Zheng, a blue-chip, five-star recruit from Montville, New Jersey, is one of the top tennis players in the country in his age group, and was fielding many collegiate offers from some of the nation’s most elite programs. His decision-making process led him to stay local, and take his talents to New York City and attend Columbia, which has established itself as a perennial Top 25 team in men’s college tennis.
You first picked up a racquet around age six when your dad brought you to a court at a high school to play. Now, in 2022, you’ve won an ITF junior title (in Barranquilla, Colombia) and reached a final at Wimbledon. What’s your advice to young juniors in the section who want to eventually get to your level one day? Zheng: If you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way. It’s not only about working hard, but about working smart. You need to find a good coach, a good mentor. And then I think intensity is one of the most important things. Look for intensity when you’re starting out and get into the more technical stuff later. If you work hard, work smart and stick with it, you might not reach No. 1 in the world, but you’ll reach somewhere in tennis. 请网球牛人来解读一下,他的建议是不是一开始应该多上几节group课,而不是请私教纠正动作?我实在太纠结要不要给我闺女上私教了
You first picked up a racquet around age six when your dad brought you to a court at a high school to play. Now, in 2022, you’ve won an ITF junior title (in Barranquilla, Colombia) and reached a final at Wimbledon. What’s your advice to young juniors in the section who want to eventually get to your level one day? Zheng: If you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way. It’s not only about working hard, but about working smart. You need to find a good coach, a good mentor. And then I think intensity is one of the most important things. Look for intensity when you’re starting out and get into the more technical stuff later. If you work hard, work smart and stick with it, you might not reach No. 1 in the world, but you’ll reach somewhere in tennis. 请网球牛人来解读一下,他的建议是不是一开始应该多上几节group课,而不是请私教纠正动作?我实在太纠结要不要给我闺女上私教了
You first picked up a racquet around age six when your dad brought you to a court at a high school to play. Now, in 2022, you’ve won an ITF junior title (in Barranquilla, Colombia) and reached a final at Wimbledon. What’s your advice to young juniors in the section who want to eventually get to your level one day? Zheng: If you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way. It’s not only about working hard, but about working smart. You need to find a good coach, a good mentor. And then I think intensity is one of the most important things. Look for intensity when you’re starting out and get into the more technical stuff later. If you work hard, work smart and stick with it, you might not reach No. 1 in the world, but you’ll reach somewhere in tennis. 请网球牛人来解读一下,他的建议是不是一开始应该多上几节group课,而不是请私教纠正动作?我实在太纠结要不要给我闺女上私教了
Abigail9981 发表于 2022-07-28 14:20
人家都说了啊,first find a good coach。group lesson不怎么纠正每个孩子的动作,达不到good coach的标准。
You first picked up a racquet around age six when your dad brought you to a court at a high school to play. Now, in 2022, you’ve won an ITF junior title (in Barranquilla, Colombia) and reached a final at Wimbledon. What’s your advice to young juniors in the section who want to eventually get to your level one day? Zheng: If you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way. It’s not only about working hard, but about working smart. You need to find a good coach, a good mentor. And then I think intensity is one of the most important things. Look for intensity when you’re starting out and get into the more technical stuff later. If you work hard, work smart and stick with it, you might not reach No. 1 in the world, but you’ll reach somewhere in tennis. 请网球牛人来解读一下,他的建议是不是一开始应该多上几节group课,而不是请私教纠正动作?我实在太纠结要不要给我闺女上私教了
这是华人网友的🐂娃,还是韩裔二代? 期待几年后能在正赛看到
新泽西去年出了Valencia Xu,去了斯坦福;今年出了Michael Zheng,去了哥大,人才辈出啊!
我记得去年的温网 junior champion 是印度人家的孩子,也是新泽西的,不过你看新泽西高中网球校队就知道,超过一半是华人和印度人家的孩子
Zheng: If you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way. It’s not only about working hard, but about working smart. You need to find a good coach, a good mentor. And then I think intensity is one of the most important things. Look for intensity when you’re starting out and get into the more technical stuff later. If you work hard, work smart and stick with it, you might not reach No. 1 in the world, but you’ll reach somewhere in tennis.
