In his State of the Union address on Tuesday night Biden called for a quadrupling in the buyback tax, and singled out oil companies. While he didn't provide details on a new tax proposal, a quadrupling could take the tax from 1% tax to 4%, and the White House could push for the tax to be gross rather than net of any shares issued for employee pay and M&A. It's part of a call for higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy which was featured as part of Biden's overall message to the nation.
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In his State of the Union address on Tuesday night Biden called for a quadrupling in the buyback tax, and singled out oil companies. While he didn't provide details on a new tax proposal, a quadrupling could take the tax from 1% tax to 4%, and the White House could push for the tax to be gross rather than net of any shares issued for employee pay and M&A. It's part of a call for higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy which was featured as part of Biden's overall message to the nation.
要我说就该彻底禁止stock buyback
确实buy back用自己公司的钱pump up自己公司的股票,广义上算是内部交易了。确实应该禁止。
haha 不知道多可靠 不过可以叫做民主的弊端和好处 (compared to 专制的好处和弊端)
大公司天天把股票回购制造虚假earning growth 本来就是在吸毒
尤其是在低利息时代, 大公司普遍借钱回购,就是90年代日本大财阀撒钱抄自己家族股票的翻版
还好FED 比日本银行更有权利,把这泡泡搓破了,否则不堪设想
你懂什么叫stock buy back吗?这是公司回购股票的税,上市公司交。目的是鼓励公司去拿钱投资雇人,不是去回购股票烧钱。公司交的税,你脑补成是你中产交税?
对韭菜有些许好处的事会因为各种激烈党争(演得跟真的一样)而实现不了; 割韭菜的事,哪件不是众志成城,在一片小纠结 (again, 演得跟真的一样)中不畏艰难险阻地实现了?
实际上公司通过rsu, 给高管雇员options 啥的,净股票数是增加的,基本收不到啥税
给p 民做show 而已
看看ge 回购的资金远远超过股价,但是公司发展的资本枯竭了。