Washington Post Original Post here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/08/02/nancy-pelosi-taiwan-visit-op-ed/
Some 43 years ago, the United States Congress overwhelmingly passed — and President Jimmy Carter signed into law — the Taiwan Relations Act, one of the most important pillars of U.S. foreign policy in the Asia Pacific. The Taiwan Relations Act set out America’s commitment to a democratic Taiwan, providing the framework for an economic and diplomatic relationship that would quickly flourish into a key partnership. It fostered a deep friendship rooted in shared interests and values: self-determination and self-government, democracy and freedom, human dignity and human rights. And it made a solemn vow by the United States to support the defense of Taiwan: “to consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means … a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States.” Today, America must remember that vow. We must stand by Taiwan, which is an island of resilience. Taiwan is a leader in governance: currently, in addressing the covid-19 pandemic and championing environmental conservation and climate action. It is a leader in peace, security and economic dynamism: with an entrepreneurial spirit, culture of innovation and technological prowess that are envies of the world. Yet, disturbingly, this vibrant, robust democracy — named one of the freest in the world by Freedom House and proudly led by a woman, President Tsai Ing-wen — is under threat. In recent years, Beijing has dramatically intensified tensions with Taiwan. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has ramped up patrols of bombers, fighter jets and surveillance aircraft near and even over Taiwan’s air defense zone, leading the U.S. Defense Department to conclude that China’s army is “likely preparing for a contingency to unify Taiwan with the PRC by force.” The PRC has also taken the fight into cyberspace, launching scores of attacks on Taiwan government agencies each day. At the same time, Beijing is squeezing Taiwan economically, pressuring global corporations to cut ties with the island, intimidating countries that cooperate with Taiwan, and clamping down on tourism from the PRC. In the face of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) accelerating aggression, our congressional delegation’s visit should be seen as an unequivocal statement that America stands with Taiwan, our democratic partner, as it defends itself and its freedom. Our visit — one of several congressional delegations to the island — in no way contradicts the long-standing one-China policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, the U.S.-China Joint Communiques and the Six Assurances. The United States continues to oppose unilateral efforts to change the status quo. Our visit is part of our broader trip to the Pacific — including Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan — focused on mutual security, economic partnership and democratic governance. Our discussions with our Taiwanese partners will focus on reaffirming our support for the island and promoting our shared interests, including advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region. America’s solidarity with Taiwan is more important today than ever — not only to the 23 million people of the island but also to millions of others oppressed and menaced by the PRC. Thirty years ago, I traveled in a bipartisan congressional delegation to China, where, in Tiananmen Square, we unfurled a black-and-white banner that read, “To those who died for democracy in China.” Uniformed police pursued us as we left the square. Since then, Beijing’s abysmal human rights record and disregard for the rule of law continue, as President Xi Jinping tightens his grip on power. The CCP’s brutal crackdown against Hong Kong’s political freedoms and human rights — even arresting Catholic Cardinal Joseph Zen — cast the promises of “one-country, two-systems” into the dustbin. In Tibet, the CCP has long led a campaign to erase the Tibetan people’s language, culture, religion and identity. In Xinjiang, Beijing is perpetrating genocide against Muslim Uyghurs and other minorities. And throughout the mainland, the CCP continues to target and arrest activists, religious-freedom leaders and others who dare to defy the regime. We cannot stand by as the CCP proceeds to threaten Taiwan — and democracy itself. Indeed, we take this trip at a time when the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy. As Russia wages its premeditated, illegal war against Ukraine, killing thousands of innocents — even children — it is essential that America and our allies make clear that we never give in to autocrats. When I led a congressional delegation to Kyiv in April — the highest-level U.S. visit to the besieged nation — I conveyed to President Volodymyr Zelensky that we admired his people’s defense of democracy for Ukraine and for democracy worldwide. By traveling to Taiwan, we honor our commitment to democracy: reaffirming that the freedoms of Taiwan — and all democracies — must be respected.
