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韩国网友Minneola Leem的回答
• Decrease of "Han characters" in Korean written language
This phenomenon has only occurred in recent decades because of the promotion of "pure" Korean, which makes young people less and less able to understand Chinese. For example, I grew up reading newspapers full of Chinese; For a girl who aspires to become a law major, understanding Chinese characters is considered a crucial requirement. For example, the Civil Law is full of Chinese characters, and law students should use Chinese characters to draft laws in the exam. If you compare the following newspapers, you can see that the proportion of Chinese characters is declining rapidly.


In about 20 years, the practice of using Chinese characters in Korean writing has rapidly disappeared. Nowadays, even the drafting of laws does not have Chinese characters.
• Korean people's understanding of "Chinese characters"
This varies greatly with age and education level. In general, the older generation are more familiar with Chinese characters. And obviously, learned people are proficient in Chinese.
In the Korean education system, Chinese characters are no longer a compulsory course, but students are encouraged to learn them. There is a standardized Chinese learner's license exam - I have a certificate, which contains 3500 characters. Many children take these tests at the urging of their mothers, but due to the rapid decline in use, these tests have little practical value.
在韩国的教育体系中,汉字不再是必修课,但仍鼓励学生学习。有标准化的汉语学习者执照考试-我有级证书, 它包含3500个字符。许多幼儿在母亲的催促下参加这些考试,但由于使用量迅速下降,这些考试没有太大的实用价值。
However, one of the advantages of learning Chinese characters is that it is easy to learn Korean and Chinese classical literature because Chinese characters are a kind of preserved Chinese before being simplified into simplified characters. It is said that in the past, Chinese and Korean intellectuals could communicate perfectly by handwriting, even though their spoken languages were different. I like to learn Korean classical prose written by Korean intellectuals, although it is not as easy for me to read as modern prose.
• Japanese dominated the translation and application of western terms

In fact, I had the opportunity to read an academic article on this issue last semester; When I come back to edit this answer, I will post the title of the article. The decline of Chinese characters on the Korean Peninsula was related to Japanese colonialism in East Asia at the beginning of the 20th century.

韩国网友Sunroof Park的回答
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• To put it simply, the older generation has a better understanding of Chinese characters, mainly because most books and publications used Chinese characters when they were young. As people publish below, newspapers use a large number of Chinese characters to emphasize the meaning of words (many words sound the same in Korean, but have different meanings). For example, the word "gajeong" (family, family) sounds the same as "suppose".
•简单地说,老一辈对汉字有更多的了解,主要是因为大多数书籍和出版物在年轻时都使用了汉字。正如人们在下面发布的那样,报纸使用了大量的汉字来强调单词的含义(有很多单词在韩语中听起来相同,但含义不同)。例如,单词가정 (gajeong,家人,家庭) 发音与가정 (假定) 意思是“假设”一样。
• Because there are too many words from Chinese, most publications use Chinese characters. However, due to the nationalist movement in recent decades, many publications now indicate or do not mention Chinese characters in brackets.
• In sharp contrast, Korean newspapers Chosun Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo. The former uses Chinese without marginal notes (most of them are headlines), while Korea Daily does not use them at all (to make their articles more readable).
• Despite this trend, Korean society still emphasizes learning Chinese characters. Public education includes Chinese subjects, and you can even choose it as the subject of college entrance examination. This course includes intermediate Chinese and classical Chinese poetry (Chinese or Korean poets).
• It is important to teach children Chinese, although it is certainly not as good as English. Nevertheless, parents are eager to let their children take part in Chinese classes and encourage them to learn at least 1000 Chinese characters.

• Some companies like Samsung also give priority to the Chinese character examination. Some universities stipulate that they must take the Korean examination when they graduate (for example, Korean universities).
• The younger generation really do not understand Chinese characters, but my prospect is that it is still an important part of Korean culture. The basic understanding of Korean vocabulary does include the basic understanding of Chinese.
• When Koreans take risks to learn Chinese or Japanese, this kind of education is also beneficial to them, because many words are similar and are based on Chinese characters.


