Copy pasted, copy right unknown, origin unknown... John, who was in financial difficulty, walked into a church and started to pray. ''Listen God,'' John said. ''I know I haven't been perfect but I really need to win the lottery. I don't have a lot of money. Please help me out.'' He left the church, a week went by, and he hadn't won the lottery, so he walked into a synagogue. ''Come on, God,'' he said. ''I really need this money. My mom needs surgery and I have bills to pay. Please let me win the lottery.'' He left the synagogue, a week went by, and he didn't win the lottery. So, he went to a mosque and started to pray again. ''You're starting to disappoint me, God,'' he said. ''I've prayed and prayed. If you just let me win the lottery, I'll be a better person. I don't have to win the jackpot, just enough to get me out of debt. I'll give some to charity, even. Just let me win the lottery.'' John thought this did it, so he got up and walked outside. The clouds opened up and a booming voice said, ''John, buy a freaking lottery ticket.'' So I am meeting God half way this time.
是不是证明了 time travel 不存在,哈哈
I’m in
咱家一人买了一张, 鸿运这回事还真说不定。
但是,…… 我还是去交一次吧,生活还是要有点乐趣
Time traveler 也在等奖池积累到10亿再买。
到处都有买啊, 加油站, seven eleven。
记得一定要买 mega lotto 啊。
我也要去交个税。 mega lotto啥意思?记得以前买就是mega M,直接让小二打票。
对就是 mega M。
Good luck!
身体: 我在去买lotto的路上了。
现在有大量几年不买一次的人买 平时就买的人现在买更多
John, who was in financial difficulty, walked into a church and started to pray. ''Listen God,'' John said. ''I know I haven't been perfect but I really need to win the lottery. I don't have a lot of money. Please help me out.'' He left the church, a week went by, and he hadn't won the lottery, so he walked into a synagogue. ''Come on, God,'' he said. ''I really need this money. My mom needs surgery and I have bills to pay. Please let me win the lottery.'' He left the synagogue, a week went by, and he didn't win the lottery. So, he went to a mosque and started to pray again. ''You're starting to disappoint me, God,'' he said. ''I've prayed and prayed. If you just let me win the lottery, I'll be a better person. I don't have to win the jackpot, just enough to get me out of debt. I'll give some to charity, even. Just let me win the lottery.'' John thought this did it, so he got up and walked outside. The clouds opened up and a booming voice said, ''John, buy a freaking lottery ticket.''
So I am meeting God half way this time.
你忘了一次性拿要打折,还要交州税和联邦税。 还是不划算。
“这是公认的智商税” ?????看来您的智商也不高啊,不看看奖池有多少钱了?学过数学吗?会算数学期望吗?算完再看看现在去买是不是智商税?