Vanguard target 2045这种401k是不是很差?

楼主 (北美华人网)
有match为什么不入?以后换工作的时候roll over成Ira
这种不是差 这种是比较保守的fund 收的fee高一些, 但是只要fee比match低, 为啥不入?
2045 那就是给2045 退休的人 也就是lz在30-33之间我猜? 那这个fund不会很保守 至少70%股票 30%债券 你自己看fund summary就知道了。
Vanguard Target Retirement 2045 is a type of 401(k) retirement plan offered by Vanguard, one of the largest investment management companies in the world. The plan is designed for investors who plan to retire around the year 2045, and it automatically adjusts its asset allocation over time to become more conservative as the target date approaches. Whether or not this plan is "good" or "bad" for you depends on a number of factors, such as your investment goals, risk tolerance, and overall financial situation. Generally speaking, a target date fund can be a good option for those who want a diversified portfolio that automatically adjusts to become more conservative as they approach retirement age. That being said, there are some potential drawbacks to target date funds, such as higher fees compared to other investment options, a lack of control over individual investment choices, and the possibility that the fund may not align with your specific goals or risk tolerance. Ultimately, it's important to do your own research and consider your own financial goals and situation when deciding on an investment strategy. It may be helpful to consult with a financial advisor to get a better understanding of your options and what may be the best fit for you. chatgpt
vanguard 2045的target date fund其实挺好的。主要好在它们比其他funds收的fees更少,所以回报率高一点。 如果真是积累20-30年的确能是有实在的差别。
当然这问题建立在你真实的investment horizon和risk tolerance之上。 如果你没15-20年,那么这投资不适合你。 如果你是高危险高回报的人,那么也不适合你。 但我各人觉得如果你真是计划20-25年退休,那么这个必经broad和相比来说的401k投资应该是不错的。 是中年男人,我公司的401k就主要在vanguard2040和2045年中。同时也要说,退休金在整个家产中也要总体计划。 不要只盯着401k。