This is a complicated answer. I will give a brief answer first, and then discuss it carefully.
The short answer is: Contrary to what the "expert" said, Chinese characters have never been widely used by the Korean people. You may say, "Wait! This is impossible! Chinese characters have been used throughout Korean history!" The last sentence is true, but it only applies to intellectuals and literati. In fact, the idea that Korean people/ordinary people widely use Chinese characters as the main writing form has never been true, which is why Chinese characters are so easy to decline in Korea.
Let me clarify the history of the use of Chinese characters. Korean scholars have been using Chinese characters since the Three Kingdoms Period of Korea (57 B.C. to 668 A.D.). We have confirmed the local evidence that Korean people use Chinese characters. For example, my graduate professor said that Chinese characters are one of the oldest Korean writing forms in Korean history. But what I want to clarify is that the Korean people can't read until modern times, because until the 20th century, all East Asian countries did not have the concept of "mass literacy".
Here, I put forward a view that many people in modern times tend to forget that mass literacy is very difficult, especially in East Asian society. In ancient times, in Korea, China, Vietnam and Japan, the ruling class was usually a mixture of scholar bureaucrats, nobles and soldiers. In all societies, the merchant class was usually looked down upon.
If you are an East Asian, most of your ancestors (more than 80% – 90%) may be completely illiterate or semi illiterate, and may meet the primary/secondary school level of the modern education system. This is the point I want to return to. Most Koreans do not understand Chinese characters. For Koreans, Chinese characters are a foreign language.
Because of this, as an excellent Confucian monarch, Emperor Sejong of Korea decided that the Korean people need their own real local characters to write their own language. There are two reasons why he did this. Modern scholars believe that, first of all, he actually cares about ordinary people and hopes that his people can read, so that they can read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Analects of Confucius and other Chinese literature. Why does he want to cultivate a group of educated people? When civilians receive education, society will usually become more elitist, because the status of the deep-rooted elite will be shaken.

Shizong is the most important decision in Korean history. He commissioned his scholars to create Korean, which is considered to be the greatest ruler of the Korean Dynasty (1392 – 1910) and one of the two kings mourned by Koreans.
For whatever reason, Korean was strongly opposed by Confucian bureaucrats and landlords and nobles. They claimed that Shizong's idea was crazy, which was a betrayal of the Daming Dynasty, a firm supporter of Korea. The adoption of Korean would make Korea more barbaric, less Confucian/civilized, and the masses were too brutal. It was dangerous to educate them. For all these reasons, Korean almost faded out of history and died in its cradle.
So, how did Korean survive and finally overthrow the deep-rooted role of Chinese characters as a knowledge language? This happens in two stages.
The first stage: 1443 – 1598 (early central Korea)
When Korean was issued in 1443, it gradually began to attract attention among those who obviously could not read Chinese. These people are a mixture of civilians and social oppressed people. They are usually unwilling to learn to read and write. Poor people often want to create stories and stories to entertain themselves, and they also use writing as a weapon to criticize elites and Buddhists.
The last turning point to consolidate the status of Korean as a common language was the Japanese invasion of Korea (1592 – 1598). During the Japanese invasion, the Korean Rebel Army used Korean as a means of communication between various guerrillas, as well as between literati and civilians. This was effective, because it made it difficult for the Japanese to understand the exchange. Many Korean scholars often used Korean+Chinese in their declarations to Japan, in order to obtain widespread popular support.
After the first stage, the Chinese language will not disappear. Although the Korean language continues to be widely used, we now have two coexisting languages.
The second stage: • Time: 1876 – 1968 (late Korean Kingdom, Japanese colonial period and the second north-south period)
• Status: Promotion of Korean instead of Chinese during the Jiawu peasant uprising, Korean independence movement, Korean abolition of Chinese characters, and stagnation of Chinese characters in the Republic of Korea
•状况:在甲午农民起义期间推广朝鲜文而非汉文、朝鲜独立运动、朝鲜废除汉字、大韩民国的汉字停滞不前  The Top Family SUVs. 3 Rows Of Seating, Affordable, Tons Of Tech & More The Top Family SUVs. 3 Rows Of Seating, Affordable, Tons Of Tech & More Learn More Search ads Portland: Unsold Alaska Cruise Cabins Are Almost Being Given Away Portland: Unsold Alaska Cruise Cabins Are Almost Being Given Away All-Inclusive Cruise Deals | Search Ads
• Reasons: the rise of the Japanese empire, the collapse of the Manchu and Qing dynasties, and the arrival of modernity
• Many answers do not properly cover this point. The first promotion of Korean instead of Chinese characters was not in the post Korean War period, when North Korea tried to eliminate all "foreign influences" in Korean culture by deleting Chinese characters, while the Republic of Korea tried to delete Korean because it was too "outdated" to use. But the first major change was actually during the Garbo reform from 1894 to 1896.

