大家的central ac 都装了 air scrubber了吗?

楼主 (北美华人网)
去年新装的两套Lennox Elite系统(一楼在车库,二楼在attic)刚找他们来做maintenance, 说建议装air scrubbers to both systems to help keep blower wheels clean for minimum of 5 yrs, and also to eliminate dust, dust mites, bacteria, viruses, covid, helps with allergies and odors throughout entire home and on all surface areas.
查了一下 Air scrubbers are different from air filters in that they are much more effective in removing allergens from the home than traditional filters. An air scrubber is professionally installed directly into your existing HVAC system ductwork
我看了看blower wheels那里是有些灰尘(奇怪,旁边不是有air filters嘛??)。大家都装了Air scrubbers吗?报价1571.00, 不知是一套还是两套的钱。
另外,每年得找人来maintain两次吧(一次cooling, 一次heating),据说Lennox查得严,不maintain的话warranty 会失效。是这样的嘛。两套系统每年两次要多少钱?这个安装的公司要收$425 每年(两次,两套系统), 价格合理吗

回复 1楼ComingMarch的帖子
十三年前换的heater and central AC, and E-filter. 就只清洗E-filter,按控制器显示的时间做,一年大约四次,DIY,至今一切都好。