回复 1楼dllzf的帖子 I had set up an auto-pay of the HOA fee. I still got harassed on all kinds of issues such as tenant kid window display, logo posts, etc., etc. I refused to pay anything that is not reasonable. The HOA used a collection agency. Last year at the market peak, I decided to sell it. When the HOA noticed that, it decided to access additional crazy fees. It was holding my sale hostage to overcharge me much more (we had a bit of bad blood). I played cool. I told the closing firm that I will handle all these fees myself. I paid off all these crazy fees using a few credit cards before closing. After closing, I asked the credit card companies to charge them all back with evidence of why the HOA was crazy and evil. All of these payments were refunded. in the end, I did not pay a penny of fees or charges. I did pay all HOA monthly due. therefore, a simple solution would be: to calculate all owed HOA regular monthly due. Write a check to pay that off. Then, negotiate a fair penalty such as a one-time fee of $200 to settle. Promise that you will use auto-pay in the future. The key is to pay off all due monthly HOA fees (without penalty). after that, you are on firmer legal ground. You can reach an agreement with HOA on the penalty. if HOA refuses to settle, you can either pay it off or leave it on your balance. I let all unfair fees or charges on balance and kicked HOA nuts in the end. If there is an ongoing legal case, you can do the same. Pay off all monthly due HOA fees. Send the receipt and your request (Motion) to the court. I think the judge or the HOA lawyer would be more sympathetic after seeing the HOA due payments (without fee).
回复 1楼dllzf的帖子 Do not fear legal cases. Do not fear lawyers. Most lawyers are good people (I know others would disagree:-) LOL).😂🤣 Do it yourself (per se). read some online posts to educate yourself. Call the HOA lawyers and explain. make sure you pay off all monthly HOA due. majority of the lawyers love to settle it than to go trial. Unless you must, do not hire your lawyer. Your lawyer would bleed you much more than the HOA fees. When your opponents are spending money hiring a lawyer and you are doing it free of charge (your own time), you are already winning. I usually file motion after motion. Each time the HOA lawyers respond to it, it would charge HOA more fees. Each motion response would easily cost a few $K. In the end, HOA would realize that settling it is the best solution.
回复 1楼dllzf的帖子 Do not fear lien. Lien is nothing without a court judgment. By law, a lien would be dead if a legal case is not filed in one year. There is a cost of legal filing. The court judge may rule against the plaintiff. if the plaintiff does not know how to find you, it may have a tough time serving you so the case may be invalid without proper jurisdiction. Anyway, there is a high barrier to winning a small civil case in the court. Lien is just one side's opinion. It is invalid until the judge agrees. It is not true that you must pay a lien filed against you.
————- 我翻了邮箱,他们以前每个季度是会给我们发邮件提醒的,但是他们突然不发邮件了!事情太多我就忘了。我们是每个季度交hoa,不是每个月,的确就忘了。但是他们利滚利也太过分了吧。我欠的hoa我也愿意交,但是这个利息比高利贷还高,真的不能waive吗? 再说一句,hoa他们过分到什么地步,他们上foreclosure了,我们都没从他或者他们的律师团队得到任何通知!还是保险告诉我们我们才知道这件事!他们有我们联系电话和邮件,却完全不告知,这也太过分了吧?
🔥 最新回帖
你怎么知道楼主被罚了3000是按照规定来的呢?有hoa就给你罚三万不安流程来,是不是到了你这里又变成了其实是一个按照流程的HOA,别人不了解你最了解? 楼主的确没有更新成功地址,但你怎么知道是楼主没有尝试更新还是HOA没有收到或者故意不理会。 以及最后也说了有很多邪恶的HOA例子,为何又笃定楼主遇到的不是很多个邪恶HOA中的一个。 这种HOA不和他们较真的时候各个人模狗样号称一切根据规则形式,你要仔细收集一下证据各种违规操作。只许官方放火不许百姓点灯。
hoa的“权力”在by law里面都写了。bylaw是屋主和hoa之间的legal contract,能不能罚款,发多少钱,都是有规定的。所以,你搞不清是3000还是三万的话,说明根本不理解hoa的运作。只要是这个规定/合同里,都不是滥用权力。
by law里99%写了,屋主有义务向hoa更新mailing address。楼主显然并没有。从法律上来讲,是楼主先违反了合约。hoa熟悉法律难道是原罪么?律师收deposit有什么问题么?如果楼主要扛,就从法律流程上找茬。看看他们的流程是不是完全符合collection law。比如说,法律要求2nd notice和3rd notice之间要间隔30天,结果调查发现,他们发信只间隔了25天,你可以要求法官把对方dismiss。不代表你就不欠钱了,而且对方需要重新走3rd notice程序。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
才2000赶紧付了,千万别跟HOA拖了。推荐你看一下John Oliver的HOA那集,现在根本没有法律制约他们。
没收到账单就不付钱吗?HOA fee每月是固定的,难道还要别人联系你才付钱,你们想啥呢?
