
楼主 (北美华人网)
PAUL BLOUNT STARTED small. When he set up a semiconductor chip company in his basement in 2006, he was the only employee. He had spent a decade at the chip behemoth Hittite Microwave Corporation, and he saw room in the market for a boutique design outfit. About a decade later, a man named Haoyang Yu did almost exactly the same thing, setting up his own lean chip company, Tricon, in Lexington, Massachusetts, just 30 miles from Blount’s home. A tipster, whom Blount would later acknowledge was linked to his company, went to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, writing that their new competitor “smells a bit fishy.”
Court documents reveal a series of missteps, including a confounding export control classification and a failed sting operation. The lone charge of which Yu was ultimately convicted, possessing stolen trade secrets, had no connection to China.“There were so many mistakes,” Chen told The Intercept recently. “We have had three very dark years.”
“We are deeply concerned that the Yu case is yet another continuation of biased targeting policies and practices,” said Jeremy Wu, founder of APA Justice Task Force, a group formed in the wake of several botched prosecutions of Chinese American scientists. “His case exemplifies another tragic ordeal.”
Yu, his lawyers, and a spokesperson for the U.S. attorney’s office in Boston declined to comment for this story, citing ongoing legal proceedings. When asked about the case by phone, Blount declined to comment and quickly hung up. ......
But Yu’s case was different. Because the U.S. government alleged that it involved a potential national security threat, four federal intelligence agencies conducted the sprawling 18-month investigation. And while Analog Devices provided information, federal prosecutors ultimately decided which charges to press, and U.S. taxpayers covered the ballooning investigative and legal costs.
太多了,主编花了大量时间做调查,大家自己看文章 https://theintercept.com/2022/12/22/semiconductor-trade-secret-haoyang-yu/
China Initiative 就是明目张胆的错案率99%的 selective enforcement. 土工最擅长的。觉得没问题的肯定是土工的子孙。
China Initiative 就是明目张胆的错案率99%的 selective enforcement. 土工最擅长的。觉得没问题的肯定是土工的子孙。
StacyCruz 发表于 2022-12-22 14:35

Meanwhile, in August, Analog Devices finally filed a civil lawsuit against Yu. By the time it winds through the courts, he may be in federal prison.
中产和底层的华裔,面对司法杀良冒功的行径和警察的暴力束手无策 即使是有钱人的圈子,大学行贿案也只是拿华裔大做文章 上个月是郑少雄死亡一周年,“学霸儿子在美遭枪杀 母亲把骨灰背回家:想到还是会哭”这篇文章还挂在文学城上面 去年还有华裔按摩女死亡,搜狐无良媒体却编造按摩女家属不愿意带回国安葬的文章,遭到外侨网抨击,论坛上面大妈还在转假新闻 所以,每次说哪里哪里亚裔女当选是对亚裔的重视,那是对这些受害者的掩饰 他们并不是真的为华裔,为亚裔着想,而是满足自己的私欲和偏见