩clubs体育义工等)的孩子越忙,越没有时间谈恋爱
我的反对并不是反对你对你家孩子做什么 而是反对一种观点而已
家长当然都如临大敌,但是还能怎样呢?现在回想起来,很神奇,我爸妈竟然没有没法掌握我行踪。。。那时候自己坐公交出门很方便。我成绩不错,也许他们怕来硬的适得其反。也可能他们觉得puppy love不会到发生关系这一步?不知道,以后可以和老妈聊聊lol
Asian-American Teens Say They Lie To Doctors About Sex
Teenagers often are not comfortable talking about their sex lives with a doctor, but Asian-American teens might have an especially tough time, a study finds. They are particularly uncomfortable talking with Asian-American or Asian health care providers and say they would lie to them about sex because they think the provider would breach confidentiality and tell their parents. "If my mom was even outside this door right now, I would not be saying anything about my sexual activities," an 18-year-old woman told the researchers. "I would just be lying." The Asian-American teens also believe health care providers stereotype them as not sexually active and less likely to engage in risky behavior. One 17-year-old boy said: "I''m sure the stereotype is that if they''re Asian, they''re not gonna do anything, but I mean, the fact of the matter is that there are Asians doing something."
In reality, Asian-Americans'' age of sexual debut and their risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections are exactly the same as for white teenagers, according to , distinguished chair of health policy research at Medica Research Institute and senior author of the study, which was published Feb. 29 in the Journal of Adolescent Research.
"They''re less likely in fact to report using condoms during their last sexual intercourse," Flores says. "And they''re less knowledgeable about HIV transmission and prevention, and they have lower rates of HIV screenings." The study is just a glimpse at a topic that its authors say has been largely ignored in research on the often-fraught communication between doctors and teenagers. It surveyed 20 teenagers of various backgrounds, including Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipino, Thai, Korean and Laotian, in the Dallas area. The sex education program in in Dallas schools emphasizes abstinence and does not have a comprehensive sex ed curriculum, according to Dr. Jessie Zhao, a pediatric resident at the NYU Langone Medical Center and lead author of the study. And conversations around sex are often considered taboo in Asian cultures, she says. "My household like many other Asian households was very conservative, very modest. We really didn''t have discussions about sexual health," Zhao says. "The stance in the household was always, ''You will not get pregnant, you will not date, you will go to college, and then maybe after college you can date.'' " Zhao wanted to find out if the teenagers'' health care providers were filling in the gaps. In fact, the teens said that doctors were way down the list of sources for sexual health information. The teens sought information from teachers, friends, the Internet and television more often than their parents and health care providers. Doctors ranked only above magazines as a source.
One reason may be because most of the teens were unaware of provider-patient confidentiality, and that their questions would not be reported to parents. As a result, the teens said they would lie about sexual histories or refuse hormonal contraceptives. The survey participants said they sincerely wanted more information, and that they would be more comfortable talking about sex if clinicians initiated the conversation and informed them about their right to confidential care. However, the teens say too many providers presume they''re not interested in the topic. "It''s well documented both in the media and in the literature that Asian-Americans are viewed as this ''model minority," Zhao says, "and that they''re really serious about their education and their jobs, and that they don''t participate in things that could be a hazard to their health, including teenage sex." Zhao says even she has to remind herself not to fall into those assumptions. "Now as a physician when I see Asian-American teens in the clinic I actually have to stop myself from stereotyping them." Flores says providers can help by thinking of it as a quality of care issue and emphasizing confidentiality. "When a group of teens tells us they consistently lie because of things that we''re not doing," Flores says, "I think that''s something that we have to really pay attention to."
Asian American Adolescents'' First Sexual Intercourse: Gender and Acculturation Differences
Data Add Health is a longitudinal study of a nationally repre-sentative sample of youth who were in grades 7–12 in1995. The sample was selected from the enrollment ros-ters of 132 schools, derived from a sampling frame that comprised all school districts in the United States with a highschool. To ensure a representative sample of adolescents,the Add Health study designers stratified schools by region,urbanicity, type (public, parochial, private) and racial com-position. At Wave 1 (April–December 1995), roughly 50,000adolescents completed in-school questionnaires, and 20,745of them participated in confidential in-home interviews;more than 14,700 students were reinterviewed at home forWave 2 (January–December 1996). The response rate forWave 1 was 79%; for Wave 2 it was 88%.The present study included the 1,048 Asian Americanrespondents who participated in the in-school interviewand in both the Wave 1 and the Wave 2 in-home surveys.However, the final sample was reduced to 689 participants(323 female, 366 male) because of missing values. On av-erage, individuals for whom complete data were availablewere half a year younger, and had slightly higher socio-economic status and self-esteem, than those with missingdata. There was no difference in the proportion of men andwomen for whom data were missing.
RESULTS:: Overall, 24% of young women and 20% of young men had had sexual intercourse. Among young women, the most acculturated were more likely to have had sexual intercourse than the least acculturated (odds ratio, 4.9); acculturation was not associated with sexual intercourse for young men. Medium and high levels of parental attachment were associated with decreased odds of sexual experience for young women (0.4 and 0.2), but not for young men. Binge drinking was associated with an increased risk of sexual experience for young women (6.4), and tobacco use was associated with increased risk for young men (3.0).
