以下是引用latin在2007-2-16 18:18:00的发言: I am 后悔, too. But the three years did give me a leason: right now no matter what else I have to give up, I'll choose to stay with J. I won't accept long distance, even just short term, even it's good for my so call career. 恩恩,太同意了! J偷偷跑回国那段太感人了!俺家呆瓜从来没有这么干过!
Have you heard of stages of relationship? Stage 1: Romantic Love: Convicted of LUI (Loving Under the Influence) or Honeymoon; Stage 2: Disappointment or Distress; Stage 3: Stage III & IV: Knowledge, Awareness and Transformation; Stage 4: Transformation; Stage 5: Real Love (This is the stage of deep respect and cherishing of one another as separate and unique individuals. It is a stage of joy, passion, intimacy, happiness and having fun together. It is the stage of living out the vision of true partnership, unconditional love and safety, and of coming to see your partner as your best friend. It is the stage of moving toward the spiritual potential of committed relationship the journey toward wholeness, the love in which you taste Divine Love in whatever way you imagine or language that.) Quarrel is part of the second stage. Glad to see you went through it. Bless all couples get their "True Love". [此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-27 14:10:54编辑过]
以下是引用momof2在2007-2-27 14:09:00的发言: Have you heard of stages of relationship? Stage 1: Romantic Love: Convicted of LUI (Loving Under the Influence) or Honeymoon; Stage 2: Disappointment or Distress; Stage 3: Stage III & IV: Knowledge, Awareness and Transformation; Stage 4: Transformation; Stage 5: Real Love (This is the stage of deep respect and cherishing of one another as separate and unique individuals. It is a stage of joy, passion, intimacy, happiness and having fun together. It is the stage of living out the vision of true partnership, unconditional love and safety, and of coming to see your partner as your best friend. It is the stage of moving toward the spiritual potential of committed relationship the journey toward wholeness, the love in which you taste Divine Love in whatever way you imagine or language that.) Quarrel is part of the second stage. Glad to see you went through it. Bless all couples get their "True Love". This is good to know. MS we are at at transformation....
以下是引用latin在2007-2-27 14:25:00的发言: J同学也经历过唧唧歪歪的阶段的,后来偶说要么你开,要么闭嘴!他还说偶不谦虚。8过现在好多了。说到超速,偶们俩都习惯性超,谁也8说谁了。 he he, I got license earlier than LG and I am the one who almost talk too much
我想听亲家母的故事了 啥时候有空八一八吧
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-22 1:50:03编辑过]
I am 后悔, too. But the three years did give me a leason: right now no matter what else I have to give up, I'll choose to stay with J. I won't accept long distance, even just short term, even it's good for my so call career.
我想听亲家母的故事了 啥时候有空八一八吧
以后有机会吧,得先得到老公的允许。 对了,亲家母的头像是?
以后有机会吧,得先得到老公的允许。 对了,亲家母的头像是?
我觉得这时候背景应该是小美的歌: 《亲爱的你怎么不在我身边》
这里的空气 很新鲜 这里的小吃 很特别
这里的 Latte 不像水 这里的夜景 很有感觉
在一万英尺 的天边 在有港口 View 的房间
在讨价还价 的商店 在凌晨喧闹 的三四点
可是亲爱的 你怎么不在我身边
我们有多少时间 能浪费
电话再甜美 传真再安慰
也不足以应付不能拥抱你 的遥远
我的亲爱的 你怎么不在我身边
一个人过一天 像过一年
海的那一边 乌云一整片
可是亲爱的 你怎么 不在身边
***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于1000 才可浏览 *****
一一妈, 我对这首歌很有感情的, 你又让我
是你媳妇她姐 给她们买了一对娃娃熊当生日礼物, 结果你媳妇瞧都不瞧一眼, 给她就扔掉, 宁愿玩手机 她姐就特爱娃娃熊, 整天抱手里亲, 西西 看来你媳妇没一点女孩的天性啊
I totally understand that part, experienced also
爬不动了,知道奔是没指望了,黄山后又没有更新?我看目录,我也不知道哪页我看过 就是这样艰难的情况下,我只要一有空也一定要一层不漏的爬楼
写得很真实啊,虽然我自己没有经历过LONG DISTANCE, 不过看了你写的也更加坚定了我即便没工作也不会和领导分开的决心. 小声问一句,苹果妈是看什么科的医生,以后好向你咨询, 想问这个问题好久了,嘿嘿,也可以不答啊 ***** 该内容需浏览者魅力高于1000 才可浏览 *****
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-24 18:10:35编辑过]
我看见魅力升500的时候还很庆幸, 结果........