登记了! 而且以前他们会发,突然不发了,我才停缴的。 而且他们完全没用试图联系我们!
anyway, 交吧,越拖欠的越多
HOA根本不需要证明给楼主寄过信,他买condo的合同上肯定有一条是按时交HOA fee,如果晚交什么惩罚写的清清楚楚的,给你寄账单只是个courtesy
米帝有几个不好惹的:头号是IRS,hoa 也是排前5的
我没用收到! 我不知道hoa是否给那个address发了账单!
这是你一楼说的: 结果hoa就一直给那个rental property发账单,我们租户也没有告诉我们这件事。
HOA 最绝的就是,你跟HOA打官司,他的律师费还是你交的HOAfee出的
所以是楼主自己主动停止缴费的? 没收到账单偷着乐呢?
是hoa跟我说,他们给rental property发账单了
你为啥用邮局自动forward而不去hoa改账单地址? 邮局forward是有时限的你知道吧? 既然之前邮局转的时候你能收到,那么hoa卡着邮局forward到期忽然不寄了是不太可能的。是Hoa不许你改账单地址还是你自己不想改,那你本来是打算怎么收账单的呢?
我觉得我改地址了,我清晰的记得有张小单子,我把地址改了。但是我当时没拍照,也不知道为什么他们没用改。 而且我一直以为这个我设置了autopay,水费电费我一直都是Autopay的。
他们明明有我们其他联系方式,但是他们就是选择不作为,一直发那个错误的地址。他们的目的是解决问题(没有收到hoa fee)还是挖坑让人跳呢!
对,曾经我因为拿信不及时,信用卡没按时付,被收了利息和late fee,我打电话跟信用卡公司argue,他们也说其实他们给寄账单是courtesy,实际上他们就是不给我寄账单我也应该按时付,得自己去查balance。。。
HOA邮件通知提醒你,是courtesy, 不是付账单的充分必要条件啊。邮件forward只管一年,你应该把通信地址改成你的新地址的。
你赶紧去和HOA联系,赶紧把欠的HOA费先交了。再看他们是否愿意把其他费用免啦,协商解决,把案子撤了,不要继续产生费用。。legal fee估计免不了,都上法庭了。
要是放一个lien,会更麻烦。HOA lien出事的新闻也不是一个两个了。
Bingo,你猜对了,他们就是等着你跳坑。 你自己想想对于HOA来说打电话发邮件追着你要账,和自己走完程序就能把你房子title拿过来卖了,哪个是他们更愿意做的? HOA从来都是大爷,你能做的就是实时了解他们,最好加入他们(board)
BTW HOA都已经给你上foreclosure了,LZ别再心大赶快去问问这房子title有没有问题了。我听说过有心黑的HOA到一定地步会不接受payment执意要卖房的。
如果你改了地址,但是2周或更久之后收到的账单还是从原地址转过来的,要去跟进,要求hoa确认更改啊,咋能等到forward 到期自己都忘了。
I had set up an auto-pay of the HOA fee.
I still got harassed on all kinds of issues such as tenant kid window display, logo posts, etc., etc.
I refused to pay anything that is not reasonable.
The HOA used a collection agency.
Last year at the market peak, I decided to sell it.
When the HOA noticed that, it decided to access additional crazy fees. It was holding my sale hostage to overcharge me much more (we had a bit of bad blood).
I played cool. I told the closing firm that I will handle all these fees myself.
I paid off all these crazy fees using a few credit cards before closing.
