主要是zoning restriction,不许开发 The decline of regional income convergence since 1980 aligns closely with other research finding that housing prices have also risen faster than construction costs since 1980. For example, research by economists Joseph Gyourko and Raven Molloy found that, controlling for inflation, construction costs remained relatively stable between 1980 and 2013 (Figure 1). However, housing prices rose sharply over the same period. As demonstrated in Figure 1, this discrepancy has resulted in a significant divergence between construction costs and home prices.
Researchers have generally attributed this divergence to regulations. Essentially, land-use regulations limit the supply of developable land or place restrictions on the amount of housing that can be built on a particular area of land. These supply constraints––not building costs––have helped drive the rise in housing prices over recent decades.
It may come as no surprise that large coastal cities have some of the most restrictive housing regulations in the country. Researchers from the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania developed an index that measures the land-use regulatory environment in metropolitan areas across the country. According to the index:
Nine of the top 10 markets in terms of measured regulatory strictness are situated along either the Northeast Coast (from Boston down through Washington, D.C.) or the West Coast of the country (Seattle, Portland (OR), San Francisco, and Los Angeles). The most lightly-regulated among the group of larger metropolitan areas tend to be declining markets in the Rust Belt region.
湾区人不傻, 剩下的自己推断
湾区主要是地值钱啊,装修和房子本身都是要贬值的。sfh 1000尺房子但是有5000尺地,所以价格是sfh 2-3倍很合理啊。 sfh 看历史比condo涨的快很多。当然过去几年疫情让sfh涨的超级多,现在rto 可能会让交通好的condo涨的稍微快点。但是长久看肯定还是sfh涨的快的
sfh主打的是地。分分钟推到重盖。conda hoa很贵,还各种限制
什么时候同一location的condo和SFH一个价钱过? 这也不是湾区独有 这坑挖的水平不高。。。
最起码也是要Town House
照你这么说,boston SFH只有condo一半价格?同一个zipcode/街区?
我家孩子毕业时,如果离开湾区去一个网上讨论过,不少人拍手喜欢的地方,因为是金融方面的公司,收入还行,二、三年的税前收入就能买一个三千尺的房子,那儿房子都挺新的,结果他们那批实习生,全都是非常好的大学的,比较好的专业的,没有一个美国籍的孩子愿意去,只有二个需要工作签证的国际生去了,昨天我家孩子还在说,刚和其中的一个国际生又聊了一下天,那个国际生在那里度日如年,生活太没意思了,人也很蠢,多次申请回加州都不被允许,我家孩子说国际生太倒霉了 现在那批实习生中的大多数连小黑屋都没有住的,一个个乐颠颠地关在真正的宇宙中的鸽子笼里,坐着恶心的地铁上班,你是不是觉得他们比你笨?
我也觉得挺好的,比如同样面积TH 和SFH一个1.8,一个2.8米,即使TH 的HOA高,但税就低,out of pocket expense 差不多。通常1.8的TH比2.8 的SFH新,要打理的也少。不过TH 肯定比SFH升值慢。不过大家真的觉得3M,2000sqf 不到的SFH还能涨多少
主要是zoning restriction,不许开发
The decline of regional income convergence since 1980 aligns closely with other research finding that housing prices have also risen faster than construction costs since 1980. For example, research by economists Joseph Gyourko and Raven Molloy found that, controlling for inflation, construction costs remained relatively stable between 1980 and 2013 (Figure 1). However, housing prices rose sharply over the same period. As demonstrated in Figure 1, this discrepancy has resulted in a significant divergence between construction costs and home prices.
Researchers have generally attributed this divergence to regulations. Essentially, land-use regulations limit the supply of developable land or place restrictions on the amount of housing that can be built on a particular area of land. These supply constraints––not building costs––have helped drive the rise in housing prices over recent decades.