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ChatGPT给出的上帝存在的理由: Cosmological argument: This argument is based on the idea that the universe must have had a cause or a reason for its existence, and that this cause must be God. The argument goes that everything in the universe has a cause, and since the universe itself exists, it must have had a cause. The cause must be something that exists outside of time and space, and is not subject to the laws of the universe. This cause is often identified as God. Teleological argument: This argument is based on the idea that the complexity and order we see in the universe, from the structure of atoms to the structure of galaxies, points to the existence of an intelligent designer. The argument goes that the universe is too ordered and complex to have come about by chance, and that the best explanation for this is that it was designed by an intelligent being, which is often identified as God. Ontological argument: This argument is based on the idea that God''s existence can be proven simply by defining God as a being than which no greater can be conceived. The argument goes that if we can conceive of such a being, it must exist, because existence is a necessary part of being the greatest possible being. Moral argument: This argument is based on the idea that the existence of objective moral values and duties in the world points to the existence of God. The argument goes that if there are objective moral values and duties, they must come from a source outside of human beings, and that source is often identified as God.
上帝不存在的理由: Problem of evil: This argument is based on the idea that the existence of evil and suffering in the world is inconsistent with the idea of an all-powerful, all-knowing, and perfectly good God. The argument goes that if God is all-powerful and all-knowing, then he should be able to prevent evil, and if he is perfectly good, he should want to prevent evil. However, since evil and suffering exist, it''s unlikely that such a God exists. Argument from ignorance: This argument is based on the idea that the existence of God cannot be proven or disproven, and that it''s fallacious to believe in something simply because there''s no evidence against it. The argument goes that just because we can''t explain something or don''t understand it, it doesn''t mean that it must be the work of a God. Absence of evidence: This argument is based on the idea that the lack of evidence for God''s existence is evidence against it. The argument goes that if God exists, we would expect to see evidence of his existence, and since there is no such evidence, it''s unlikely that he exists. Evolutionary argument: This argument is based on the idea that the theory of evolution provides a naturalistic explanation for the complexity and diversity of life on earth, and that there is no need to invoke a supernatural creator to explain it. The argument goes that the existence of God is unnecessary to explain the natural world, and that science provides a more compelling and evidence-based account of the origins of life.
“arguments for” translation 宇宙因果论证:此论证基于这样一个观点,即宇宙必须有一个原因或存在的理由,而这个原因必须是上帝。这个论证指出,宇宙中的每一件事都有一个原因,而且由于宇宙本身存在,它必须有一个原因。这个原因必须是存在于时间和空间之外的东西,并且不受宇宙的规律所限制。这个原因通常被认为是上帝。 目的论证:此论证基于这样一个观点,即我们在宇宙中看到的复杂性和秩序,从原子的结构到星系的结构,都表明存在智能设计者的存在。这个论证指出,宇宙太有序和复杂了,不可能只是偶然产生的,最好的解释是它是由一个智能的存在设计的,这个存在通常被认为是上帝。 本体论证:此论证基于这样一个观点,即上帝的存在可以通过将上帝定义为一个比任何更伟大的存在都更伟大的存在而得到证明。这个论证指出,如果我们能够想象到这样一个存在,那么它必须存在,因为存在是成为最伟大的存在必要的一部分。 道德论证:此论证基于这样一个观点,即世界上客观的道德价值和责任感表明上帝的存在。这个论证指出,如果存在客观的道德价值和责任感,那么它们必须来自于人类之外的某个源头,这个源头通常被认为是上帝。
arguments against 翻译by chatgpt: 邪恶问题论证:这个论证基于这样一个观点,即世界上邪恶和苦难的存在与全能、全知和完美善良的上帝的观念不一致。这个论证认为,如果上帝是全能和全知的,那么他应该能够阻止邪恶,如果他是完美善良的,那么他应该希望阻止邪恶。然而,由于邪恶和苦难的存在,这种上帝的存在是不太可能的。 无知论证:这个论证基于这样一个观点,即上帝的存在不能被证明或证伪,仅仅因为没有证据反对而相信某些事情是谬误的。这个论证认为,仅仅因为我们无法解释某些事情或者无法理解它,并不意味着它必须是上帝的工作。 缺乏证据论证:这个论证基于这样一个观点,即缺乏上帝存在的证据本身就是反对上帝存在的证据。这个论证认为,如果上帝存在,我们应该能够看到他的存在证据,由于没有这样的证据,他的存在是不太可能的。 进化论证:这个论证基于这样一个观点,即进化论提供了一个关于地球生命的复杂性和多样性的自然解释,而无需引入超自然的创造者来解释它。这个论证认为,上帝的存在是解释自然界的过程中不必要的,科学提供了一个更有说服力和基于证据的生命起源的解释。
Problem of evil: This argument is based on the idea that the existence of evil and suffering in the world is inconsistent with the idea of an all-powerful, all-knowing, and perfectly good God. The argument goes that if God is all-powerful and all-knowing, then he should be able to prevent evil, and if he is perfectly good, he should want to prevent evil. However, since evil and suffering exist, it''s unlikely that such a God exists.
是的,problem of evil确实是我相信有超自然力量的阻碍。我比较相信有催眠回溯得到的灵魂是造物者一部分的结论,这个和各种宗教里面的灵魂最后归宿类似。但是听到一些很evil的故事又不明白为什么会允许这样的恶行存在。