After closing, I asked the credit card companies to charge them all back with evidence of why the HOA was crazy and evil. All of these payments were refunded.
in the end, I did not pay a penny of fees or charges. I did pay all HOA monthly due.
therefore, a simple solution would be: to calculate all owed HOA regular monthly due. Write a check to pay that off.
Then, negotiate a fair penalty such as a one-time fee of $200 to settle. Promise that you will use auto-pay in the future.
The key is to pay off all due monthly HOA fees (without penalty). after that, you are on firmer legal ground. You can reach an agreement with HOA on the penalty. if HOA refuses to settle, you can either pay it off or leave it on your balance. I let all unfair fees or charges on balance and kicked HOA nuts in the end.
If there is an ongoing legal case, you can do the same. Pay off all monthly due HOA fees. Send the receipt and your request (Motion) to the court. I think the judge or the HOA lawyer would be more sympathetic after seeing the HOA due payments (without fee).
Do not fear legal cases. Do not fear lawyers.
Most lawyers are good people (I know others would disagree:-) LOL).😂🤣
Do it yourself (per se). read some online posts to educate yourself.
Call the HOA lawyers and explain. make sure you pay off all monthly HOA due.
majority of the lawyers love to settle it than to go trial.
Unless you must, do not hire your lawyer. Your lawyer would bleed you much more than the HOA fees.
When your opponents are spending money hiring a lawyer and you are doing it free of charge (your own time), you are already winning. I usually file motion after motion. Each time the HOA lawyers respond to it, it would charge HOA more fees. Each motion response would easily cost a few $K. In the end, HOA would realize that settling it is the best solution.
Do not fear lien.
Lien is nothing without a court judgment.
By law, a lien would be dead if a legal case is not filed in one year.
There is a cost of legal filing. The court judge may rule against the plaintiff.
if the plaintiff does not know how to find you, it may have a tough time serving you so the case may be invalid without proper jurisdiction. Anyway, there is a high barrier to winning a small civil case in the court.
Lien is just one side's opinion. It is invalid until the judge agrees.
It is not true that you must pay a lien filed against you.
谢谢,我们的情况一摸一样 希望也可以免除一些late fee,hoa fee和legal fee我也认了…… 但是这层层叠叠的late fee,也有一些是他们不认真联系的问题在吧……
you still don't get it.
你们的hoa好便宜啊,3年加legal fees才960。。。
我家以前的房子就有HOA, 住了十多年,总体感觉还挺好的。一个经理、一个财务、还有几个股东。曾经收到一次罚单,说没有按时交月费。我给经理打电话,经理说她不清楚怎么回事,让我找财务。我给财务打,财务查了之后发现是她弄错了,道歉之后取消罚款。
你仔细看你的ccr,99%有写向hoa汇报你的mailing address是你的责任。你出租了,应该和hoa汇报新的mailing address。hoa 收欠款的官司,房主几乎没有打赢的可能。
你可以商量减免利息,因为利息部分是虚的。legal fee啥的,没可能减免的,那是hoa实打实已经付出去了钱。
我们的HOA都是用银行bill pay设置好,每月到时银行就寄支票的。这样就不会忘了。
有些HOA所谓的通知无非是在会议上宣布,然后在某个角落张贴一下。就算不是出租屋主,很多生活在小区的居民既不会去参加HOA会议,也不会去看那些张贴布告的角落。但HOA可以声称自己通知的义务已经做到了。 其实归根结底还是HOA本身是否作恶的问题。因为他们完全可以采取更好的方式通知屋主,但作恶的HOA有权利选择更差的方式。
这个要区分一下,hoa是小区居民选出的board负责,board member都是住户,是志愿者没有工资,board可以雇佣管理公司负责日常管理交流,管理公司的费用是从hoa费用里面出,但是管理公司的一切行为都需要board同意。如果觉得你的hoa坏,就去run for board member,这个一般一两年就会改选一次,成为board member以后你就有话语权了,但是相应的责任也要承担,要花时间。我自己小区就是平时各种抱怨的人一大堆,选board的时候这些人都消失了,都只愿意指手画脚不愿意做点实事。
那我们的HOA可太好了。什么事情都提前email 通知。