
楼主 (北美华人网)
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna11814 提出这个议案的是达拉斯的一个salon owner。有什么办法去她的salon抗议嘛?另外她的说法招到了德州两个议员的严重谴责
Texas lawmakers of both parties are condemning a Republican House candidate, who suggested the state should refuse Chinese students admission to its public universities.  State legislators accused Shelley Luther, a Dallas salon owner who’s running to represent state House District 62, for perpetuating anti-Asian sentiment after she tweeted last week that Chinese students should be banned from “attending all Texas universities” and called for “No more Communists!” 

看了一下其中一个代表是休斯顿的华人后裔另外一位是asian American。然后写这个报道的也是abc的样子。所以感觉从长远来看就是要从政加入媒体这样才有发声的权利。然后需要集资得到capital做这些。
另外就像上次的abortion ban一样,一个州开始然后很多其他州跟上。所以我们一定要制止在源头。
另外这人好像要竞选一个seat。有办法去投票反对她嘛 Luther is challenging state Rep. Reggie Smith, R-Sherman, in the March primary for House District 62, which is in North Texas along the Oklahoma border. The district favors Republicans, so whoever wins between Smith and Luther is set to hold the seat after November.
知道加州的议员michelle steel(韩国裔) 去年她的对手是个华裔(台湾)美国人 然后steel就暗搓搓地说对手是共产党支持者 他们的选区不少亚裔 结果就是steel继续当国会议员