编辑636楼,威望2。 看到了。抱抱,抱抱
噢, 威望是我永远的痛啊, AMY赐给我两个威望吧!!
编辑636楼,威望2。 好心痛,眼泪哗哗的流
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-27 13:02:26编辑过]
我们家跟拉丁家正好相反,我喜欢攒破烂,举例说吧,我现在臭美用的小镜子,是我初中时候就开始用的了。 我觉得J是对的,让你尽快适应这边的生活,用心良苦啊,好在用的对头,拉丁领情。 说到刚来美国的趣事,拉丁,莲妈在鲜花起过的那个高楼,要是没看过实在可惜,五花八门的真是笑料不断啊!! 看来一家总有一个这样的啊。。 记得有个电视节目说过,把你一年都没用过一次的东西放到一个箱子里,如果再过两年这箱子还是没动过,你就可以扔了。 依依娘,佩服你啊,还能把小镜子带到美国来。我来的时候两大箱,带了菜刀。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-27 13:27:29编辑过]
我们家跟拉丁家正好相反,我喜欢攒破烂,举例说吧,我现在臭美用的小镜子,是我初中时候就开始用的了。 我觉得J是对的,让你尽快适应这边的生活,用心良苦啊,好在用的对头,拉丁领情。 说到刚来美国的趣事,拉丁,莲妈在鲜花起过的那个高楼,要是没看过实在可惜,五花八门的真是笑料不断啊!! 那个贴子,偶看过。要是刚来的时候看,偶就8会觉得自己苯,也8会哭了。
看来一家总有一个这样的啊。。 记得有个电视节目说过,把你一年都没用过一次的东西放到一个箱子里,如果再过两年这箱子还是没动过,你就可以扔了。 依依娘,佩服你啊,还能把小镜子带到美国来。我来的时候两大箱,带了菜刀。
本来J同学已经不太管我扔东西了,后来租的房子有很多很多storage space,他又开始攒破烂了。所以我觉得,大房子没有用,花钱买地方堆破烂而已。 别说两年了,偶证明了他5-6年都没有穿的旧衣服,他都8让偶捐或扔。
本来J同学已经不太管我扔东西了,后来租的房子有很多很多storage space,他又开始攒破烂了。所以我觉得,大房子没有用,花钱买地方堆破烂而已。 别说两年了,偶证明了他5-6年都没有穿的旧衣服,他都8让偶捐或扔。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-27 13:48:28编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-27 14:10:54编辑过]
本来J同学已经不太管我扔东西了,后来租的房子有很多很多storage space,他又开始攒破烂了。所以我觉得,大房子没有用,花钱买地方堆破烂而已。 别说两年了,偶证明了他5-6年都没有穿的旧衣服,他都8让偶捐或扔。
说开车,顺便说一下,现在我偶尔载我lg以下还唧唧歪歪,超速5迈他业要管。怎么人是不是越老越罗索阿。烦。 J同学也经历过唧唧歪歪的阶段的,后来偶说要么你开,要么闭嘴!他还说偶不谦虚。8过现在好多了。说到超速,偶们俩都习惯性超,谁也8说谁了。
Have you heard of stages of relationship? Stage 1: Romantic Love: Convicted of LUI (Loving Under the Influence) or Honeymoon; Stage 2: Disappointment or Distress; Stage 3: Stage III & IV: Knowledge, Awareness and Transformation; Stage 4: Transformation; Stage 5: Real Love (This is the stage of deep respect and cherishing of one another as separate and unique individuals. It is a stage of joy, passion, intimacy, happiness and having fun together. It is the stage of living out the vision of true partnership, unconditional love and safety, and of coming to see your partner as your best friend. It is the stage of moving toward the spiritual potential of committed relationship the journey toward wholeness, the love in which you taste Divine Love in whatever way you imagine or language that.) Quarrel is part of the second stage. Glad to see you went through it. Bless all couples get their "True Love".
This is good to know. MS we are at at transformation....
苹果妈,你喜欢吃辣的吗?我周末发现一家湖南菜,很好吃。 喜欢!喜欢!偶喜欢吃!中国几大菜系几乎木有不喜欢的
he he, I got license earlier than LG and I am the one who almost talk too much