GOOGL Plunges as Microsoft Integrates OpenAI into Bing Feb 08, 2023, 11:27 AM Shares of Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) plunged so far in today’s trading session after Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) announced that it’ll be integrating OpenAI’s updated technology into its Bing search engine. Indeed, this is expected to actually make Bing better than ChatGPT itself, as it’s specifically designed for search engines. This has the potential to significantly disrupt Google’s dominance in this particular segment, which is what has given it such a strong moat against competitors for a very long time now. Nevertheless, Google is fighting back with a new multi-search tool that uses Google Lens to search with text and images. It also made updates to its translation and Maps services.
我听了这消息后, 去google 了下, 到谷歌官方页面看他们怎么吹bard 被它逗笑了, 在那大段大段废话他们怎么搞出来bard , bard 的前世今生 give me a break…. Who the fk care, show me the product…… 想起很多年前谷歌眼镜发布时结巴的介绍人, 同款disaster, google 傲慢到never learn
GOOGL Plunges as Microsoft Integrates OpenAI into Bing Feb 08, 2023, 11:27 AM Shares of Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) plunged so far in today’s trading session after Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) announced that it’ll be integrating OpenAI’s updated technology into its Bing search engine. Indeed, this is expected to actually make Bing better than ChatGPT itself, as it’s specifically designed for search engines. This has the potential to significantly disrupt Google’s dominance in this particular segment, which is what has given it such a strong moat against competitors for a very long time now. Nevertheless, Google is fighting back with a new multi-search tool that uses Google Lens to search with text and images. It also made updates to its translation and Maps services.
我听了这消息后, 去google 了下, 到谷歌官方页面看他们怎么吹bard 被它逗笑了, 在那大段大段废话他们怎么搞出来bard , bard 的前世今生 give me a break…. Who the fk care, show me the product…… 想起很多年前谷歌眼镜发布时结巴的介绍人, 同款disaster, google 傲慢到never learn Silverwing 发表于 2023-02-08 13:03
GOOGL Plunges as Microsoft Integrates OpenAI into Bing Feb 08, 2023, 11:27 AM Shares of Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) plunged so far in today’s trading session after Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) announced that it’ll be integrating OpenAI’s updated technology into its Bing search engine. Indeed, this is expected to actually make Bing better than ChatGPT itself, as it’s specifically designed for search engines. This has the potential to significantly disrupt Google’s dominance in this particular segment, which is what has given it such a strong moat against competitors for a very long time now. Nevertheless, Google is fighting back with a new multi-search tool that uses Google Lens to search with text and images. It also made updates to its translation and Maps services.
ChatGPT, the popular chatbot from OpenAI, is estimated to have reached 100 million monthly active users in January, just two months after launch, making it the fastest-growing consumer application in history, 还有很多因为他scalability不行上不去的。 bing只要能做到别轻易down机,光这个chatGPT就能多几亿user
Feb 08, 2023, 11:27 AM
Shares of Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) plunged so far in today’s trading session after Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) announced that it’ll be integrating OpenAI’s updated technology into its Bing search engine. Indeed, this is expected to actually make Bing better than ChatGPT itself, as it’s specifically designed for search engines.
This has the potential to significantly disrupt Google’s dominance in this particular segment, which is what has given it such a strong moat against competitors for a very long time now. Nevertheless, Google is fighting back with a new multi-search tool that uses Google Lens to search with text and images. It also made updates to its translation and Maps services.
chatGPT背后不是什么绝密核心技术,google可以拿出来东西,但是只拿出了bard,是什么伦理思考呢? 论人类安全方面,现在美国/欧洲大厂都有标准,谁敢越雷池呢?
这么夸张...... 个人觉得把chatGPT和微软捧过头了
嗯 bard的确不好听,mard的话应该就火了
说到秀帽子,noogler秀也就罢了,我还看到一个被layoff的小红书程序媛说自己疫情的时候远程入职所以没机会秀帽子,现在被雷了发张照片秀noogler帽子,so cringy。。。
唉,我觉得主要是Bard集成到Google Search就得把原来最赚钱的部分革自己的命,而且就算集成了,以后Ads赚的钱还不一定有现在多。
得了吧, 不敢拿出来为了人类? 做不过就直说, 玩啥嘴炮道德制高点
我听了这消息后, 去google 了下, 到谷歌官方页面看他们怎么吹bard
被它逗笑了, 在那大段大段废话他们怎么搞出来bard , bard 的前世今生 give me a break…. Who the fk care, show me the product……
想起很多年前谷歌眼镜发布时结巴的介绍人, 同款disaster, google 傲慢到never learn
Good to know.
完了完了 谷歌就是下一个META了
谷歌ai 巴黎发布会
今天狗暴跌 是因为拿出了看家本领 bard 然后大众的反应是 就这????
不是黑狗 下一个meta还轮不到 下一个ibm 或者雅虎
google自己发出来的bard demo视频 答案结果有事实错误 你也许说google传统形象是技术硬核 research水平高 但是犯了这么低级的错误 形象绝对受损
chatgpt 是很好用, 但是经常用的人太多不让用。
另外一方面,好好地搞个发布会都能出错,这个内部管理的问题也太大了点,你搞不好demo拿个视频出来也没大问题,这么大的marketing event之前review都做不好?
同意!!!!和AWS比起来,GCP感觉太粗糙了。产品远没人家AWS 全面,基本就是被牵着鼻子走。AWS 弄出一个产品,谷歌赶紧跟着拿出一个毛糙的买家秀产品,有的连instructions 都错误百出。
G有屁的伦理 即当又立 批评他不伦理的几个人都被它fire了
Sundar vision 太差了
re, 层主说到关键了。就是这个原因谷歌不愿意拿出来,根本不是“对智能技术伦理面思考比较谨慎“”
ChatGPT, the popular chatbot from OpenAI, is estimated to have reached 100 million monthly active users in January, just two months after launch, making it the fastest-growing consumer application in history,
还有很多因为他scalability不行上不去的。 bing只要能做到别轻易down机,光这个chatGPT就能多几亿user
Elon本身就是openAI的co founder。当狗家ceo 够格