Dating behaviors and sexual attitudes of Asian-American youth were examined in a cross-sectional, mixed-methods study in the context of adherence to Asianvalues, measured by the Asian Values Scale (AVS). In all, 31 Asian-American adolescents (age 14-18 years old) from a Houston community center were interviewed regarding dating behaviors and sexual attitudes. Almost three-fourth of adolescents dated without parental knowledge. Compared with adolescents with the lowest AVS scores, those with the highest AVS scores were significantly more likely to date without parental knowledge and date longer before sex. Many adolescents proceeded directly to single, steady, relationships.Parents permitted dating, as long as grades were maintained. Asian-American adolescents should be questioned about secret dating, sexual activity, and participation in other high-risk activities.
对啊,你看我描述的20年前,比你描述的30年前,差不多前进了一个垒 lol 。。。我觉得高中的恋爱还是挺美好的,就算发生关系,也不就等于滥交。
Despite the sexual double standards, Asian American male youth did not appear to begin sexual activity earlier nor have more sexual partners than their female counter-parts. In contrast, females were more likely to start having sex earlier with increasing exposure to the English language. In particular, Asian American females who spoke English at home tended to engage in sex earlier than the other groups studied and have more sexual partners on average than their native language-speaking counterparts. This gender disparity suggests that language plays a key role in passing on traditional values and moderates the process of acculturation among Asian American males and females. Specifically, speaking them other tongue at home played a role in protecting adolescents from engaging in early sexual intercourse and having multiple sexual partners, whereas more exposure to the English language increased this risk for young female Asian Americans in particular.
The results show that a higher proportion of Asian American females had had partners of other races compared with their male counterparts. In addition, Asian American females were also more likely to find partners who were older than themselves (see Table 4), whereas males were more likely to find partners who were younger than themselves. These results indicate that Asian American females indeed have more variety when choosing partners。
一垒:牵手、搂腰、拥抱、亲吻脸颊。 二垒:嘴对嘴接吻、舌吻(有时加裸体拥抱、抚摸乳房)。 三垒:相互爱抚。 全垒打:性交。
这儿都是小娃的爹妈吗。 一般17岁拿了驾照, 孩子就开车到处跑了,打工,各种活动,大部分都有信用卡。家长哪里还管得了。
深红学校这边不管是LGBT还是teenage sex都是报复性的井喷。本来就是个sex,不就是火车过隧道么,不至于这么疯狂的,却被信教的父母搞成了偷腥似的刺激体验。LGBT也是必须要跟父母决裂才行,此后一辈子的自我认同就全部寄托在自己的性向认知上了,过不上正常人的生活。
—————— 你的意思是说华人小孩比黑人白人发生性行为比例更高?有数据支持吗?按你这个逻辑,纯白或纯黑人区的孩子性行为比例会更低?怎么跟我知道的周围情况以及我周围人的认知相反呢?
同意, 如今的prom, 没有男女朋友的是多数,再也不像之前一定要一对一对出现了, 多数一群男生女生, 或者三三俩俩男男女女一起玩。
孩子给你看同学之间隐私的message, 这有些不妥。 有男女朋友的估计都有sex,但是我不认为我认识的每一个华人孩子都有, 有的还是少数。
大家都上过高中,都是从高中过来的。 人以群分,可以看出来你的群,和别的网友的群不太一样啊。只能希望你姑娘的群和你年轻时候的群比较像了。 我除了来美国短暂的高中生活,国内高中和美国大学读的都是top的名校,我的同学朋友们几乎全是清北or 美国top10名校的本科。不要以为成绩好的孩子就没有性生活,别说性生活了,什么出轨,挖墙脚,情伤到要死要活都不少见。。。但是家长绝大多数情况下是啥都不知道的
天哪 这美国高中生什么人生观啊
他们如何找到机会? 课外活动间隙吗?
虽然华人小孩肯定是更好一点, 但榜上不少家长真得有点天真。 活动多的孩子看起来忙, 但自由时间很多。 比如football 到外面比赛好多次,一去一整天, 中间有很多管不到的时间,教练老师公开教育,底下孩子就笑哈哈,都心知肚明,这事很常见,管不了。 疫情这几年活动少了,应该是好多了。每天宅家里的孩子应该没问题。 很多人说没谈恋爱,实际上很多学生不是谈恋爱,就是date, 一两个月就结束了,不可能需要跟家里讲。 高中一起到某人家做各种project的时候也很多,总之时间不是问题。 这事只能早点教育,表现得开明点,孩子有啥事都能讲, 就不会出大事。
我上大学的时候刚流行中文论坛,很多化妆品论坛时不时就有女大学生来问打胎的事情,有的打了四五次。吓得我禁欲到25岁订婚,最后成为一个苦大仇深的老修女,千万别学我,万事不要极端 😁
这简直胡说了,现在大家都不是老古董高中就有过性行为虽不算逆经叛道, 也不是什么值得炫耀自豪的事;更不是美国高中生的多数和普遍现象