你说的是这个吗? https://press.un.org/en/2022/ga12483.doc.htm 120票赞成,50票反对,10票弃权。 其中美国和乌克兰明确说了反对的理由是俄罗斯以反纳粹的名义入侵乌克兰 Meanwhile, Ukraine’s delegate stressed that operative paragraph 4 speaks about Moscow’s endeavours to justify its military invasion and territorial aggression on the purported basis of eliminating neo-Nazism. “That is why we do not allow rapists to lecture us about how to fight rape,” he emphasized, adding that the summary executions of civilians by the Russians in Ukraine — documented in the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights — may constitute the war crime of wilful killing. This is the fascism of today — the glorification of Nazism being executed by the Russian Federation — he asserted. Along similar lines, the representative of the United States stressed that Moscow’s resolution is not a serious effort to combat Nazism and antisemitism; instead, it is a shameful ploy to justify its war of aggression in Ukraine.
kkk = nazis
Inclusive 就代表要容忍纳粹分子?脑子被驴踢了
得了吧 黑莉也是一丘之貉 都是川普拉起来的
全员反纳粹, 2票支持: 美国和乌克兰
你说的是这个吗? https://press.un.org/en/2022/ga12483.doc.htm
其中美国和乌克兰明确说了反对的理由是俄罗斯以反纳粹的名义入侵乌克兰 Meanwhile, Ukraine’s delegate stressed that operative paragraph 4 speaks about Moscow’s endeavours to justify its military invasion and territorial aggression on the purported basis of eliminating neo-Nazism. “That is why we do not allow rapists to lecture us about how to fight rape,” he emphasized, adding that the summary executions of civilians by the Russians in Ukraine — documented in the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights — may constitute the war crime of wilful killing. This is the fascism of today — the glorification of Nazism being executed by the Russian Federation — he asserted. Along similar lines, the representative of the United States stressed that Moscow’s resolution is not a serious effort to combat Nazism and antisemitism; instead, it is a shameful ploy to justify its war of aggression in Ukraine.
这帮孙子就是这样, 既要又要, 最好躺海滩上就有非白人给他们端茶递水, 发钱.
因为纳粹是什么货色,杀了多少人,做了多少恶历史上清清楚楚。pride crowd除了辣你的眼睛,还做了什么?就因为一个小孩哭闹你把他和杀人犯比罪行?极右能不能找点好一点的有点脑子的类比啊?
少来装圣母了,Nazi 和 pride对我来说,equally offensive. 宪法给予了他们权力来表达自己。诸位大妈上蹿下跳,极左极右的,省省吧。
无语 你这是把杀人犯和transgender放在同一水平了 杀人犯是要被剥夺选举权的,哪来的自由言论权利?
卧槽,2逼真多。这是故意在网上行为艺术吧。还真有替纳粹说话的华人? 你不如也举个纳粹旗子过去表示声援。不过大概率被那帮真纳粹骂滚回中国去。估计在你这里让你滚回中国去也属于宪法保护的权利。 哈哈