早两年乐乐和丫丫引起大众注意时,北京动物园,三次联系孟菲斯动物园,很少得到回应; “Beijing Zoo has informed the panda lovers that it has submitted three requests to the CAZG — the main Chinese contract party of the panda loan — for taking YaYa back in advance on January 7, March 31, and May 7. As the unsuccessful communication with the Memphis Zoo continues, Shanghai Zoo also informed that they are keeping in close contact with the CAZG regarding LeLe’s situation. Both zoos’ complaints and unanswered concerns about the feeding and welfare of their animals illustrate one aspect of the lockdown created by the Memphis Zoo.”
熊猫爱好者留言被动物园block; Tom Clemenson, another representative of Panda Voices added, "We tried to contact Memphis Zoo offering help and donations for the pandas, but to date they have yet to respond to us. Instead, they started blocking all panda fans who leave comments about the pandas or asking questions about YaYa and LeLe on their social media. 动物园承认熊猫没足够东西吃,向大众募捐。Memphis Zoo has admitted that it lacks bamboo to feed the pandas by requesting public donations to source this basic food need. Memphis Zoo is yet to mention YaYa’s skin parasite condition, which she has clearly been suffering from for at least 7 years. 丫丫四次流产。YaYa’s miscarriages were reported in the media in 2007, 2010, and 2012. By 2012, YaYa had already had three miscarriages, yet another artificial insemination was performed on her again in the same year. 孟菲斯动物园多次因为(疑似)虐待动物被动物保护机构点名。 In Defense of Animals is extremely concerned about YaYa, LeLe, and all the animals held prisoner at Memphis Zoo. Multiple Grant''''''''''''''''s gazelles have mysteriously died in the zoo''''''''''''''''s care without mention, and our 10 Worst Zoos list exposed how African elephant Tyrzana was killed before her natural in-the-wild life expectancy at the zoo in September 2020. Our Freedom of Information Act requests to Memphis Zoo have gone unanswered. 这些是从领导要求乐乐和丫丫回归中国的动物保护组织IDA的NEWS RELEASE里面看的。有兴趣的可以自己搜索 idausa.org Memphis zoo panda abuse 今天孟菲斯到处是新闻,用的是乐乐漂亮年轻的照片,假惺惺说什么mourning
早两年乐乐和丫丫引起大众注意时,北京动物园,三次联系孟菲斯动物园,很少得到回应; “Beijing Zoo has informed the panda lovers that it has submitted three requests to the CAZG — the main Chinese contract party of the panda loan — for taking YaYa back in advance on January 7, March 31, and May 7. As the unsuccessful communication with the Memphis Zoo continues, Shanghai Zoo also informed that they are keeping in close contact with the CAZG regarding LeLe’s situation. Both zoos’ complaints and unanswered concerns about the feeding and welfare of their animals illustrate one aspect of the lockdown created by the Memphis Zoo.”
熊猫爱好者留言被动物园block; Tom Clemenson, another representative of Panda Voices added, "We tried to contact Memphis Zoo offering help and donations for the pandas, but to date they have yet to respond to us. Instead, they started blocking all panda fans who leave comments about the pandas or asking questions about YaYa and LeLe on their social media. 动物园承认熊猫没足够东西吃,向大众募捐。Memphis Zoo has admitted that it lacks bamboo to feed the pandas by requesting public donations to source this basic food need. Memphis Zoo is yet to mention YaYa’s skin parasite condition, which she has clearly been suffering from for at least 7 years. 丫丫四次流产。YaYa’s miscarriages were reported in the media in 2007, 2010, and 2012. By 2012, YaYa had already had three miscarriages, yet another artificial insemination was performed on her again in the same year. 孟菲斯动物园多次因为(疑似)虐待动物被动物保护机构点名。 In Defense of Animals is extremely concerned about YaYa, LeLe, and all the animals held prisoner at Memphis Zoo. Multiple Grant''''''''''''''''s gazelles have mysteriously died in the zoo''''''''''''''''s care without mention, and our 10 Worst Zoos list exposed how African elephant Tyrzana was killed before her natural in-the-wild life expectancy at the zoo in September 2020. Our Freedom of Information Act requests to Memphis Zoo have gone unanswered. 这些是从领导要求乐乐和丫丫回归中国的动物保护组织IDA的NEWS RELEASE里面看的。有兴趣的可以自己搜索 idausa.org Memphis zoo panda abuse 今天孟菲斯到处是新闻,用的是乐乐漂亮年轻的照片,假惺惺说什么mourning MiaGoth 发表于 2023-02-04 01:36
之前以为是熊猫外交,无偿出借熊猫给外国增进友好 现在发现原来是门大生意 根据熊猫租赁协议,一对大熊猫租期10年,一年大概100万美元,共1000万美元. 任何新出生的熊猫幼崽必须两年之后送回中国,熊猫非正常死亡也必须赔偿大概50万美元. 也就是说熊猫半生漂泊海外 有些水土不服的是不是也没的选择 有些则最终客死他乡 The pandas are rented from the Chinese government for 10 years and the contract stipulates that Edinburgh must pay £600,000 a year for the pair. Any cub that is born must be returned to China after two years. Should one die because of human error, it is understood that the zoo must pay £300,000. £600,000 is equivalent to some 947 thousand US Dollars. That's nearly $10 million over a decade, not including the costs of their care and feeding. https://gizmodo.com/youll-never-believe-what-it-costs-to-rent-a-panda-from-1635142229
能不能别说这么不吉利的话 大熊猫没有自理能力,你还没有吗
孟菲斯Shelby farms 一大片地就是种的竹子喂这俩熊猫的。再不行也能从外地买。那个熊猫馆多少钱了,人员经费多少, 能从熊猫嘴里扣竹子钱?在美国谁要是真缺一口吃的真是大新闻了。
你说半天也没有用 虐待呢?
