Hamas Hero

楼主 (北美华人网)
Hamas Hero. Russia, your Sputniknews carrying of the 78th Anniversary of Jan. 27, 1945 about Auschwitz-Birkenau is CATEGORICALLY WRONG.
回复 1楼LiminWang的帖子
Middle Easters can not fight an EVIL power with only stones and flesh. Jews are not a race of untouchable with the FACTS. Jews in America and around the world CONTROL AND DESTROY so many critical aspects of so many people. I am a VICTIM OF MANY JEWS IN NEW YORK CITY AND NEW YORK STATE due to their premeditated and coordinated and PROFESSIONALLY SOPHICATED murder-attempts on me; My daughters have LONG YEARS OR DECADES been brainwashed by American Evil System's Humanscums to betray the CARING FATHER; My wife has long been brainwashed and drugged into a SEVERE PSYCHOPATH. The American Evil System is still running its SHAME AND SHAM legal proceedings about "CASES". Of course, not only SOME JEWS are HUMANSCUM EVILS, many other RACES like White, Black, Orange, Brown, etc, have MANY HUMANSCUM EVILS. RACE IS NOT AN ISSUE. SYSTEM AND CREED ARE THE ISSUE.