就我家娃的经验,直接上私教,效果比group lesson明显好很多。
的确,华裔男孩进入前10的确不容易。 明年有一个华裔女孩,来自Ohio 的 Eleana Yu。
人家都说了啊,first find a good coach。group lesson不怎么纠正每个孩子的动作,达不到good coach的标准。
恭喜! 祝福!
名字和张德培 Michael Chang 只有两个字母的细微区别
Michael最早录的s,Samir签的哥大。但去年samir拿了温网junior的冠军,us open外卡进的正赛。后来s就签了Samir,不知道为啥Michael改到了哥大。两人对调了recruiting。之后Michael改成home school全力打itf积分进junior open。下一步看看us open啥情况吧。
成年男子网球排名非常靠前的球员 没有一个是大学校队出身的 选择去大学里打球 基本就是把网球做跳板 毕业就该干嘛干嘛去了 真想走职业路线 靠网球吃饭 不会选择去大学
说不定这一代不同了,比如Nathan Chen,依然可以学霸+ 冠军。
滑冰的职业化和商业化程度 跟网球差的太远了 大学网球校队之间的比赛 跟成年职业网球根本不在一个水平上 高水平球员 整天打校队比赛 根本就是浪费时间
我们中西部中学网球队也全是印度和中国娃,现在还有高尔夫队也这样。 大家都想的差不多,哪里有出成绩就推啥。
一句话, S的教练人品极差
我的第一反应,曾经那个叫Michael Chang的人。
再早几年有Michael Sun去了Yale
而且 valencia和michael sun都是Livingston这个town的,这是个奇怪的town,下面还有个isabel deluccia也是这个town的,亚裔混血。
Livingston 新州著名卷town啊,啥资源都丰富
张德培17 岁拿了法网冠军。费德勒,小德,纳豆都是15-17 开始打pro的。所以如果真想走pro路线的话还是要趁早。
这几个孩子我都见过。我女儿五岁时候在网球俱乐部上酱油课的时候有一次看到Isabel领奖杯,很羡慕,Isabel的爸爸还对她说 you will get one if you work hard。
Evan前年背部受伤,14个月拿不了球拍,成绩受了影响。他是这届当时最强的,少年天才。同届最早是Evan和cohen两个志在pro,可惜后期都受伤。这也提醒了后面的孩子,伤病是必须要警惕的。 nj这届男孩号称黄金一代,不可复制
都这么年轻出成绩。 Zheng 18岁了,估计真就不是冲pro来的。
这种伤病怎么能避免 还是就是命?
这个好帅 关注一下
为啥最后都没有走pro. 大学和pro真的是两个完全不同的level.
至少我认识的父母那一辈的孩子们都不差。 也难怪其他的人会眼红,要你懂的。
总之,孩子们加油啊! 希望更多娃能在不同领域开始发力发光!
女子我不太清楚,好像没有特别出挑的。我认识一个老美女孩,大概70名左右的吧,去了Dartmouth,她姐姐也在那儿。 认识一位妈妈,两口子都是教练,儿子女儿都打球。她说男孩子无论场上如何竞争,场下都是朋友,一起约着打游戏聊天之类。但女孩子不一样,有些会互相妒忌,有些会非常mean,能成为好友的不多。不知道是不是男女的天性不同,男生能通过这种高竞争的运动实现自我释放,女生却会有更大的压力。
前两年湾区有全国排第一的Connie Ma啊,现在在斯坦福,12才开始学,天才型的选手。
这些都是after school hour。 我们club的教练白天都挺闲的, 教教senior clinic那种。夏天最忙
nj女孩,去年的Valencia xu进的斯坦福,mi lan去的康奈尔(这个有点lowball)。下面8年级有个Shannon lam,14岁刚刚拿了national clay u18的亚军,貌似今年能打us open junior。7年级有个isabel,就是去年us open颁奖捧杯的那个女孩。6年级有sarah ye,目前usta u12 ranking no1。都很厉害!
NJ 网球这么厉害啊, 是因为教练好吗
不仅仅是nj啊,ca fl de ny等很多地方的网球更强,亚裔也出了很多厉害的孩子。只能说 ,网球这个运动对于亚裔相对friendly