之前洗碗机底部经常积水,被迫手洗了几个月后换了一台洗碗机,发现还是堵,请warranty 来维修,他说是air gap 堵了,可以自己用铁丝通,结果就变成一周需要通两三次,很头疼。 最近因为厨房洗手池堵了请了水管工人,他根本不看洗手池,直接从clean out 进去用snake 通了下水道,洗手池就好了。然后我惊奇地发现洗碗机也好了。原来是下水道不通造成的啊 特来汇报一下。
下水道不通 or food grinder下水道不通 so air gap 经常堵 since dishwasher use air gap as the release channel if air gap 经常堵 then dishwasher not function well we just find it out recently
下水道不通 or food grinder下水道不通 so air gap 经常堵 since dishwasher use air gap as the release channel if air gap 经常堵 then dishwasher not function well we just find it out recently
下水道不通 or food grinder下水道不通 so air gap 经常堵 since dishwasher use air gap as the release channel if air gap 经常堵 then dishwasher not function well we just find it out recently
最近因为厨房洗手池堵了请了水管工人,他根本不看洗手池,直接从clean out 进去用snake 通了下水道,洗手池就好了。然后我惊奇地发现洗碗机也好了。原来是下水道不通造成的啊 特来汇报一下。
since dishwasher use air gap as the release channel
if air gap 经常堵 then dishwasher not function well
we just find it out recently