America’s solidarity with Taiwan is more important today than ever — not only to the 23 million people of the island but also to millions of others oppressed and menaced by the PRC. Thirty years ago, I traveled in a bipartisan congressional delegation to China, where, in Tiananmen Square, we unfurled a black-and-white banner that read, “To those who died for democracy in China.” Uniformed police pursued us as we left the square. Since then, Beijing’s abysmal human rights record and disregard for the rule of law continue, as President Xi Jinping tightens his grip on power. 翻译没翻译这句啊! 点名了
America’s solidarity with Taiwan is more important today than ever — not only to the 23 million people of the island but also to millions of others oppressed and menaced by the PRC. Thirty years ago, I traveled in a bipartisan congressional delegation to China, where, in Tiananmen Square, we unfurled a black-and-white banner that read, “To those who died for democracy in China.” Uniformed police pursued us as we left the square. Since then, Beijing’s abysmal human rights record and disregard for the rule of law continue, as President Xi Jinping tightens his grip on power. 翻译没翻译这句啊! 点名了 leehomwang 发表于 2022-08-02 14:06
銀行領不出錢區 停電來得嚴重
别慌!计划停电≠真的停电! 2022-07-28 08:39来源:广东电网 “计划停电”?增城供电局回应了 2022-07-28 23:12 来源:南方+客户端 分享到:
近日,不少群里转发的一份广州计划停电表让市民觉得“要命”了! 对此,广州市供电局正面回应:计划停电是为了设备日常检修维护和电网升级改造,而且大部分都通过转供电保障居民检修期间仍然正常用电。
2022年8月3日计划停电通知 来源: 苏州市便民服务中心发布日期: 2022-08-02 08:32访问量:41 园区 2022年8月3日8时00分——8月3日16时00分216现代#1线行政中心配电所2A4市政一开关以下停电,范围:苏州工业园区市政服务集团有限公司等,天雨照停。 2022年8月3日9时00分——8月3日15时00分213和平#1线亭南路中开闭所2A5亭长联络开关以下停电,范围:苏州工业园区长宏光电科技有限公司等,天雨照停。
吴江各镇(2022.8.1-2022.8.10)停电详情 8月3日 7:00—12:00平望镇:112梅南线322+1-1-1#杆三官桥12#公变令克以下停电(停电范围:三官桥新农村集居点),天雨改期。(停电工作内容:电网建设) 7:00—12:00平望镇:112梅南线322+2#杆三官桥13#公变令克以下停电(停电范围:三官桥新农村集居点),天雨改期。(停电工作内容:电网建设) 8月4日 7:00—12:00平望镇:120差别线72-1-6#杆引下线至平安6#变停电(停电范围:平安14队方家),天雨改期。(停电工作内容:电网建设) 8月5日 7:00—12:00桃源镇:113紫西线60-1-6#杆至60-2-5#至60-4-4#之间线路停电[停电范围: 新桥5#、11#变(桃花桥)],天雨改期。(停电工作内容:电网建设) 6:30—12:30盛泽镇:111南心线122盛坛13-西环7出线开关至西环路7#环网室101新亚南心联络开关之间线路停电(停电范围:晴华织造厂、吴江市盛利织物整理厂、古龙丝织厂等),天雨改期。(停电工作内容:电网建设) 9:00—14:00盛泽镇:135爱丽线8086爱丽线27#杆开关至135爱丽线8085东厍爱丽联络开关之间线路;153北旧线(新出线)停电[停电范围:盛西排水站、沈泥码头、吴江市三盈化纤有限公司、明君纺织有限公司(南春)、申泰纺织、中国联通、苏州德通新型建材科技有限公司、苏州刘爱平型材加工有限公司、苏州磊鼎环保科技有限公司、苏州市铂逸针织科技有限公司、越事高(苏州)纺织高科有限、吴江新生针纺织有限责任公司、吴江市盛誉喷织厂、时兴纺整(苏州)有限公司、坝里2#(官潮坝东)等],天雨照停。