To be more accurate, you just need 100K minimum to buy in then you can spend 99.9K to buy securities leave the rest in FZDXX. I only have $600 FZDXX in my account.
not sure where you got your information but I only have $600 FZDXX in my account.
yolandos 发表于 2023-02-09 19:49
If your fund balance falls below $10,000 worth of shares for any reason and you do not increase your balance, Fidelity may sell all of your shares and send the proceeds to you after providing you with at least 30 days' notice to reestablish the minimum balance.
If your fund balance falls below $10,000 worth of shares for any reason and you do not increase your balance, Fidelity may sell all of your shares and send the proceeds to you after providing you with at least 30 days' notice to reestablish the minimum balance. 金银岛 发表于 2023-02-09 20:16
they may and they may not. I haven't seen they sold mine.
To be more accurate, you just need 100K minimum to buy in then you can spend 99.9K to buy securities leave the rest in FZDXX. I only have $600 FZDXX in my account. yolandos 发表于 2023-02-09 19:48
但是好像这个星期又涨了, 4wk, 8wk, 也都涨了 所以是想说明 Fed 不是诈胡?
我是没那个本事炒股炒得到 5% 的, 干脆这个得了
took a peek, fidelity FZDXX (money market) now pays 4.46%, up from 4.26%
你看到的是 expected yield, 就是真正发行之前的 预测价,一般偏小;
我也去fidelity看了下一期是 4.676
你可以看 国债网站上的过去的记录:
对对,我看到的是4.676。本来在想要不要买capital one 11months 5%的CD,如果tbill实际的有4.8/4.9,买半年tbill更灵活一些
$100k minimum cash
现在可能休市了吧 我明天买
这不是core position里的一个选项,它是一个money market mutual fund,你需要buy fund里选择它买,如果你的账户是普通账户的话,它要求你最初要买至少十万刀,买了以后可以卖掉些,但得保留至少一万刀。如果是退休账户的话,只需要买至少一万刀。
你也可以在vanguard开户,那里的现金都自动放在一个叫VMFXX的money market mutual fund里,即它相当于是vanguard的core position,近七天的年收益是4.48%, 比FZDXX还好。
To be more accurate, you just need 100K minimum to buy in then you can spend 99.9K to buy securities leave the rest in FZDXX. I only have $600 FZDXX in my account.
not sure where you got your information but I only have $600 FZDXX in my account.
price goes down, yield goes up
FZDXX和FZFXX, SPAXX比风险会大吗?后两个大部分钱都在repo,这个好像不少在financial company commercial paper,不知道是干什么的
401k has FZDXX
If your fund balance falls below $10,000 worth of shares for any reason and you do not increase your balance, Fidelity may sell all of your shares and send the proceeds to you after providing you with at least 30 days' notice to reestablish the minimum balance.
they may and they may not. I haven't seen they sold mine.
说的很对, 这一点确实很重要, 尤其是对于某些州税非常重的地方;说的就是你 CA!
我早说了利息还得涨 这星期涨是因为上周五的就业数据太好了,全美失业率50年最低 这么火的就业市场通货膨胀要上天了
Brill是必须在treasury direct买对吧,FZDXX不是的
Brokerage也可以买t-bill, 有二手和new issue
是的, 100k门槛买了以后就不用maintain balance
money market funds
通货膨胀 8%, 利息才只有5%,力度还是不够。 当年70年代利息都涨到两位数才把通货膨胀控制下来的。
mark mark
嗯,FZDXX是基金。要买新发行的tbill的话,News & Research -> Fixed Income, Bonds & CD -> New Issues tab, expand Treasury
那个只是expected yield,根据过去半年数据估算的,不足为据。
近期的收益见 下期的国债价格应该和它们大差不差。确切的价格要等你order后由auction决定。
请问,FZDXX 和 其它的 money market fund 要收费吗?有没有 买,卖,和管理的费用?谢谢🙏
Fidelity 提供了31个money market fund,都是免交易费的,有管理费 关于FZDXX 参见 No Transaction Fee Exp Ratio (Gross) 0.36% ($3.60 per $1000)