In America, there also different doctors other than traditional doctors: Natural path, normally treat with herb extracts by symptoms. Integrated Medicine doctor, some maybe MD, some may be NP Functional doctors. normally has MD Ask around for friends, or search websites, they normally list what field they will treat. They also can order different tests other than regular doctor's blood tests. In some states, they are covered by Insurance, but some states are not. Very Good function doctors will need to wait months to get on the schedule. Find a good one, which will care for the whole body, not just one particular field. The Virus will attach to every organ, so regular doctors have no clue how to deal with it. hope this helps.
抗组胺药是什么药?需要医生开还是over the counter?
我认识一个人疫情前 同样症状 尿量突然增大 也晕 还晕倒过 最后查出来是脑垂体还是哪儿个部位的肿瘤
有一个YouTuber 叫“开开心心一家在美国” 博主老公也是新冠后肾脏有问题,或许Lz可以去联系联系交流? 祝福早日康复!
我前阵子因为别的问题发烧,床上躺了一天之后头疼欲裂,体位变化大了就有要晕倒的感觉。我估计是自己躺太多了,在家多走走两天就好了。要是这症状是在新冠之后出现的,我没准也以为自己得了long covid,那心态就不一样了,在床上继续歪着可能头疼头晕就好不了了。
这里中医好的很难找,你要问有没有类似的病例,就是long covid. 建议找一找有没有这个 Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance 附近的医生 或者一些natural path的医生,他们都会有好的办法 一般的西医对这些后遗症没有办法。 你现在需要补充电解质以免脱水。看着象是VEGUS NERVE malfunction。
以我半吊子中医的打疫苗和得新冠的感受,这个病对心,肾 系统有很强攻击。
In America, there also different doctors other than traditional doctors: Natural path, normally treat with herb extracts by symptoms. Integrated Medicine doctor, some maybe MD, some may be NP Functional doctors. normally has MD Ask around for friends, or search websites, they normally list what field they will treat. They also can order different tests other than regular doctor's blood tests. In some states, they are covered by Insurance, but some states are not. Very Good function doctors will need to wait months to get on the schedule. Find a good one, which will care for the whole body, not just one particular field. The Virus will attach to every organ, so regular doctors have no clue how to deal with it.
hope this helps.