这也太惨了, 不敢看
熊猫爱好者留言被动物园block; Tom Clemenson, another representative of Panda Voices added, "We tried to contact Memphis Zoo offering help and donations for the pandas, but to date they have yet to respond to us. Instead, they started blocking all panda fans who leave comments about the pandas or asking questions about YaYa and LeLe on their social media.
动物园承认熊猫没足够东西吃,向大众募捐。Memphis Zoo has admitted that it lacks bamboo to feed the pandas by requesting public donations to source this basic food need. Memphis Zoo is yet to mention YaYa’s skin parasite condition, which she has clearly been suffering from for at least 7 years.
丫丫四次流产。YaYa’s miscarriages were reported in the media in 2007, 2010, and 2012. By 2012, YaYa had already had three miscarriages, yet another artificial insemination was performed on her again in the same year.
孟菲斯动物园多次因为(疑似)虐待动物被动物保护机构点名。 In Defense of Animals is extremely concerned about YaYa, LeLe, and all the animals held prisoner at Memphis Zoo. Multiple Grant''''''''''''''''s gazelles have mysteriously died in the zoo''''''''''''''''s care without mention, and our 10 Worst Zoos list exposed how African elephant Tyrzana was killed before her natural in-the-wild life expectancy at the zoo in September 2020. Our Freedom of Information Act requests to Memphis Zoo have gone unanswered.
这些是从领导要求乐乐和丫丫回归中国的动物保护组织IDA的NEWS RELEASE里面看的。有兴趣的可以自己搜索 idausa.org Memphis zoo panda abuse
早两年有动物保护组织出面,还成立了一个panda voices,才使得乐乐和丫丫被同意今年4月回中国的。好像熊猫们回中国这个事儿的人力物力财力是应该由Memphis zoo负责的。
难道担心付旅费,提前灭口. 不至于吧,大家捐钱也可以筹集率费啊.
Youtube搜索Panda voices,可以看见乐乐和丫丫饿得肚子发慌的视频,甚至就在2022年的圣诞节,也就是已经承诺把他们送回中国之后! 据说,Memphis Zoo还想再弄一对熊猫来,可见他们这些年在熊猫上是赚了很多钱的!现在暂时年景不好,就对老了的功臣熊猫这么冷酷!
我去了退休熊猫基地,在青城山那边, 都是20岁以上的熊猫,被照顾得都很好, 皮毛发亮,营养充足的样子
有一只是从San Diego Zoo退休的,特别喜欢爬树,饲养员就在树下喊它下来吃饭,用四川话喊特别搞笑 那些饲养员看得出是喜欢他们的工作的
2020年,这个动物园好像还逝世了一头非洲象,还不到正常逝世年龄的。 熊猫们肯定有年纪大了有病的因素,但是好好养着就不会这么可怜的。乐乐才24岁,去Youtube看Panda voices的视频,去年7月18号给他过的生日。
看Youtube上面Panda voices拍的生日视频,就可以看见乐乐年轻时候多水灵,怀疑那时候(2003年)还是挑的最漂亮的之一(不然人家也不会出大价钱租),那时候是克林顿时期吧?中美友好,而且美国也显得生活条件很好,中国可能都还想讨好这种田纳西“财主”。
我觉得应该是挑的好的。首先田纳西这边肯定是想挑好的,中国既然要出租肯定也不好拿差的充数,不然影响不好还怎么租给别的地方?中国虽然养起来有经验,毕竟那么多一起养,而租出去一个动物园甚至一个城市一个州就盯着这一对,一般想起来也该觉得受重视,过得不错。而且那时候肯定都觉得美国条件好,有财力,熊猫是享福去的,还可以扬名立万,也比留在中国的出名,也算青史留名了。而且在其他动物园的一般都还过得不错,像DC的不还生了小熊猫? 公主和亲,事先是知道没好日子过的;熊猫这个,可能还真没想到会受虐待。
如果可以麻烦多贴点panda voices视频过来,我贴不了。尤其去年春节丫丫饿肚子那个,好可怜。 Youtube上面还有一些Memphis zoo用熊猫招徕顾客的视频,厚颜无耻,呸!
据说Memphis zoo还想再租一对呢!中国那些缺脑子的官僚,说不定还真会再租一对过来。
乐乐是24岁,根本不是25岁;即使25岁,也是家养熊猫的最低寿龄。 别的,你高兴就好。
看看这个文章你更睡不着了。 https://www.zhihu.com/question/60769367?utm_id=0
根据熊猫租赁协议,一对大熊猫租期10年,一年大概100万美元,共1000万美元. 任何新出生的熊猫幼崽必须两年之后送回中国,熊猫非正常死亡也必须赔偿大概50万美元. 也就是说熊猫半生漂泊海外 有些水土不服的是不是也没的选择 有些则最终客死他乡
The pandas are rented from the Chinese government for 10 years and the contract stipulates that Edinburgh must pay £600,000 a year for the pair. Any cub that is born must be returned to China after two years. Should one die because of human error, it is understood that the zoo must pay £300,000.
£600,000 is equivalent to some 947 thousand US Dollars. That's nearly $10 million over a decade, not including the costs of their care and feeding.