(停电工作内容:电网建设) 8月8日 7:00—12:00桃源镇:123灿桥线75-1-12#引下线至利群3#变停电(停电范围:西浜),天雨改期。(停电工作内容:电网建设) 7:00—12:00桃源镇:117青云线39#杆引下线至青云集镇36#变停电(停电范围:御龙闸北),天雨改期。(停电工作内容:电网建设) 7:30—14:30盛泽镇:142金盏线; 123大邮线鹿宇纺织、昱兴纺织实业发展、永安村12#变停电[停电范围:苏州迈成纺织科技有限公司、吴江市永安铸造厂、吴江市颖盛机械有限公司、苏州蓝凯纺织(江峰织造)、吴江市永安喷织厂过户、金力箱包布业有限公司、苏州精细特机械(添旭机械)、苏州怡悦纺织科技有限公司(荣风喷)、苏州旻安纺织(春晓织造厂)、吴江市攀越纺织有限公司、越润纺织、苏州市祥中强纺织科技(宏丰网络厂)、吴江市千丰织造厂、吴江市优优化纺厂、永安8#、9#、10#、18#、纱家浜、观塘滩;鹿宇纺织、昱兴纺织实业发展;永安村12#(永平村永安纱家浜北)等],天雨改期。(停电工作内容:电网建设) 8月10日 6:30—13:30盛泽镇:133灵动线灵动7-1-2#杆开关以后线路停电[停电范围:吴江市振源经纬喷织厂、吴江独树织物整理厂、星塔1#、4#~7#、9#~13#、星塔新区北、朝西埭北、猪头浜北、西浜(振源厂北面)、星塔新区南、塔头浜南、猪头浜小机房、西浜东、朝西埭南等],天雨照停。(停电工作内容:电网建设)
小红书上看到说微博为了自保都down了,哈哈。 一群喊打喊杀的人说失望的要死。。。。不过理智的好像还是大多数
蔡英文不能帶著台灣人民 跟著 共產黨 去跟美帝打啊
上次台灣人民跟著 大陸 跟日本打 結果被割讓給了日本
銀行領不出錢區 不可信賴
全世界都没有因为议长窜访而开战的道理,所以老太太一定要去,挡是挡不住的。。 但大陆抗议也一定要抗议,行动也一定要行动,因为需要表面态度。。 双方几十年来都是如此。。
最后结果也是早就可以预期的。。 美方切一个中国的香肠,中国这边就切台湾的香肠,飞越中线,绕台演习啥的以后会逐渐成为常态。。
黨 沒錢了
都被 普丁 拿去 打烏克蘭了
改革開放賺到的家底 被 剩上 撒幣殆盡
你們一定要 讓 剩上 當第三任啊
拿显微镜找到high点了? 你们从来没输过,总是赢。
我今天看这个图的时候 还觉得 窜访这个词 没见过啊 新造的么 结果您看您这就用上了
沙烏地阿拉伯的 銀行提得出現金
銀行領不出錢區 還有 八胎女 畢竟還是蓋過沙特好幾胎
看到这些老太太,Cannot wait to be老太太
大陆这边支持和平统一的人在未来会继续快速下降。。。 进一步整合内部民意。。
窜访是大陆这边长期以来的官方一贯用法。。 这都用了几十年了。。
觉得分裂本身就是伪命题,从49年建国,台海也就这样了,统一分裂说太勉强。至于自古以来,自古以来唐宋元明清,版图变化大了去了,按哪个古算呢? 退一步说,按国际有争议区域算,多半也要尊重本地区人民意愿,但凡海外生活过的,待不待见台湾人两说,大概都有体会台湾人对中华人民共和国根本没有认同感,最多只认同中华文化,同宗同源,如此何必强扭?大家各自为国,结盟发展不好吗? 非要大一统,非要绝对权力,有啥意义啊。
国内人能有啥民意, 都是领导意志, 谁敢说不。
如果是这样不需要胡编了 哪儿都是需要民意的,现在就是各国本土派右派民意过盛的景象
国内的粉红被中共玩弄多少次了?哪次不是中共一打鸡血,他们就高潮的? 不值得同情
统不统独不独另说,但这“退一步说,按国际有争议区域算” 说法很奇怪啊。
我红三 哈哈 是你不知道南昌暴动是怎么回事吧 我承认我简体中文论坛混的不如你多
中文就是这么用坏了的 透着贱兮兮的气质
国内当权要左右民意太容易了。 上街游行砸美国大使馆, 只要领导一句话。 文革时还火烧英国大使馆(代办处)。 哪天全国再次出现反修路反帝路, 一点不吃惊。
Oh really? 有旗 有名 有纲领么 后来历史好好写了写么? 共产国际承认么?
Some 43 years ago, the United States Congress overwhelmingly passed — and President Jimmy Carter signed into law — the Taiwan Relations Act, one of the most important pillars of U.S. foreign policy in the Asia Pacific.
The Taiwan Relations Act set out America’s commitment to a democratic Taiwan, providing the framework for an economic and diplomatic relationship that would quickly flourish into a key partnership. It fostered a deep friendship rooted in shared interests and values: self-determination and self-government, democracy and freedom, human dignity and human rights.