• Gabor reform is a series of landmark reforms carried out by Gaozong of North Korea. Although it is a late reform, he tried to quickly reform the tottering North Korea during his wife Queen Min was assassinated by Japanese/pro Japanese Korean collaborators, the devastating Dongxia Uprising and the decisive Sino Japanese War. There are many reforms, such as ending slavery, prohibiting torture, and declaring that North Korea ends its tributary relationship with China, but the relevant provisions
• Article 5 of the Gabor reform stipulates: "All official documents shall be written in Korean rather than Chinese."
• This is the first time that the Korean government tried to promote Korean rather than Korean for many reasons, but the two main reasons are that the decline of modern China made Korea more eager to maintain its cultural independence, but more importantly, the rise of Japan prompted Korea to try to maintain its own culture.
When Korea was annexed by the Japanese Empire in 1910, Korean activists clearly publicized Korean in Korean education, because Korean is a native Korean language, and Japanese use the same Chinese characters as Koreans in history. The use of Korean became a form of resistance to Japan, just as it was during the Imjin War, so Chinese characters gradually began to decline for a long time.
• The Koreans decided to completely eliminate all "foreign" influences in Korean culture and eliminate all Chinese characters from Korean language north of Line 38, which is ironic, because the main support source of Korea is China, and Chinese characters come from China. At the same time, in the Republic of Korea, until Park Chung Hee's Third Republic, Chinese characters were still widely taught. Park Chung Hee could be said to have realized the modernization of North Korea. At that time, he carried out a series of comprehensive reforms, including the promotion of Korean, mainly because Korean was more efficient for Koreans.
•朝鲜人决定彻底消除朝鲜文化中的所有“外来”影响,并通过从38线以北的朝鲜语中消除所有汉字,这非常讽刺,因为朝鲜的主要支持来源是中国,汉字来自中国。与此同时,在大韩民国,直到朴正熙(Park Chung Hee)的第三共和国,汉字仍然被广泛教授,朴正熙可以说是实现了朝鲜的现代化,当时他进行了一系列全面的改革,包括推广韩文,这主要是因为韩文对韩国人来说使用效率更高。
• Park Chung hee's desire to reform and modernize South Korea has had a great impact on South Korea.
• What are the consequences?
• The Chinese character is declining on the Korean Peninsula, but it has not really disappeared. I think it is still the portrayal of the past South Korea. In fact, the extensive understanding of Chinese characters only lasted for two or three generations. My grandfather's generation could fluently use Japanese and Korean (Han characters/Korean) from 1920s to 1940s, so Chinese characters fell back a step. The post-war generation (my parents' generation) was very fluent in Chinese/Mandarin (usually the educated people from the 1950s to the 1980s). The younger generation, as well as the younger generation earlier and earlier (from the 1980s to the 2000s), are still learning Chinese at school, but most of them know words, not Chinese grammar.
• The importance of Chinese characters has declined relatively, because government functions are now obviously used in Korean rather than Chinese, but this shows that Chinese characters are still an important remnant of Korean knowledge and culture. Most Korean language professors, as well as most intellectuals in humanities, social sciences, history and other fields, are very proficient in Chinese. I know this because I have communicated with several Korean linguists and journalists, and Chinese is still widely studied. I know that Koreans complain about "losing Chinese characters", but if you want to tell the truth, the only large-scale literacy/education period in which Koreans generally used Chinese characters was from 1945 to the 1980s.

• I understand why, in the aftermath of the Japanese rule, they were angry about the influence of foreign countries on Korean, but removing Chinese characters would eliminate an important cultural heritage, and Chinese characters are actually a good example of language work. People think that culture and language are single and pure, but all languages actually use elements of each other. It is natural for languages to communicate in terms of words, grammar, poetry, etc., because this is the operation mode of actual culture, not cultural isolation.
• In fact, except for a very short window of Korean history at the end of the 19th century and the 20th century, the Korean people have never been exposed to Korean, because most people in the modern world began to read in the 19th century at the earliest. Since the early middle of the Korean Dynasty, Korean has become the language of the masses and the oppressed (women, Buddhists, civilians). For most of Korean history, Chinese characters have been the deeply rooted language of the elite.
• The relative importance of Chinese characters has declined, but at least in the Republic of Korea, the ancient parallel relationship between Chinese characters and Korean continues.. Apart from government officials, Chinese is still the language of scholars, intellectuals, scholars and poets, while Korean is still the language of civilians, the masses and the oppressed.
•汉字的相对重要性有所下降,但至少在大韩民国,汉字和朝鲜文的古老平行关系仍在继续。。除去政府官员,汉文仍然是学者、知识分子、学者和诗人的语言,而韩语则仍然是平民、群众和被压迫者的语言。 来源: 今涛拍案
不用最好,省得哪天他们说汉字是他们创造的 韩文哪有汉字之美