And it made a solemn vow by the United States to support the defense of Taiwan: “to consider any effort to determine the future of Taiwan by other than peaceful means … a threat to the peace and security of the Western Pacific area and of grave concern to the United States.”
Today, America must remember that vow. We must stand by Taiwan, which is an island of resilience. Taiwan is a leader in governance: currently, in addressing the covid-19 pandemic and championing environmental conservation and climate action. It is a leader in peace, security and economic dynamism: with an entrepreneurial spirit, culture of innovation and technological prowess that are envies of the world.
Yet, disturbingly, this vibrant, robust democracy — named one of the freest in the world by Freedom House and proudly led by a woman, President Tsai Ing-wen — is under threat.
In recent years, Beijing has dramatically intensified tensions with Taiwan. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has ramped up patrols of bombers, fighter jets and surveillance aircraft near and even over Taiwan’s air defense zone, leading the U.S. Defense Department to conclude that China’s army is “likely preparing for a contingency to unify Taiwan with the PRC by force.”
The PRC has also taken the fight into cyberspace, launching scores of attacks on Taiwan government agencies each day. At the same time, Beijing is squeezing Taiwan economically, pressuring global corporations to cut ties with the island, intimidating countries that cooperate with Taiwan, and clamping down on tourism from the PRC.
In the face of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) accelerating aggression, our congressional delegation’s visit should be seen as an unequivocal statement that America stands with Taiwan, our democratic partner, as it defends itself and its freedom.
Our visit — one of several congressional delegations to the island — in no way contradicts the long-standing one-China policy, guided by the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, the U.S.-China Joint Communiques and the Six Assurances. The United States continues to oppose unilateral efforts to change the status quo. Our visit is part of our broader trip to the Pacific — including Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan — focused on mutual security, economic partnership and democratic governance. Our discussions with our Taiwanese partners will focus on reaffirming our support for the island and promoting our shared interests, including advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region. America’s solidarity with Taiwan is more important today than ever — not only to the 23 million people of the island but also to millions of others oppressed and menaced by the PRC.
Thirty years ago, I traveled in a bipartisan congressional delegation to China, where, in Tiananmen Square, we unfurled a black-and-white banner that read, “To those who died for democracy in China.” Uniformed police pursued us as we left the square. Since then, Beijing’s abysmal human rights record and disregard for the rule of law continue, as President Xi Jinping tightens his grip on power.
The CCP’s brutal crackdown against Hong Kong’s political freedoms and human rights — even arresting Catholic Cardinal Joseph Zen — cast the promises of “one-country, two-systems” into the dustbin. In Tibet, the CCP has long led a campaign to erase the Tibetan people’s language, culture, religion and identity. In Xinjiang, Beijing is perpetrating genocide against Muslim Uyghurs and other minorities. And throughout the mainland, the CCP continues to target and arrest activists, religious-freedom leaders and others who dare to defy the regime.
We cannot stand by as the CCP proceeds to threaten Taiwan — and democracy itself.
Indeed, we take this trip at a time when the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy. As Russia wages its premeditated, illegal war against Ukraine, killing thousands of innocents — even children — it is essential that America and our allies make clear that we never give in to autocrats.
When I led a congressional delegation to Kyiv in April — the highest-level U.S. visit to the besieged nation — I conveyed to President Volodymyr Zelensky that we admired his people’s defense of democracy for Ukraine and for democracy worldwide.
By traveling to Taiwan, we honor our commitment to democracy: reaffirming that the freedoms of Taiwan — and all democracies — must be respected.
嘿 你得问几遍? 青岛的海军航空兵大院儿长大的 我爷爷穿海军服打底 外面飞行员夹克
肯定做不到。美国这个这么自由民主的国家,现在共和党和民主党还掐的跟斗鸡眼似的呢…… 不能想象现在的中国是否有两党专政的土壤
翻译没翻译这句啊! 点名了
老奶奶就是自个爽了一次。以后中共隔三岔五的军演,美国要怎样stand by台湾?和对乌克兰一样,只会动嘴,送死你去。
真的是 读完竟然被世界警察感动了 真相是啥
嗯 那你可能是才来 我们这里还有国庆坐主席台的红三呢
土共军演不花钱么?愿意花钱就演呗 反正都说了 是“演”